The little ball bounced into the classroom.

Seeing the small table originally surrounded by their six children, today there is a big piece missing.

Some doubtfully tilted his small head and asked, "Hey, did Lulu swollen today? Didn't he come to the young goose garden? Was he ill?"

Yanyan and xiaoqingzi, sitting beside her, shook their heads very synchronously, "Buji Island, Kuo Neng is ill!"

"So, our baby should eat more rice, meat and vegetables to grow strong and not get sick." xiaoqingzi said earnestly: "small soft, or you'd better not eat only one bowl of rice at a meal. Eat more, or you'll feel sick!"

Soft super firm, "no! As a beautiful woman, soft must lose weight! Either thin or dead, beautiful women are like this!"

"Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm

Xiaoqingzi helplessly spread his hands. "Sure enough, women's obsession with weight loss is the same at some ages."

Xiao Ruan sat down, put down her schoolbag and suggested to the other four children, "let's go to see Lulu together?"

"The sick baby is the most pitiful. Lulu must be lying in bed alone and crying with sadness!" Yanyan raised her hand in favor without hesitation.

"Kuo is that we have to go to the young goose garden. We don't know where Lulu's home is. How can we see Lulu?" xiaoqingzi asked suspiciously.

One side of the stink raised his little hand, "where is Lulu's home in Jidao, wow!"

The other four children's eyes twinkled like stars, "stink, great, take us to see Lulu!"

Smelly bit thumb's fingernails, "Kuo is. I hooked up with Lulu and wanted to keep it secret for him!"

Little Tuanzi's short arm tried to hook stinky's small shoulder, "stinky, our baby needs to learn waste flexibility. Wow, when Lulu is free, you should abide by the agreement with Lulu and keep it secret for him.

Kuo is now ill! "

Yanyan and Keke blinked a pair of curious eyes and looked at the small ball, "does it mean that being soft and flexible means plain and unobstructed?"

"No!" Xiaotuan shook his head solemnly. "Flexibility is that our baby should change according to the situation, so as to be a baby who doesn't know the change!"

"Wow, soft and smart!" said Yanyan, clapping her small palm.

The fundus of the small ball's clear and bright big eyes, but the interesting shadow flashed.

The reason why she must go to see Lu Wei is not that she is worried about Lu Wei's illness.

But worried that something more serious had happened to Lu Wei.

Before, the big brother and brother Gu Chen saved the little brother. Although she didn't arrive at the scene, later she found out through her own way that the person who kidnapped the little brother was Yan Li.

This Yan Li has something to do with the people in Chengdu they always say.

So she paid special attention to him.

However, when she followed Yan Li's trend as usual last Friday night, she saw Lu Wei's small figure in the picture.

But because the picture of the two was on the road, she thought it was just a coincidence.

Until today, she found that Lu Wei didn't come to school, she was alert.

But you can't take all four of them together. It's too dangerous.

The small soft, clear and bright eyes turned, straightened the small body, patted the small chest, "go to see Lu Lu, wrap it on her. What do you want to bring Lu Lu with nimeng? Soft, take it with you!"

Yanyan, xiaoqingzi, smelly and Koko all stared. "Don't we fight together?"

The Little Regiment tooted his small mouth and shook his head seriously, "no, wow, we have to divide our work and cooperate. I'll go to see lulu. You stay in the young goose garden to help cover me. You can't let the teacher find that I'm missing!"

The other four children listened. Although they were a little unhappy, they also felt that xiaoruan made sense.

They put the snacks and toys they brought today into a small soft schoolbag and asked her to help Lu Wei as a gift.

Smelly also drew an extremely abstract map to Xiao Ruan, and solemnly told Ruan: "Lulu's home is in a bridge hole under the overpass I have to pass every day when I go home. Ruan, when you see Lulu, don't say I told you!"

With the sincere wishes of the other four little Douding, xiaoruan embarked on the road bravely.

Now you can't get out from the gate of the goose garden, so the dog hole found by Xiao qingzai next to the small zoo in the goose garden comes in handy.

Xiaoruan took off her schoolbag and put it aside. Her round little body crawled on the ground and retreated into the dog's hole.

Xiao Qingzi took her soft hand and said, "soft, you must be careful when you go out!"

"Look at the car before crossing the road."

"Don't talk to Aunt millet you don't know."

"Don't pick up food on the ground!"

"If you don't find the way, hurry to fat, or find the police. Don't run alone!"


Four little bean cubes, you told me one by one, and then there were tears in the four pairs of small eyes.

There is a desolate feeling that you have to send you thousands of miles!

However, when the mood of the four little peas came up, the small ball stopped crawling and retreating.

The little pink and round face was full of embarrassment.

Xiaoqingzi was the first to find xiaoruan's abnormality, and hurriedly asked, "xiaoruan, are you swollen? Are you afraid?

If you are afraid, it doesn't matter. Come back and let brother Qingzi go! "

Xiaoqingzi said and patted his chest with pride.

Xiao Ruan raised her pink face and smiled awkwardly and politely, "I... I'm stuck!"

"Ah --"

All of a sudden, the four small mouths opened up neatly.

The little guys just put away their little emotions. Look at me and I look at you, "what should I do now?"

"Soft, why don't you suck your belly and see if you can come back?" Yanyan thought.

A pair of small hands decorated with meat dens helplessly held a small face and shook his head sadly, "no, wow, I just tried."

"Why don't we go to the teacher!"

Koko tentatively asked the other three little guys for their opinions.

"No!" the other three said in unison.

"If the teacher knows, he will scold us."

"Maybe she will call parents. After calling parents, Yanyan will be mixed doubles again!"


Little soft is holding her face in distress, and her guilt is spreading

Hey, it's all her fault, which has implicated her good friend!

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