the second day.

Xiaoruan was surprised to find that the little brother's title to the tyrant of the big brother occasionally became the big brother, although there was still a strong disdain in his tone to show resistance every time he mentioned the big brother.

But it's much better than before.

When xiaoruan and his brother Su Lei went to school together, they found that there were three people waiting for them at the school gate. In addition to Tang Guang and Gao Zitong, there was another Chen Danqing.

As soon as Chen Danqing saw xiaoruan, she walked up to her, "Su Ruan, we will be classmates in the future."

Xiao Ruan raised a soft and cute bright face, "Welcome!"

"Will you take the final exam in two months?" Chen Danqing said directly, "I want to compare with you. Where is the gap between us?"

Xiao Ruan didn't have much emotion about Chen Danqing's war. She focused on another question, "on the data we see, your main research method is the parallel universe theory. Why do you study this?"

Chen Danqing drooped her eyes slightly. Her dark and deep eyes looked straight at Xiao Ruan, "don't you know my research purpose?"

Hearing Chen Danqing's words, xiaoruan understood in an instant. What she thought before was not wrong. Chen Danqing also wanted to cross!

Moreover, looking at her now, she has a deep obsession.

However, she is not familiar with Chen Danqing after all, and it is difficult to ask why. Moreover, on her way to school today, she tried to check Chen Danqing's other information, but she couldn't find any privacy.

In other words, all the information she can be found is what she wants people to see.

Chen Danqing returned to her normal cold appearance, "do you dare to accept my challenge?"

With a bright smile like a little sun on his face and a soft and cute look harmless to humans and animals, "sister Danqing, it's useless for me to stir up the method. You don't just want to compete with me and see the gap between us?"

Chen Danqing smiled for the first time, "well, if you lose, you should promise to cooperate with me and help me build a machine."

"Time machine?" little soft responded in an instant.

But she was more concerned, "Why me?"

She wondered if Chen Danqing had picked off her little waistcoat, which was a jumper.

"It's really smart. It's worthy of being my favorite partner." Chen Danqing looked at xiaoruan with appreciation. "I came to you naturally because you're smart enough. I studied your video in the preliminary round of the youth science competition. Some technologies in the mecha should be higher than the existing technologies.

You are the best person of this age I have ever met.

If we cooperate, we will have enough time to try to fail and finally succeed. "

Xiaoruan's heart dropped when she mentioned her voice. It's not just that she lost her vest.

At the beginning, in order to improve the vigilance of her family, she had to tell her family what she came back through, but if it was known by others and spread, I'm afraid it would cause big trouble!

"OK, I accept your challenge!" the little soft answered.

She is very curious about Chen Danqing now. She wants to find out what secrets she has!

After saying goodbye to Chen Danqing and Gao Zitong, Xiao Ruan went into the mecha laboratory with Su Lei and Tang Guang. Gu Chen was already waiting for them there.

With the previous cooperation in making preliminary mecha, now the four of them have enough tacit understanding.

Gu Chen and Su Lei are designing, manufacturing and testing new chips that can support mecha design.

Tang Guang started to use materials to stop the parts of the mecha according to the small soft design.

Xiaoruan made a 10-to-1 model according to the design of the competition mecha, testing the model and making the final adjustment to the mecha design.

The next time, Xiao Ruan followed Su Lei and Gu Chen and went out early and came back late every day. She threw herself wholeheartedly on the production of participating mecha.

I even forgot to care about my family.


When she came home again at 10 p.m. with her brother Su Lei, she suddenly found an abnormal reflection in the green belt next to her.

Little soft subconsciously threw out the egg robot in his hand.

Soon, the robot came to her with an entertainment note with a camera and a cap.

At the same time, more entertainment records hidden in the green belt rushed out of the green bushes, and the equipment was aimed at xiaoruan.

Xiao Ruan and Su Lei looked at each other. Although the fourth brother was a film emperor, he was notoriously bad tempered. Especially after he set up his own studio independently, there was no entertainment record to secretly shoot him without his permission.

Now there are so many entertainment records lying in ambush around their house. Is it... What happened to the fourth brother?

Xiaoruan didn't dare to those long guns and short guns around. Anyway, the big brother's bodyguards had stopped them very quickly.

With a small face, she asked fiercely, "what do you want to shoot around our house, millet?"

"Shoot... The movie emperor." Li Hua was not afraid of being questioned by such a small milk ball. He felt a little embarrassed!

Little soft frowned, "why do you want to pat my four brothers?"

"Because... Because..." Li Hua's eyes dodged and couldn't say why.

Xiaoruan thought if she wanted to be more fierce, so she heard the voice of her big brother behind her. "Xiaoruan, lei'er, when you come back, go home and have a rest."

Su Yiqing touched xiaoruan and Su Lei's small head with both hands.

Obviously, I don't want xiaoruan and Su Lei to get involved in this matter.

Looking at the big brother's face, xiaoruan found that there was a dark blue under the big brother's eyelids, which showed that the big brother had been suffering for a long time.

Small soft soft heart "click" for a moment, what happened to the fourth brother, so that the big brother can deal with it.

But now, looking at the dark entertainment records outside, she knows that she can't ask her big brother about such things to increase trouble for her big brother.

So she obediently let her brother Su Lei take her hand and enter the house.

She thought she would see the other three brothers when she came in. Even if the fourth brother couldn't come back, she could at least see the second and third brothers who came back to help the eldest brother.

But it didn't. only the little brother and sister sat cross legged on the sofa and focused on operating the mobile phone. While the little brother was nervous, he was still yelling at Susie, "sisie, you come out to milk me. You are Cai Wenji. Why have you been hiding in the grass?

You have to add blood to me, add blood... "


The low mechanical sound came from the mobile phone. Su Xiaowu put down his mobile phone and looked at Susie, "sisie, you'd better go fishing and cut rabbits. This game is not suitable for you, really!"

Xiaoruan wanted to rush up and ask if their second and third brothers had come back. Do you know what happened to the fourth brother.

But looking at the relaxed appearance of the little brother and sister, she knew that the big brother deliberately kept it from them. Since the big brother didn't want them to know, she wouldn't tell the little brother and sister.

So, when it came to the mouth, it became, "little brother and sister, why don't you sleep?"

Su Xiaowu took the opportunity to hurry up with Susie, "sisie, you go to bed quickly. Little girls can't stay up late. Staying up late will make their skin dark and their pores thick, so they won't be beautiful.

I'll start another game myself. "

"It's the weekend tomorrow. Why do you go to bed so early?" said Susie, who followed Su Xiaowu into the same game. "Don't worry, brother. I'll play well and protect you. I won't pit you!"

Su Lei looked at them with a headache. "When this game is over, you two must go to bed. You won't go to school tomorrow, but you have to make up for the homework you left behind."

Su Xiaowu raised his eyelids at Su Lei and looked speechless. "Xiao Lei, it's not easy. Now the tyrant is not so old. As a result, you have become a little old mother again!"

"Well, well, we know. We'll go to bed at the end of this game."

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