Susie was so angry with him that she went to the yard and found the porridge in the cage. She picked up a big carrot and stuffed it into the porridge cage. She was so frightened that the porridge jumped up in the cage and hid in the corner trembling.

Susie was furious. "Stupid rabbit, do you think all males are so stupid? Su Lei's donkey's head cuts his wrists and wants to pay back Su Quan's life.

The little mute also thinks his father is very bad. It has something to do with him!

They all have bags on their heads! "

Porridge listened to Susie's nagging. In her Ruby eyes, there was only the tempting carrot with water. She tried to move her claws and wanted to eat two.

However, just when he summoned up his courage and finally wanted to eat carrots.

Susie suddenly pulled out the carrot and patted her little hand. "Forget it, what do I say to your rabbit head? You're more stupid than them!"

Porridge watched the carrots that were about to arrive in her mouth fly away. Then look at the back of Susie. Porridge was full of grievances in the eyes of a ruby rabbit.

On the bed in the inner room, old lady Qin woke up. She looked at the room full of people and said to Qin Guanlin, "boss, let them all go out and let Gu Chen and Ruan stay with me."

Su Yiqing frowned slightly. It's understandable that old lady Qin asked Ruan to stay with her, but what's the matter with Gu Chen?

Although she felt a little uncomfortable, Mrs. Qin's body was in danger now, and he would not disobey the old man's wishes.

Moreover, xiaoruan and Gu Chen

His deep eyes fell on the little soft body, and he sighed with some melancholy.

In fact, when they came back from the desert and talked to Gu Chen, Gu Chen had told them everything about him and Xiao Ruan in the house of the ancient city ruins in the desert.

Including all the conversations between him and xiaoruan.

I also know that Gu Chen has clearly told xiaoruan his mind.

But looking at xiaoruan's recent performance, she is as usual and even closer to Gu Chen than usual. Now xiaoruan will take the initiative to pull Gu Chen's hand.

Their brothers discussed that Gu Chen was the best choice if xiaoruan had to marry when she grew up.

Since this matter has been unavoidable, in fact, they are also trying to find Gu Chen's advantages and accept it.

However, I don't know why. The more they found Gu Chen's advantages, the more they would think he was out of the way.

In particular, they now find that if xiaoruan really reaches the age of marriage and falls in love with Gu Chen, they can't even find any reason to belittle Gu Chen and prevent xiaoruan from being with Gu Chen!

This also makes them hate Gu Chen more. It's OK to rob soft with them. It's just that they came so early!

My brother fights with my sister's boyfriend. At least I have to wait until my sister is adolescent to prevent wolves. How are they? My sister is only four years old and has to prevent wolf cubs from taking her away!

I blame my sister for her excellence!

Old lady Qin leaned against the pillow, and her soft eyes moved from her soft body to Gu Chen's body.

Although his voice was old and hoarse, it was full of kindness, "Gu Chen..."

"Grandma Qin, I'm here." Gu Chen replied politely.

Old lady Qin's muddy eyes were full of fatigue and said, "I should go with you Grandpa Qin soon. In this world, the only people I can't trust most are soft.

Although I know that xiaoruan's brothers will do everything to protect xiaoruan's life, I always worry that they will have something they can't take into account.

I can see that you will be nice to xiaoruan.

So, please, take good care of xiaoruan all the time. If the Su family encounters any difficulties in the future, can you give it a hand? "

"HMM." Gu Chen nodded solemnly. In fact, he didn't need to be entrusted by anyone. Xiaoruan cherished it, and he would protect it!

Old lady Qin smiled kindly, nodded, pulled up her small soft hand and put it into Gu Chen's hand, "Gu Chen, please."

With that, Mrs. Qin took another deep look at xiaoruan, as if she wanted to print her in her mind.

Finally, he said gently, "Xiao Ruan, go out with brother Gu Chen. Grandma is tired and wants to sleep for a while."

Xiaoruan took Gu Chen and turned back from the room step by step. Her eyes were sour and swollen, and her tears were almost uncontrollable.

Gu Chen squatted down and gently hugged xiaoruan. "Grandma Qin is just tired and wants to have a rest. She will be fine."

"Hmm!" xiaoruan held back her tears and nodded heavily.

The funeral of old man Qin was carried out step by step. According to old man Qin's last wish, he would be buried with his mother in a cemetery, which is far away from his mother's grave.

They want to go to another world. They can look at their daughter from a distance. Just look at her from a distance. Don't bother!

Because the old man didn't support the spirit to return to the capital, the funeral was not big, but with the power and status of the Qin family, some people were in a hurry to curry favor with him.

After hearing the news, both the people in Chongqing and the rich families in the capital sent representatives to offer condolences.

Although their brother and sister Su Yiqing didn't recognize the Qin family, they always participated in the whole funeral with the etiquette of their grandchildren in order to fulfill the father's wishes.

They didn't return to the Su family until they buried the ashes of old man Qin.

A funeral lasted a week, and everyone was tired. Xiaoruan, susisi and even Su Lei and Su Xiaowu fell asleep in the car back to Su's house.

When the four little guys came home, they were all carried back by their four brothers.

After settling down the four little guys, Su Yiqing and the four of them really couldn't stand it. When they returned to the room, they fell asleep.

I slept until the next morning. I was going to rectify and go back to the capital. It's time for the four little ones to go to school.

Susie and Su Xiaowu are not good at learning. They have fallen so much during this period. They must go back to make up lessons.

But before they left, Su Yiqing received a call from Qin Guanlin.

"Old lady Qin is missing?" Su Yiqing repeated with a frown and a little surprise.

After Mrs. Qin forced her to send Mr. Qin to the funeral with them yesterday, her already weak body was exhausted and the lamp was dry. She couldn't get up in bed.

The people of the Qin family also stayed by the bed day and night. How could they suddenly disappear?

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