"What about your noble man?" after the shock, little peach asked calmly, "are you going to make him miserable because of your family?"

"I'll persuade him to go back," said Xiao Ruan firmly.

Although she was not quite sure, she felt that nine times out of ten what little peach said about her noble person was brother Gu Chen.

Little peach looked at her clenched fist and her face was firm and soft. She suddenly felt that this one-sided little girl was really cute.

At this time, xiaoruan looked at the playful expression on Xiaotao's face and turned his smart eyes.

Suddenly she reacted. She was just worried about her brothers.

I didn't think at all. Since Xiaotao can see her, she can know that she doesn't belong to the world, and can predict her brothers and her future. Does that mean that Xiaotao may also know why their family suffered such bad luck.

Is there a way to help them!

She raised her little pink face, a pair of round and bright eyes, and looked at the little peach blingbly, "sister little peach, can you know this, is there a way to help us?"

The little peach's small face sank, "there's no way, I won't help if I have a way!"

Then he left proudly.

Little Tuan Zi hurriedly chased up with a pair of short legs, "little peach sister, can you help me? Saving one life is better than building a level-7 floating Tu, not to mention six lives in our family?

Otherwise, you will save my five brothers. It doesn't matter if you don't have to save me! "

The little peach said nothing and opened the wheat.

After all, what they said can't be put to the national audience.

[eh, why are the little sisters playing with mud and suddenly making trouble?]

[ah, two smart kids, shut the wheat! Is there anything that our members can't listen to?]

[Gao Leng faner's small peaches x dull, cute, soft and waxy dumplings. Inexplicably, I think this pair of CPS are also a little easy to knock. What's the matter?]

[ls, you're addicted to CP? Everything can knock CP.]


After the secret conversation between xiaotaozi and xiaotuanzi, they went to the vegetable field solemnly and helped Mi Yihan and Tao Ziyu break off the green vegetable leaves fed to pigs.

When Su Xiaowu came back from a circle, he saw that the small ball was lying on the ground and devoted himself to gnawing the green vegetable leaves she couldn't break off with her teeth.

Su Xiaowu: "

Although he is not as clean as the four big ones, his sister is really a little careless!

There is still a lump of pig shit that hasn't completely rotted in the green vegetable nest in this field!

Can this sister still have it?

He just wanted to go down and pick up the ball.

Su Yan, who is carrying corn back to the pumpkin house and passing by the vegetable field, has seen this scene.

Su Yan put the basket on the ground, took two steps to get off the ground, and picked up the small ball, "little soft, what are you doing?"

Like a little milk cat, the little dumpling shrunk a pair of small hands and feet, blinked a pair of innocent big eyes, looked at the fourth brother, "I'm breaking the vegetable leaves fed to pigs!"

Su Yan: "then why lie on the ground and bite with your teeth?"

"Because it's so soft, I can't break it with my hands!" the Little Regiment blinked his big eyes and answered righteously.

Su Yan: "

Is that what he's asking?


Su Yanban raised his face, looked at the small ball very seriously and said, "small soft, you can't lie on the ground and bite the vegetable leaves with your mouth. There are a lot of bacteria in the vegetable leaves and the ground. You will get sick, you know?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and wiped away the mud stains on the corners of his mouth.

I didn't think of my cleanliness habit at all.

However, turning around and looking at Su Xiaowu, the tenderness on his face disappeared instantly, and his face was as cold as ice sculpture.

"Su Xiaowu, come here!"

Su Xiaowu rubbed in front of her and whispered, "Su Laosi, I don't care about soft. I know it's wrong. We're on the live program now. I'll come here and give you face. Will you save me some face?"

[little brother: the fourth brother is a double labeled dog. He is so gentle to his sister and fierce to me. Don't I want face?]

[hahaha, my little brother is a genius in negotiation!]

[little brother, if you want face, you have to close the wheat first. Now the audience all over the country have heard you. What face do you want?]


Small soft soft also hurriedly pulled the corners of the four brothers, "four brothers, the little brother is right. In front of the national audience, we have to save face for the little brother!"

Su Yan glanced at Su Xiaowu coldly, "OK, I'll save face for you and let the tyrant clean you up when I go back."

"Come on!" Su Xiaowu patted his hands fearlessly. Anyway, he didn't know how many times he had been cleaned up since he was young. In addition, he was in a particularly good mood recently.

Don't bother with these brothers whose brain circuits are not normal!

After su Yan repeatedly asked Su Xiaowu to take xiaoruan, he left with the basket of corn on his back.

The vegetable leaves are almost broken.

Looking at Tao Ziyu, it's hard to carry it alone.

Xiao Ruan hurried up to her, "sister piaoying, Ruan, take some for you!"

Then he opened his arms and tried his best to bring out a large handful of vegetable leaves in the back basket.

While holding a small belly and trying to hold the vegetable leaves, he gave the little peach a bright little face.

Little peach also held a large number of vegetable leaves, turned his face aside and whispered, "if you please my sister, I won't help you."

Su Xiaowu and Mi Yihan naturally held a large number of vegetable leaves. In this way, there was not much left in Tao Ziyu's basket. They easily carried them back to the pumpkin house.

As soon as he entered the yard, a man greeted him, "Hey, sister, Miss Tao, you're back. You've worked hard.

Ah, these are small peaches and small soft. The two little girls are so cute! "

Wang Yingjun said, stretching out two claws to touch the top of xiaoruan and Xiaotao.

The two little guys stepped back at the same pace.

Xiao Ruan smiled at Wang Yingjun. "Brother, Ruan forgot to wash her hair yesterday. Her hair is dirty and oily. She will touch her brother's hands!"

When she spoke, her eyes looked at the little girl next to Wang Yingjun.

The little girl is so much like Qin Miaoxian. No matter her look or appearance, it seems to be carved in the same mold!

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