Su Ruan pouted her little ass and dug soil in a small vegetable field opened up by the lake.

The lakeside has been surrounded by exquisite wooden railings and retro thick ropes, which not only increases the safety factor but also does not affect the beauty.

Li Chang and a Xiang also helped dig the soil in the vegetable field.

Susie caught a cold because she fell into the water yesterday, but she insisted on not going to the hospital. When she heard that Su Ruan was going to open up land to grow vegetables, she wrapped a blanket and sat next to Li Chang and a Xiang to help her dig out all the worms such as earthworms dug out of the ground.

The soil of a small vegetable field was finally turned over. Su Ruan straightened up his body, wiped the sweat on his face without scruples, and directly wiped the mud on his face.

"Ha ha, little cat, soft cat!" Susie laughed rudely.

Li Chang and a Xiang also laughed.

A Xiang wanted to take a small ball to wash, but she refused. "Aunt a Xiang, I'll plant the seeds first and then wash them! The president said, work hard, and then decline, three and exhaust!"

Her words, which were not pronounced clearly, immediately made the three people laugh again.

In a burst of laughter, a crying voice suddenly came into everyone's ears, "why did you pull up my rose? This is a variety that my eldest brother brought back to me from abroad. It's my favorite flower."

Su Miao said and wiped away two tears that fell from her cheeks.

Su Ruan and Susie looked at each other.

Su Ruan really doesn't know about it.

The reason why she chose this land to grow vegetables was that the roses in this area grew the worst, and it was not a pity to pull them out.

Who would have thought that the worst growing flower was su Miao's favorite.

When Susie saw her coming, her willow eyebrows stood up. "I said, Su Miao, you used to be so domineering. Although it's a little annoying, it's much better than you crying all day now! What do you have to cry about? Brother, do you lack your food or your clothes?"

Li Chang and Ah Xiang looked at her crying, and they didn't feel half distressed.

Since Ruan Tuanzi came back, Su Miao has become very fond of crying in front of people.

But just two days ago, before she was rushed to the small building, secretly, because the small dessert sent to her by a maid in the kitchen was not to her taste, she smashed a big hole in her forehead directly with the dessert plate.

Li Chang stood up and said respectfully, "Miss Miao Miao, it's the meaning of the young master to open up this piece for Miss Ruan as a vegetable field."

Su Miao's angry light swept over Susie. Then she looked at Su Ruan softly and forced a smile, "it's Ruan Ruan's sister who wants to grow vegetables. It doesn't matter. Just pull out my rose!"

"Uncle Li, can you find me some big flowerpots? I want to plant these roses again. My brother tried hard to find them for me. I don't want to disappoint my brother."

"OK, Miss Miaomiao, I'll have someone find it for you."

Looking at her pale face and forbearance, Li Chang is still a little moved. After all, he has been spoiled since he came to the Su family. It's normal to have a big temper.

After Li Chang left, Su Miao walked over to Su Ruan, "Ruan, let me help you sow."

Su ruruan quickly waved her hand, "sister Miaomiao, no need, just have aunt Axiang and me. You were bitten by a poisonous snake yesterday, so have a good rest!"

She didn't dare to ask Su Miao to help her. After all, her four-year-old little carrot has a head and body. If Su Miao really wants to die, it's hard for her to resist.

Yesterday, Susie, who was supposed to catch snakes, was hit and fell into the water with her. Although after su Yiqing's investigation, she said that Su Miao really slipped on the wetland before she hit Susie, and she threw herself directly on the poisonous snake.

Will be bitten on the stomach by a poisonous snake. The snake poison is serious.

But Su Ruan can't believe that she really came here to help Susie save her.

Seeing Su Ruan's refusal, Su Miao bit her lip and retreated to one side.

After planting all the seeds and burying the soil, Su Ruan poured water on them one by one with a small water spray pot.

Then he stood on the edge of the vegetable field with his small waist crossed, looked at his labor achievements and nodded with satisfaction.

The two chubby little hands patted each other. Just when they wanted to go back to the room to wash up, they went to see Susie deal with the insects. They heard a little fat sweet voice, "soft, soft..."

"Soft, are you swollen today? Didn't you go to the young goose garden? Wo has reserved a parking space for you. By the way, I bought you a new car, but you won't let Wo give it to you." Qin Haoyu ran to Su soft and said.


Her little brother went to find Qin haohuan. It's really annoying.

"The nest fell into the water yesterday and didn't go to the young goose garden today. Why did you come to my house?" Su Ruan looked at Qin haohuan's back with his little head, but he didn't see Qin Tao's shadow.

Did Qin Haoyu come by himself today?

Qin haohuan got nervous and hurriedly took her to look and touch her forehead. "Soft, you fell into the water. Did you blow dry your hair immediately? Did you catch a cold?"

"No, I'm growing vegetables." Su Ruan shared his vegetable plot with Qin Haoyu.

Then, Qin Haoyu was invited to watch Susie's process of making those insects into specimens with her.

As soon as little fat Dun walked into Susie's room, he saw those bottles and cans and all kinds of small animals soaked in unknown liquid, and his fat face turned white.

However, in order to show masculinity in front of Ruan, little fatty endured and visited the whole process with Ruan with great interest.

After that, I kept holding it until I got back to my car.

After xiaopangduner left, Su Ruan also went back to his room, took out a brick mobile phone, and tapped the keyboard with his fingers quickly.

I just learned from Qin Haoyu that his father is very busy recently.

She remembered that in the data she investigated, it was almost this time that the big brother would encounter a big crisis, which directly led to his lifelong disability, so that he was unable to deal with the company's affairs.

After several misjudgments, many senior executives of the company were poached, and the collapse of Su's building began from then on.

However, after coming back so long, she always had a problem that she didn't understand. That is, both old lady Su and Su Yan mentioned Chengdu in their conversation with Su Yiqing.

And she did not find anything else besides Qin's data, but what was the matter there?

Without a clue, she put it down temporarily. At present, the most important thing is to protect the big brother and never let the big brother get a little hurt again.

When she put the brick machine away, she heard Su Yan's eager voice downstairs, "Uncle Li, is my brother back?"

"Fourth young master, the eldest young master called back and said there was a banquet to attend tonight. He might come back late. What's your emergency?"

Su Ruan went downstairs and saw Su Yan fall down on the sofa. "It's nothing. It's the same when I wait for him at home."

"Four pots, you're back!" Su ran to Su Yan softly.

This time, Su Yan didn't reject her. Instead, he held her tightly in his arms, rubbed her soft little face and whispered, "soft, it's good for you to come back!"

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