Inside the building, there was a dead silence, and the alarm sound of the small soft brick machine was particularly harsh.

The lips like the petals of small soft cherry blossoms are tight and white.

A small heart seemed to jump out of the chest.

Gu Chen tightly grasped the small Tuanzi's hand and looked at her firmly, "don't be afraid, I'm here!"

The other side.

In Su Yifan's room, outside the transparent secret room, a slight mechanical rotation sound sounded again.

The man of D who had just disappeared appeared again, with a funny arc around his mouth, looked into the secret room and still said in broken Chinese: "Mr. Su, your Su family is crouching tiger, hidden dragon, which surprised my master.

So, my master wants to make this game more fun! "

Then he pressed the remote control in his hand.

Suddenly, cold air sprayed into the sealed chamber where they were located.

People in D looked at the remote control in their hands, "Mr. Su, the oxygen concentration in your secret room is 17% and the temperature is 0 ° C. the temperature will drop by one degree every ten minutes.

Have a good time, Mr. Su! "

Su Yifan sat on the ground with his back against the transparent wall and controlled the rhythm of his breathing. He didn't even open his eyes.

Shadow three and shadow seven didn't move either. Now their environment is lack of oxygen, and any small action of them will cause oxygen consumption.

But if it goes on like this, with the temperature getting lower and lower, they will not suffocate because of lack of oxygen, but also freeze to death!

The people of country D saw that Su Yifan had no response, but the expression on his face was more interesting. "By the way, the master also told me to let Mr. Su see how much this lovely little sister loves you!"

As he spoke, the holographic projection of Xiao Ruan and Gu Chen clearly appeared in the air behind him.

Gu Chen led xiaoruan along the metal corridor. Xiaoruan's face was never serious and nervous.

When Su Yifan opened his eyes and saw the small soft figure, the sharp light in his eyes flashed by.

The next moment, readjust your breathing and close your eyes.

But his hands were clenched into fists.

Xiaoruan is coming. He must go out alive and never let xiaoruan be in danger.

D people looked at him, smiled and disappeared from the room again.

Su Yifan's two white egg shaped metals appeared again.

His long and narrow Phoenix eyes under his gold rimmed glasses glowed coldly, looked at shadow three and shadow 71, "come here!"

Shadow three and shadow seven were stunned, and they hurried to his side.

An egg in Su Yifan's hand became bigger and completely wrapped them in it.

The other one was launched by him and thrown out.


There was a violent explosion, and their room trembled violently.

The metal eggs wrapped around the three people were put away, but the transparent secret room box outside did not change at all.

Su Yifan stood up, his slender fingers with distinct joints groping for transparent materials.

This material is as soft and elastic as jelly when touched by his fingertips!

Just now, when he leaned on it, he felt as hard as diamond.

Hard and soft.

How can such material tear a hole?

Su Yifan frowned tightly.


Xiaoruan and Gu Chen, who were walking in the metal channel, also heard a slight explosion.

Small soft tight wring small eyebrows, quickly determined the direction, "this way!"

Then he tossed his short legs and ran in the direction of the explosion.

As soon as they entered Su Yifan's room, before they saw Su Yifan, they first faced their own holographic projection in the room.

But only after a glance.

Holographic projection light and shadow changes, and a person whose whole body is shrouded in a black cloak appears in the picture.

Looking at the figure, xiaoruan was surprised, and her fleshy little hand clenched into a fist.

The person in the holographic projection picture opened his cloak, but revealed a face wearing a silver mask, "Su Ruan, Gu Chen, my old friends, I'm glad to see you here again.

Next, the game officially begins. Have a good time! "

His voice fell and the holographic projection disappeared.

Xiao Ruan widened her eyes, looked at the place where the holographic projection disappeared, and looked at Gu Chen again.

Isn't brother Gu Chen the big brother wearing the silver mask before she crossed?

But before crossing, she wanted her time machine, and even the villain who almost killed her several times wore such a black cloak covering her face every time.

How can a bad guy be a mask brother?

The little soft heart was upset for a moment.

Gu Chen looked at her foolish little appearance and just wanted to say something to her.

She recovered a serious look, "it's important to save the third brother first!"

She stretched out her little hand and touched the completely transparent material, soft like jelly. With a slight force, her little hand directly bounced her back.

Trapped inside, Su Yifan, who was already extremely weak due to lack of oxygen and freezing, reached out across the transparent material to face her small hand.

Then he took off his glasses, looked at Gu Chen and said with his lips, "take soft and go!"

The small soft bright big eyes were filled with tears, but they didn't make themselves cry.

She picked up the brick machine and hit it hard. This time, it didn't bounce back soft, but there was a burst of sparks under the force!

Gu Chen pulled her hand. "If you can't break it, you can break the system freely."

Small soft hands quickly disassembled the brick machine and formed a computer to connect with Gu Chen.

Su Yifan was angry inside. "Gu Chen, take me soft and go!"

Gu Chen, who was concentrating on cracking the system with xiaoruan, raised her eyes and frowned at him, "shut up!"

Su Yifan: "

Gu Chen, you smelly boy!

As like as two peas, brother looked at him with the same expression. "Three brother support, good, no trouble, soft will save you!"

Su Yifan: "

With the passage of time, fine beads of sweat have seeped from the small soft and smooth head.

Su Yifan looked at the small soft outside, and the corners of his mouth evoked the tenderest smile.

Although he felt that he was going to die, he was happy to look at his sister before he died!

The little soft hand slightly trembled and knocked down the Enter key. His big eyes were full of anxiety and looked at Su Yifan.

The transparent wall disappeared. Su Yifan, who was sitting against the wall, fell to the ground with shadow three and shadow seven.

Xiaoruan left the computer and rushed over and hugged Su Yifan, "three brothers!"

The tears in my eyes finally rolled down.

However, Su Yifan's whole body is as cold and stiff as an ice sculpture.

Little soft hurriedly held the three brothers' cold hands in his arms.

Gu Chen frowned and took the medicine from Qiu Shun's hand and fed it into Su Yifan's mouth, "Qiu Shun, take off his coat and hold Su Yifan!"

Qiu Shun: "

Blushed shyly.

But the little master didn't dare to disobey his orders. He had to take off his coat and warm Su Yifan with his wide chest.

On the other side, Gu Chen also fed pills to shadow three and shadow seven.

It's just that they don't get as good treatment as Su Yifan, and someone warms them up.

Outside the whole building, the man from country D stood trembling behind the boy wearing a black cloak and a pure black mask, with a cold sweat on his face, "master, the system has been broken by them, and his subordinates are incompetent. Please punish him!"

The boy's lip angle hooked, "the speed is quite fast!"

He took a final look at the building, turned and left, "blow up here!"


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