After su Yan left, Su Yiqing directly pushed away the party he was scheduled to go to tonight and returned home with Su Ruan.

Along the way, Su Ruan was a little worried.

Although she had tried to make the most detailed investigation before crossing, after all, it was a long time. The details of that year had been eliminated by the Su family or the Qin family. Coupled with the erosion of time, she could find few details.

Therefore, she did not know the specific time and place of Su Yiqing's great crisis, let alone the specific details.

Fortunately, they went all the way back to Su's house without incident.

Li Chang has been waiting for them at the door. Knowing that they haven't had dinner yet, he quickly asked the kitchen to cook it.

After dinner, Su Yiqing still read to Su Ruan and coaxed her to sleep. Only then did she enter the study and begin to deal with the unfinished work.

Su Ruan slept uneasily this night. She didn't know whether she was affected by Su Yan. After she crossed, she dreamed of what happened before crossing for the first time.

After she woke up, she subconsciously reached out and hugged the puppet rabbit on the pillow.

Before crossing, only the puppet rabbit accompanied her.

She was so bored that she slipped out of bed and went to the second floor.

The light in the big brother's study was still on. She went to the door of the big brother's study, stood for a while, thought about it, and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

Big brother must be hungry at this time.

She looked at the ingredients in the kitchen. There was everything in the fridge, but without spending too much time, the only delicious food she could make was noodles.

She had just moved the stool to stand up and fire, and Ah Xiang had followed in.

Seeing her stepping on the small stool, she suddenly raised her voice several degrees, "Little Miss, what are you going to do? Climb so high, what if you fall?"

"Aunt Xiang, the nest just sees that the big brother is still working and wants to cook a bowl of noodles for the big brother." xiaotuanzi said: "aunt Xiang, don't worry, I've checked Da, the stool is very strong, and the nest stands very stable and won't fall."

After the initial shock, Ah Xiang also calmed down. After all, she even made cookies last time.

Although in the end, it was wasted because the young master made trouble.

"Will aunt Xiang help you?"

"Good!" Su Ruan knew that she would never rest assured without Ah Xiang's help, so she readily agreed.

After the noodles were cooked, she fried a heart-shaped egg, scalded several vegetables and spread them on the noodles. The color combination of golden, green and snow-white seemed to make people's fingers move.

She asked Ah Xiang to help carry the tray to the door of big brother's study and knocked on the door.

But heard Su Yiqing's grumpy voice inside the door, "get out!"

Ah Xiang trembled unconsciously and whispered to Su Ruan, "young lady, the young master doesn't have the habit of having a snack. Why don't we take it back and don't give it to the young master?"

Su Ruan looked at the closed study door. When she and her fourth brother went to the big brother's office this afternoon, the big brother's face was also very ugly.

Now, the big brother is obviously angry.

Has the Qin family done anything?

She hesitated and knocked on the door again. "Big pot, nest is soft."

The door finally opened. Her small arm held the tray containing noodles in front of her. "Big pot, eat noodles."

Su Yiqing's originally gloomy face disappeared in an instant. The corners of his mouth involuntarily hooked up and couldn't hold it down.

She took the tray in her hand with one hand and picked her up with the other, "let's go and have noodles."

"Big pot, is it delicious? It's soft and specially made for big pot." xiaotuanzi asked with expectation on his face, but when he finished, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the eyes that expected praise became greedy.

"Big pot, soft little belly is hungry. Is it wide enough to give soft some food?" her big eyes are bright, and she is not shy about her behavior of begging for food.

Su Yiqing reached out and scraped the tip of her nose, "greedy cat!"

At the same time, he ordered Ah Xiang, who was guarding outside, to have another pair of chopsticks and a small bowl.

The taste of noodles is nothing special, but Su Yiqing only thinks it is the best food in the world.

When Ah Xiang came with chopsticks and a small bowl, he couldn't help laughing softly when he saw the happy scene of his brother and sister.

Su Yiqing took a small bowl, divided a full bowl and handed it to the small dumpling, "eat!"

"Thanks for the big pot." Xiaotuan smiled sweetly and buried himself in the delicious noodles he made.

After eating the noodles, Su Yiqing wants to send the dumplings back to his room.

The little Tuanzi waved his hand again and again, "big pot, go to bed quickly. Soft is already a four-year-old baby. Soft is broad enough to sleep by yourself!"

Then, worried that Su Yiqing didn't trust her, he took the initiative to ask Ah Xiang to pick her up.

Su Yiqing looked at the closed study door. The gentle smile on his face gradually disappeared and became cold and firm.

"Fu Wen, inform the police and file a lawsuit. No one in the company is involved in this matter!"

After hanging up the phone, Su Yiqing's irritability between his eyebrows completely disappeared.

He knew that once this happened, the old lady would have another moth, but what does it matter?

Anyway, he has long been a cold-blooded businessman in the eyes of the world. What does it matter if the people he cares about are not hurt?

The next day, at Su Yiqing's strong suggestion, Su Ruan still couldn't go to the kindergarten. Of course, Su Miao didn't go either.

Susie had not gone to school since she came back, so naturally she had to stay at home.

Su Ruan watered the vegetable field with a watering can. With the help of aunt Xiang, she picked a bunch of flowers to put in the living room. Finally, she couldn't find anything to do.

Ran to the yard and sat on the same swing with Susie.

A six-year-old xiaodouding and a four-year-old Xiaotuan looked at the sky with 45 corners of their faces in sync.

Susie looked at the sky, but the rest of her eyes kept looking at the small ball.

When her neck was sore, she finally couldn't help saying, "soft, what are you looking at?"

"I'm looking at my sister. What are you looking at?" Su Ruan's little milk voice replied solemnly.

"Poof!" Susie almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood. She's been trying to find the ball. What are you looking at?

When she said this fact, xiaotuanzi stared at her with big bright eyes for 30 seconds, and finally vented his anger, "it's so boring, I really want to go to the young goose garden!"

Now think about it. In fact, the little fat man Qin Haoyu is very cute. Well, the little boy who combs his hair is also very cute, and the two little girls with braids are also cute

The slide in kindergarten is also very fun, and the seesaw is also good!

"I really want to go to kindergarten," Susie said sadly, holding half of her face in her small hand, "but I may not have a chance to continue studying."

She said, patting xiaotuanzi on the shoulder, "soft, you must work hard at school, even your sister's share!"

"Well! Sister, wo works hard! Kuo Shiwo doesn't know when the big pot will let Wo go to the young goose garden."

The two sisters looked up at the sky at an angle of 45 degrees again.

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