The next day, the sun shone in the sky and the flowers smiled at me.

A Xiang dressed Su Ruan and tied her up.

The small group hopped downstairs. The small face carved with Pink Jade was full of vitality and a pair of big dark eyes were shining brightly. "Aunt Xiang, haven't you got up yet?" the small group looked around and found that only the servant was busy.

"The young master has gone out to exercise and should be back soon."


The small group thought for a moment, "aunt Xiang, wokuo, go to the kitchen to make breakfast for the big pot?"

The little biscuits baked for the big brother yesterday afternoon were all messed up by the little brother. Now I think of it, she is still very angry!

The little pot is so hateful that she will never forgive him again!

"Young lady, what do you want to cook for the young master?"

With Su Ruan's first cooking show yesterday afternoon, Ah Xiang is not so close to her going into the kitchen.

Little Tuanzi tilted his head and thought for a while, "what do big pots usually eat in the morning?"

These days, the big brother eats porridge, steamed buns and dumplings with him every morning for breakfast, but she doesn't know what the big brother likes to eat!

"Before the little lady came back, the young master usually ate sandwiches, fried eggs and milk in the morning."

The little ball ran into the kitchen, "that nest is for the big pot to fry eggs."

After she entered the kitchen, Li Chang hurried into the kitchen to help.

When the cook heard that she was going to fry eggs, he quickly adjusted the fire, put the oil in place, and handed her the eggs after knocking them.

The small group stood on the small stool and carefully broke the beaten eggshell into two halves. The egg liquid fell into the hot oil and changed its properties

But Su Ruan looked at the group without beauty

Turning around, a pair of bright big eyes bulingbuling looked at Lao Liu, "uncle Liu, do you have a mold for frying eggs?"

"Yes, yes."

Lao Liu just reacted. He patronized to see the lovely smile of Xiaotuan Zi. Unexpectedly, he forgot to give the mold to Xiaotuan Zi, "Miss, what shape do you want?"

"Do you have a heart?" Su Ruan lovably compared a big heart on her chest.

Lao Liu gave her a heart-shaped mold and put it into the pot.

When a love fried egg came out of the oven, Su Yiqing's voice came from the outside, "haven't you got up yet?"

Xiaotuanzi hurriedly took the breakfast plate that Lao Liu helped set up, ran out and held the plate high in front of Su Yiqing, "big pot, eat eggs!"

Su Yiqing's originally tight face showed a gentle smile in an instant.

He took the plate and took Su's little hand to the table.

Little Tuanzi sat on the chair, shaking his two short legs like lotus roots, looking forward to his big brother, "big pot, the eggs are soft for you. Are they delicious?"

The sun instantly shone into the deepest part of Su Yiqing's eyes, "it's very delicious. But soft is too small now. It's easy to get hurt in the kitchen. It's OK to fry eggs for his brother when soft grows up."

Su Xiaowu glanced at the exquisite heart-shaped fried eggs on Su Yiqing's plate, then looked at the shapeless pool on his plate, and angrily stabbed a fork on the fried eggs.

The tyrant is eccentric, so is a little thing!

Su Xiaowu stared at the deep love between Su Yiqing and xiaotuanzi's brother and sister, and chewed his shapeless fried egg in his mouth.

Su Yiqing glanced at him lightly.

He simply put down his knife and fork and drank the milk angrily. "I'll eat well and go to school first."

Then he walked towards the yard.

In the yard, President No. 1 stared at the windy Cadillac, and then went to Bentley and closed the door with a bang.

Li Chang looked at Su Xiao's angry appearance in the rearview mirror and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

Although the young master is often angry these days when Ruan comes back, it is different from before.

I won't tease them all day like before.

After su Miao got on the bus, Su Xiaowu, who was sitting paralyzed, turned to the window and didn't look at Su Miao's face.


Su Ruan eats her belly round, which makes Su Yiqing hold hands and go to the yard to take a bus.

Li Mo'er had already been waiting outside the car.

Seeing Su Ruan, his eyes lit up.

"Wow, baby, you are so cute. What's your name?"

Su Ruan looked up and smiled at two beautiful little pear vortices. "Hello, aunt, the nest is called Su Ruan, and you are called Wo Ruan."

Li Mo'er listened to the sweet milk sound and felt that his heart was about to melt.

I really want to steal the child. What should I do?

As soon as she wanted to pinch Su Ruan's delicious little face, Su's cold voice interrupted her, "I didn't hire you to delay my sister's time."

Li Mo'er pouted. God is really unfair. Why can such a bad tempered ice cube have such a rich and loving sister.

And she, an invincible young girl, doesn't have a sister?

After su Yiqing got on the bus with Su Ruan, he put the small ball into the safety seat and carefully fastened the safety belt. Then he sat down in the next seat.

Su Ruan looked at Su Yiqing suspiciously. "Big pot, do you want to send the nest to the young goose garden today?"

Su Yiqing reached out and pinched the little tug on her head. "Of course, let xiaoruan go to the kindergarten alone. My brother is not at ease."

The two small short legs dangled, "in fact, my aunt sent Ruan to the young goose garden. Go to work quickly!"

How does she feel that her big brother is becoming more and more clingy?

To kindergarten.

As soon as Su Ruan got off the bus, he saw the round Qin Haoyu children looking around the door.

Seeing her, little fat paper came running over, took his hand and ran to the kindergarten.

However, his little short leg just ran two steps, and he was picked up by a big hand. Then he looked at Su Yiqing with cold eyes, "can you lead my sister?"

Qin Haoyu thought of being beaten by Su Yiqing's dimensionality reduction yesterday. He felt that the hero didn't eat the loss at present. He shrunk his small feet, carried his small hands and solemnly said, "pot, pot, I understand the rules. I don't hold soft, I promise!"

Su Yiqing put down the little fat paper with satisfaction.

Su soft and speechless helped her forehead. Her big brother really wanted to break all her peach blossoms from her kindergarten!

As soon as the little fat paper landed, he couldn't control his little hand and wanted to pull the small ball's hand, but under the gaze of Su Yiqing, his half stretched little fat claw was stunned, turned in a direction and touched his melon skin head.

Dogleg accompanied Su Ruan's side and approached the kindergarten solemnly.

After entering the gate of the kindergarten, he looked back and found that Su Yiqing had left.

Then he ran to the parking area of the kindergarten with his small soft hands and said proudly, "soft, you see, wo got up early this morning and came to the young goose park to help you occupy the parking space!"

Su Ruan looked at the proud appearance of little fat paper. Although she didn't want to spoil his fun, she still had to say awkwardly, "I don't have a car!"

Little fat paper's proud little appearance was frozen in an instant, but after a while, he reacted, dragged his foot pulley across the two small parking spaces, and put it in front of Su Ruan, "nest's car, here you are!"

"I'll give you my car, too."

"Soft, nest car, also give you!"


When little fat paper was proud of his decision-making, more than a dozen little boys appeared around, dragging cars to give to little soft.

Little fat paper suddenly turned green.

Carrying the car, the car stood in front of the small group, "nest is a good friend!"

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