"Uh huh!" Su Ruan nodded seriously, and even the little chirp on her head followed bit by bit, "sister Tongjia, don't worry, I will discuss this matter with my fourth brother."

She returned to the living room bravely, "four brothers, I've decided. I'll accompany you to the program!"

Su Yan's questioning eyes looked at Tongjia behind xiaotuanzi.

Xiaotuanzi's attitude made him wonder if Tongjia said something to xiaotuanzi.

Tongjia quickly spread his hands with an innocent face and said he didn't say anything.

Su Ruan sees the interaction between the two and tells Su Yan the content of their dialogue directly.

And said, "brother four, I think it's fun for those children to take risks in this program, so I want to participate."

As soon as he and she said a word, Tong Jia couldn't hide the smile on his face. "Brother, that's it. I'll call back to the program team immediately. We'll decide to participate in their next program."

"You go." Su Yan waved to Tong Jia.


"I don't agree with soft to participate in the parent-child program."

At dinner, Su Yiqing said coldly after hearing Su Yan's words.

"My sister has promised me. If you say you don't agree, you don't agree. Why?" Su Yan is not willing to be weak.

"Just because I'm the eldest brother, I'm the guardian of my sister!" Su Yiqing refused at all, and even became angry.

"I'm also my sister's brother. I'm an adult and can be my sister's guardian."

"Oh, you want to take your sister to the program unless I..."

Before Su Yiqing finished his words, he felt the small ball sitting beside him and gently pulled the corner of his clothes.

Su Ruan raised her head, looked at Su Yiqing with big eyes as bright as ice grapes, and said, "the big brother is what I want to go to the program with my fourth brother."

"I watched that program with my fourth brother today. I think those children are very fun together, and their adventures are also very interesting. I want to play."

Su Yiqing's expression was obviously tangled for a while. Finally, he touched his soft hair and said, "OK, since soft wants to go, go!"

Su soft breathed a sigh of relief. Just now he saw the posture of his big brother and his fourth brother. He was really afraid of them fighting.

At this time, Li Chang, holding a beautiful box in his hand, came in from the outside and said, "young master, this is sent by the Gu family. It is said that when they were in the hot spring villa, their dog frightened the little girl and gave her an apology gift."

"Hmm?" Su Yiqing frowned slightly and looked at Su Ruan suspiciously.

Su Ruan's two little fat claws twisted and twisted each other. That day, she and Susie secretly ran out to play. When they met Gu Chen, he never told his brothers.

She thought it was over, but who knows that guy Gu Chen sent someone to give her a gift to make amends. It's obvious to tell her brothers that she stole out that day?

She slipped down from the chair, stood up straight and looked like a repentant. She made it clear to her brothers what happened that day, and then said very sincerely, "big brother, four brothers, little brother, I know I'm wrong. I'll never sneak out with my sister again."

Susie stood beside her. Just as she wanted to talk and take things into her own hands, Susie quietly squeezed her hand.

Susie looked at Su Ruan with gratitude and bowed her head to admit her mistake. "Big brother, fourth brother and fifth brother, I'm wrong. I won't take my sister to have fun again."

Su Yiqing and Su Yan looked at each other and saw fear from each other's eyes.

In particular, Su Yan suggested going to the hot spring villa. He wanted to relax, but he didn't expect to meet the family business.

He couldn't imagine what would happen if Su Ruan and Su Qianqian went out that day and met not Gu Chen, but other people in the family?

Su Yiqing picked up the dumpling, held it in his arms and gently stroked her back. "It's good for xiaoruan to know that she's wrong. If you know what's wrong, you can change it. Xiaoruan is still a good child."

"Sissy doesn't have to blame herself."

"Look at the gift from brother Gu Chen!"

Su Yiqing puts Su Ruan on the ground. Su Ruan runs to open the gift box. It is an exquisite safety buckle.

Even people like Su Ruan who don't understand jade at all know that the jade is valuable when they see the safe buckle.

Su Yan first stretched out his hand and picked up the safety buckle. "Gu Chen is very willing. It's clearly soft and playful. He even sent such a valuable gift."

Su Ruan looked at Su Yan and Su Yiqing and said, "big brother, why don't we return brother Gu Cheng's gift."

Su Yiqing saw the moment when the gift box was opened. The surprise and amazement in her bright eyes said softly, "since your brother Gu Chen sent someone to send it, you can take it."

Su Yan also waved to him, "come on, come here, the fourth brother will bring it to you."

Then Su Yiqing told Li Chang, "Uncle Li, you prepare a gift of almost the same value for your family."

The atmosphere on the table became harmonious again. Su Yan asked Su Yiqing, "what's the situation with Gu family now?"

Generally speaking, Su Yiqing doesn't avoid talking about these things with Su Yan. She doesn't know whether they think they are too young to understand or whether they intend to cultivate their sensitivity in this regard.

"Gu Chen is not old, but his means are very cruel." Su Yiqing said: "he was chased and killed in hot spring villa because he deliberately sold his flaws to those people. Only in this way can the police have enough evidence to convict those people."

"So he asked us for help, which is also a part of his design?"

"No, he underestimated those people when he asked us for help."

"Those people were cruel enough to kill Mr. Gu, Mrs. Gu and Mr. Gu and Mrs. Gu.

But the hands and feet are clean enough, so the obvious murder Leng can't find evidence.

Now Gu Chen's boy can only decide that they have attempted murder? "

"Well, it's true that there can only be one attempted murder, but it's hard to say what accidents will happen in prison."

Su Ruan was only a little surprised. She couldn't imagine that Su Yiqing did what they said when he was only eight years old.

How bitter the child must be!

Su Ruan returned to her room and began to search Gu Chen's contact information.

Gu Chen's private phone number must be strictly confidential. She can't find out with the security system of Gu's network.

However, the telephone number of President Gu's office is public.

She picked up her cell phone and called President Gu's office.

After the phone was connected, her crisp little milk voice said, "Hello, sister, I'm looking for brother Gu Chen."

The person on the other end of the phone heard a little girl's voice. He was obviously stunned for a while and asked, "little sister, can you tell your sister what's your name?"

"My name is Su Ruan."

"OK, little sister, please wait a moment."

After the Secretary hung up the phone, he walked into the president's office. "Young master, a little sister named Su Ruan called to find you."

Gu Chen looked through the document and paused, "put the phone in!"

Su Ruan waited with her mobile phone, but two minutes later, Gu's president's office called back, "Su Ruan?"

Gu Chen's deliberately repressed voice came from the other end of the phone, but the voice of the eight year old child didn't sound childish.

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