When Su Xiaowu came out of the examination room, he smiled brightly and flattered Yu Wuwei, "Lao Yu, I admire your medical skill.

What's the use of those messy mirrors?

You can see at a glance that I have no problem. The tyrant still wants me to check. He doesn't mean to fix me... "

Yu Wuwei, with a helpless smile, dealt with Su Xiaowu's chatter.

He went to Su Yifan and said, "there's nothing wrong with the third and fifth children. He only did the enteroscopy and gastroscopy two months ago. There's no need to do it this time.

The glycemic index is normal, and diabetes mellitus does not exist.

It's normal for him to eat more when he's growing up. You don't have to be too nervous. "

Su Yifan, who already knows the reasons for Su Xiaowu's overeating, naturally will not force him to check again.

After thanking too much inaction, he left the hospital.

Su Xiaowu, who escaped the disaster, was so happy that he flew up and hummed all the way.

However, his good mood did not last long. When he found that the scenery outside the window was becoming more and more familiar, his face collapsed again.

"Hey, hey, stop the car. This is not the car to go home. Sue, where are you taking me and Ruan?

Still want to kidnap us to blackmail the tyrant's money? "

Su Yifan's face was expressionless and didn't bother to talk to him.

It was small and soft. After looking at the scenery outside the window, a pair of ice grape black shining big eyes looked at Su Xiaowu suspiciously, "eh, little brother, this is the road to the young goose garden. Don't you remember?"

The villain in Su Xiaowu's heart shed two lines of sad tears. He remembered. Why didn't he remember?

He will remember this road even if he is 70 years old and 80 years old.

He broke down a small face, "old Su, can you not be so heartless?

I'm your own brother. Do you have to do this to me?

I just got a physical examination from the hospital. If you don't let me rest for a day, you will send me to school again. Won't your conscience hurt? "

"Oh, your physical examination measured your height and weight, which can also be the reason for you to play truant?" Su Yifan snorted coldly.

Su Xiaowu's face is loveless.

Xiao Ruan pulled rasu Yifan, and Xiao Naiyin said softly, "three brothers, or let the little brother go back to rest today and go to school tomorrow!"

She winked at Su Yifan.

Black string said that he had to observe greedy ghosts more and catch greedy ghosts to be more sure.

Su Yifan immediately understood that she asked Su Xiaowu to go back to rest for a reason.

Frowning, he reluctantly agreed: "since soft pleaded for you, go back and have a rest today!"

Su Xiaowu was so excited that he hugged xiaotuanzi. If the space in the car was not limited, he simply wanted to fly high with his own sister!

Two claws holding a small soft face, "soft, you are really the little brother's little angel!"

The little soft face was pinched painfully by him. He quickly reached out and patted his claws, "pain, little brother, you let go!"

Su Yifan's cold eyes also flew to Su Xiaowu.

Su Xiaowu quickly let go and was so embarrassed that the fly rubbed his hands. "Sister, I'm sorry. My little brother was too excited and missed for a while."

Xiaoruan grabbed his hand and xiaonaiyin said sweetly, "it doesn't matter, little brother. Ruan doesn't blame you!"

Her Obsidian eyes looked at her little brother, full of heartache.

The greedy ghost really influenced not only the little brother's appetite, but also many of his behavior habits have changed imperceptibly.

In the past, the little brother would never lose weight when he pinched her face, and he would not do anything like a fly rubbing his hands.

After su Yifan sent xiaoruan to the kindergarten, he took Su Xiaowu home.

Small soft carrying a small schoolbag, thinking about his little brother, walked into the classroom.

Half a day in a daze with a small head.

Until noon, xiaoruan was unconsciously stuffing food into his mouth with a small spoon.


Suddenly, Yu Yanyan slapped Xiao Ruan's small hand holding the spoon, and said in a frightened voice, "soft can't eat, toxic!"

Xiaoruan looked at the delicious mushrooms in her bowl and looked at Yu Yanyan with a confused face.

The teacher also came over and said softly, "Yanyan, these mushrooms are carefully selected by the uncles and aunts of the canteen. They won't be toxic!"

"Hum!" Yu Yanyan proudly hugged her chest with both hands and said coldly with a little pride: "teacher, you can cheat other children, but you can't cheat me!

I went to Cloud City with Ma Ma. There are many such mushrooms there.

I also learned a nursery rhyme! "

Then she began to sing with great momentum,

"Red umbrella, white pole, after eating, lie in the coffin together, and then bury the mountain together.

Bury the mountain, cry and shout, and eat at the homes of relatives and friends.

After dinner, there are umbrellas. The whole village lies in coffins together. No one buries the mountains and dries them together.

The air is dry, the sun is wilting, and a red umbrella opens on his body! "

The teacher looked at the absolutely non-toxic and delicious Tricholoma matsutake in the children's bowl. She was a little helpless. How should she explain that Tricholoma matsutake is non-toxic?

When the teacher was worried, the children's attention had shifted.

They all left their bowls and spoons and gathered around Yu Yanyan.

"Yan Yan, listen to the nursery rhyme you just sang. Teach me, teach me, okay!"

"Teach me, teach me!"


The children scrambled to raise their small hands.

Teacher: "

Why don't you see these little guys so active when you teach the Three Character Classic in class?

Soon, the sound of "burying mountains and crying" rang out in the whole classroom.

Even, they changed the lyrics of the game of throwing handkerchiefs after class to this.

After two hours, this nursery rhyme completely replaced the nursery rhyme of xiaoruan, who was a beginner, bombing the school with explosives on his back, and became a new generation of nursery rhyme.

When all the children are playing hi.

Lu Wei sat beside Xiao Ruan, "Ruan, what's the matter with you? Why have you been unhappy today?"

Little soft blinked her big bright eyes, "I'm fine, Lu Lu, why didn't you go out to play?"

Lu Wei patted his small chest, "I'm your child's adoptive husband. If you don't go out to play, I'll be here with you."

Small soft helpless.

Forget it. Anyway, she can't think of anything about greedy ghosts here. When she comes home from school, discuss it with heixian before deciding what to do!

She stood up, took Lu Wei's small hand and walked out with great momentum, "Lu Lu, go, let's bury the mountain with Yan Yan and them!"

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