half a month later.

Snowflakes are flying in the sky. Xiaoruan, brother Gu Chen and three old men are eating steaming hot pot in the bamboo house. With xiaoruan's permission, the three old children can drink more wine today and be as happy as children wearing new clothes for the new year.

There is no sadness that will leave soon.

Little soft looked suspiciously at the happy faces of the three grandfathers. He always felt as if there was something wrong.

The three old children often talked to her half a month ago, trying to brainwash her and tell her not to go.

But there was no movement in the past half a month, and today she and brother Gu Chen were going to leave after this meal, but the three grandfathers had no intention of staying.

This is really abnormal.

She pondered silently whether the three old children had thought of something to keep her and brother Gu Chen.

Did... Grandpa give them some medicine that can stun them?

She looked at the boiling hot pot and the shelf full of vegetables.

Then she denied her idea. Although the three grandfathers were naughty, they would never do such a thing.

Moreover, if there are really ecstasy in these foods, she can't find it.

Forget it, maybe just grandpa figured it out!

Thinking so, Xiao Ruan didn't care so much. Anyway, she let go of eating with her grandparents and brother Gu Chen.

After dinner, the three grandfathers turned red because they were drunk.

She had to help the three grandfathers to their own room to have a rest with brother Gu Chen and shanheng millet. Then she went to pack her things and was ready to leave with brother Gu Chen.

Xiao Ruan changed into a red cotton padded jacket and wore an equally red wool hat, which lined her lovely white face with a little more festive blush. The little person was like a festive doll.

She tossed a pair of small feet. She was a little worried. The three drunken grandfathers planned to see them again.


She went into grandpa Yan's room. The quilt on the bed had been opened and there was no one!

In a panic, she hurried to the other two grandpa's rooms to check. The results were the same. The quilt was opened and there was no one!

After a brief fluster, xiaoruan frowned.

Although many people with great powers covet the medical skills of the three grandfathers, even if those people can walk in through the woods outside, they will never dare to abduct them.

So, obviously, the three old children ran away by themselves.

Moreover, the reason why they ran may have something to do with her leaving today, but they just don't know what the three old children are going to do.

Gu Chen came over and took a small soft hand. "Soft, let's go. Don't worry about the three old guys. Just be patient with them. If we can't get out of the bamboo forest, they have to show their fox tail!"

Xiaoruan agrees with this very much.

So he left with a pair of small feet.

As soon as the three of them walked out of the bamboo house, three heads crept out behind them.

"Hum, ruthless smelly boy, you deceive our good granddaughter to follow you. You have to treat him later!" old Yan clenched his fist angrily and said.

"Yes, smelly boy lives in the same house as our good granddaughter. We won't trouble Su Yiqing this time, so we'll live at smelly boy's house!"

"We turned him upside down!"

The three old men agreed surprisingly this time.

Xiaoruan didn't take two steps in the snow, so she was picked up by Gu Chen and held in her arms.

Before she got out of the bamboo forest, she heard the crackling sound of burning behind her, and a burst of skyrocketing fire lit up the snow.

Xiaoruruan was shocked and turned around in a hurry. He saw three old men hanging the most primitive kind of burden with a bamboo pole, supporting each other, coughing with smoke and running out of the bamboo house.


The acting skills of the three old children really need to be improved. When you go back, let the four brothers teach them well!

After the three grandfathers came out, they only secretly took a look at Gu Chen and Xiao Ruan, and fell in the snow at the same time, "wuwuwuwuwu, our home!"

"Our home is gone!"

"In the future, the three old men can only depend on each other to live in the bridge cave. Sobbing..."

While crying and howling, the three old men were still holding together.


It's quite speechless.

But these are her own grandparents. What can she do?

She could only sigh helplessly, slip down from brother Gu Chen, toss her little short legs and run to the three grandfathers, and put out her hand to wipe the tears on her face for the three grandfathers.

Xiaonaiyin said sweetly, "well, Grandpa, stop acting. You don't want to continue to live in seclusion here. Just go home with xiaoruan!"

The three old men exchanged a look. Although the goal was achieved, they still frowned and said wrongfully, "little soft, you little heartless, how can you say we are acting?"

"Yes, the house we lived in for so long was burned down. How sad we are, Wuwuwuwu..."

Xiao Ruan looked serious and said calmly: "Grandpa, when it first snowed yesterday, it was sleet. Now the bamboo house is very wet and can't be lit at all.

And when the fire first started, there was an obvious smell of alcohol.

Didn't you pour the alcohol to light the bamboo house? "

The three old men looked at each other. Then Mr. Peng and Mr. Huang looked at Mr. Yan at the same time, "look, it's all your bad ideas. You poured out such good wine and left something for your good granddaughter."

"How can you blame me?" Yan frowned angrily. "I told you to prepare some gasoline. You don't agree. There's no gasoline and the house can't light. Can't you just use wine?"

Xiaoruan: tired heart.jpg

"Grandpa, if you don't want to live in seclusion and want to go back with us, you can directly say, why do you burn the house? There are so many most advanced medical equipment, so many precious medicinal materials and robots in the house. What a pity to burn!"

"Have a house to squeeze the granddaughter's house? Don't we want face?" the three old men agreed.

Xiaoruan has nothing to say. When the old man loses his family, he really has nothing to do with the bear child.

Gu Chen also reluctantly ordered shanheng to deal with the fire here, otherwise the forest fire would be in trouble because of the willfulness of the three old men.

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