When the three old men saw the small soft and angry appearance, they quickly looked at their nose, nose and heart, and continued to dress up as hens, yellow dogs and little cats as if nothing had happened.

Xiaoruan couldn't laugh or cry for a moment. She couldn't be angry with three old urchins, but brother Gu Chen was threatened to betray her, and she couldn't be angry with brother Gu Chen.

Oh, forget it!

After all, she can only carry all by herself!

What else could she do if she were brother Gu Chen and the three grandfathers who saved her life and treated her as a granddaughter?

She stood on the couch, tiptoed to reach Gu Chen's shoulder and patted, "brother Gu Chen, I'm sorry, I wronged you.

The three grandfathers didn't mean to threaten you. They are old children. Just ignore them.

I don't blame you anymore. Come and carry the medicine with me! "

Said, she took Gu Chen to sit down and began to carry the medicinal materials.

But with his back on his back, Gu Chen secretly held him in her arms and sat down, but Xiao soft had to concentrate on his back and didn't care about these details.

When xiaoruanji was tired and rested, Gu Chen saw that the time was almost up and went to prepare dinner.

While xiaoruan watched grandpa Yan and grandpa Peng, who were dressed as hens and yellow dogs, squat on the ground and their legs were shaking. Grandpa Huang, who was dressed as a flower cat, chased Xiaohua up and down, and he was tired and sweating.

Xiaoruan couldn't bear to let their punishment come to an end today. It's also a small punishment and a big commandment, so that they can remember that they can't steal alcohol in the future.

But who knows, the three old men are still more energetic. They have said that they can play longer than the other two and will never lose to the other two, so they are determined not to end the punishment.

Small soft speechless, even can compare, except these three old children, there is really no one.

Since he couldn't persuade the three old children, xiaoruan didn't bother to take care of it. He took Wally and went for a walk in the mountains.

Although we can't take a shortcut and directly ask the robot to help collect medicine. We don't remember those traditional Chinese medicines, the robot she has worked hard to refit must be of some use.

Now in late autumn, many wild fruits mature in this season.

Like wild hawthorn, August melon and wild persimmon.

Just now, xiaoruan rebuilt xiaowali's hands and feet so that it can climb the tree easily.

She decided to pick some wild hawthorn and come back to make hawthorn cake. She can also brew hawthorn wine. It's delicious to eat melon raw in August. So is wild persimmon. It can not only be eaten directly as fruit, but also be made into persimmon for preservation.

Three grandfathers like old children are greedy. She wants to prepare more food for them while she still lives here.

After all, she will have to leave here to participate in the youth science competition at the latest

In the deep mountains and forests, there were few people to visit, and no one else came to pick wild fruits. Therefore, xiaoruan didn't go far, and it didn't take much effort. Wally had picked a whole basket of hawthorn and persimmon for her, as well as a large bag of August melon.

The following Qiu Shun helped Xiao Ruan carry the basket and bag, but Xiao Ruan found that Qiu Shun's corn, which used to be carefree, was now tangled with a worried face.

Moreover, Qiu Shun was still immersed in his own world, sometimes frowning and shaking his head, sometimes sighing, and sometimes his expression was a little easier.

Little soft raised his hand and pulled the corner of Qiu Shun's clothes. "Qiu Shun, what's the matter with you? Is there any trouble? Or what happened at home?"

"Ah?" unexpectedly, Xiao Ruan asked, but Qiu Shun almost jumped up.

Qiu Shun smiled flustered at Xiao Ruan, "no, nothing, Xiao Ruan, I'm fine.

Besides, I have no other family except the little master. Where the little master is, it is my home. "

Hearing what Qiu Shun said, xiaoruan was relieved. Brother Gu Chen was the only family of Qiu Shun's corn. It was really impossible for Qiu Shun's corn family to have an accident.

But why did Qiu Shun millet look so worried?

When xiaoruan was looking up at Qiu Shun with his cerebellar bag tilted in doubt, Qiu Shun also made up his mind, bit his teeth, squatted down, and held xiaoruan's shoulders with a pair of big hands, "Xiaotuan Zi, I'm sorry."


Qiu Shun: "in fact, the three masters know so much about you. Not all of them were told by the little master. Some of them were... I bragged about them."


"Qiu Shun millet, so you were worried about this just now?"

Qiu Shun nodded seriously, "as the little master's personal bodyguard and special help, I should be blind, deaf and mute without the little master's permission.

But I failed in my duty.

Little Tuan Zi, after I apologize to you now, I'll plead guilty to the little master when I go back. "

Xiaoruan looked at Qiu Shun's solemn and death like return. Her big eyes like crystal grapes blinked. She didn't think it was a big thing.

Although she was angry with brother Gu Chen, she was mostly playing games.

But Qiu Shun's corn is like this now

She stood on tiptoe, stretched out her little hand and patted Qiu Shun on the shoulder. "Qiu Shun, it's okay. Even if you don't brag with Grandpa about these things, I'll tell Grandpa sooner or later.

It's not a big deal. Don't take it to heart! "

Qiu Shun was instantly moved. It was nice of xiaotuanzi to forgive him without getting angry with him.

If only the little master could talk so well

Xiaoruan saw Qiu Shun's mind and patted his chest. Xiaonaiyin said softly, "Qiu Shun's corn, or don't you tell brother Gu Chen about it?

If Grandpa they accidentally slip their tongue and tell brother Gu Chen, you tell me, I'll help you and ensure that brother Gu Chen won't punish you. "

Qiu Shun raised his hand and rubbed his soft hair. "Thank you, little Tuanzi, but there are rules in each line. I can't hide it from my little master, or I will have a hard conscience."

Since the incident broke out after lunch today, he has been bearing the condemnation of his conscience, so he decided to confess when he went back!

(for the update owed yesterday, fill in one chapter today and another tomorrow.)

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