"Soft, how do you think of her?" asked Su Xiaowu with a puzzled face.

Xiao Ruan's big bright eyes darkened a little and dropped his small head, "four brothers, Ruan just dreamed..."

Su Yan held Xiao Ruan in his arms and thought that Ruan was covered by Wang Jiajia's pillow just now. When he woke up, he was full of fear and heartache.

Although these things, they didn't want soft to know.


"Don't be afraid, Ruan. She's not dead." Su Yan said, "your eldest brother and I wanted to send her to the mental hospital after we came back from Emei last time, but she crashed into the wall and killed herself before she left the door of the Qin family.

Qin Tao didn't care about her. Your big brother and I couldn't bear it, so we sent her to the hospital for rescue.

But... "

"Su Laosi, don't let the cat out of the bag. How is she?" Su Xiaowu was a little worried.

"People were rescued, but they became vegetative." Su Yan said with a sigh, "and during the rescue, the doctor found a chip in her brain."

With a chip in your head?

This technique

Xiaoruan was stunned for a moment.

Before crossing, she thought she had left her, but she didn't expect to be brought back by her.

Her white and tender little hand grabbed Su Yan's big hand, "four brothers, where's the chip?"

"It was taken by your third brother!" Su Yan said slightly in doubt, "the third said he would take the chip to study, xiaoruan. What are you doing with the chip?"

A small soft heart suddenly mentioned to her throat.

Controlling people with chips

She thought she came back from crossing, and those people and things had nothing to do with her.

But I didn't expect

She was careless.

She quickly dialed her third brother, but when the call time was over, there was a mechanical busy tone.

Small soft clutched the mobile phone tightly, and a pair of clear and transparent eyes were as deep as black jade at this time.

"Four brothers, let's find three brothers!"


Su Yan ordered the driver to drive to the research institute without thinking about it.

However, when they arrived at the Research Institute, they learned from Su Yifan's colleague Ying Wenhai that Su Yifan answered the phone three hours ago.

Xiao Ruan raised her pink face and looked anxiously at Ying Wenhai, "Ying Shu, do you know where my three brothers have gone?"

Ying Wenhai shook his head blankly, "I don't know."

"But..." Ying Wenhai twisted his eyebrows and continued, "Xiao Ruan, your three brothers are really strange these days.

The state originally sent people to secretly protect the safety of us, but a month ago, Yifan suddenly applied and asked the state to withdraw all the people who protected him. "

Hearing Ying Wenhai's words, Su Yan finally worried, "shit, this Su Yifan, what is he doing? Do you want to die?"

"Why are you suddenly in such a hurry to find him? Is there something at home, or are you worried..." Ying Wenhai didn't finish what he said. The front of the conversation changed: "if there is a need, I can apply and find Yifan immediately at all costs."

Xiao Ruan looked back at Ying Wenhai calmly and said, "Ying millet, it's not necessary for the time being. If necessary, I'll ask you for help."

"Hmm!" Ying Wenhai nodded. "Xiaoruan, if you need your uncle's help, just ask."

Xiao Ruan and Su Xiaowu follow Su Yan back to the car.

Small soft soft took out the butterfly that Su Yifan gave her, "go find the third brother!"

However, as soon as her command was sent out, the red light lit up on the two tentacles of the butterfly.

This time, even Su Xiaowu knew the seriousness of the matter.

With some trembling in his voice, he asked softly, "sister, you let this broken butterfly find Su Laosan. What does it mean to light a red light for you?"

The little soft face became more dignified. "The third brother took the initiative to cut off the contact with the butterfly. The butterfly couldn't find him!"

Originally, the third brother gave her the butterfly so that she could find him at any time and anywhere through the butterfly, but now

No matter how soft she forced herself to calm down, she still couldn't help crying at the moment.

She didn't dare to think about why the third brother had to cut off his connection with the butterfly, let alone what happened to the third brother.

Su Xiaowu opened the door and was about to get off. "I went to Uncle Ying for help. Su Laosan has studied so many high-tech things for the country. The country will not ignore him."

"You come back!" Su Yan dragged Su Xiaowu back.

Su Xiaowu was also worried. "Su Laosi, what are you doing? Do you expect Su Laosan to die because he always hates you?

At this time, if you don't ask the state for help, what else do you want to do? "

Xiaoruan wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and knew that the fourth brother thought the same as her.

It is because of this time that they can't ask the state for help.

In the world before she crossed, the three brothers were with spies from other countries when they finally found them.

So that he faced countless censorship. The three brothers were not afraid of those censorship, but they couldn't stand it. No matter how good the team was, there were one or two mouse excrement to frame him.

Finally, he had to end up unjustly on the charge of espionage and betrayal!

Su Yan dreamed of these things. Now Su Yiqing, Su Ziyuan, and even Su Xiaowu have suffered the fatal crisis in his dream. Only Su Yifan is still safe until now.

Now that Su Yifan is missing, Su Yan naturally thinks of the dream.

Su Yan reached out and rubbed his eyebrows. "Su Xiaowu, I'll take you back first!"

"I won't go back!" Su Xiaowu shouted stubbornly, "last time there was an accident between the tyrant and xiaoruan, you left me at home. Now there is an accident with the third child, you want to leave me at home again. I won't do it!

I'll go with you to find the third! "

The little soft hand held Su Xiaowu's hand, "little brother, stop making trouble. Let's listen to the words of the fourth brother and go back first!"

Su Xiaowu's irritable mood calmed down in an instant. Although he was still a little unconvinced, he held his chest in his hands, turned his face out of the window and said nothing more angrily.

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