There was no sound in the wide space of President Cadillac No. 1. The serious breath from Su Yiqing made Li Mo'er feel cold behind him.

Su Ruan quietly looked up and wanted to take a look at Su Yiqing's face, so she collided with Su Yiqing's stern eyes.

She quickly lowered her little head again. "I told my little brother last night that someone lifted my skirt in kindergarten. In fact, I didn't. I lied to my little brother."

She said that and secretly glanced at Su Yiqing. Su Yiqing's face was still stiff.

Su Yiqing's heart actually softened as early as the moment she said she was sorry, but in his education, the problem of children lying must not be tolerated.

To his sister, he can't just stick if he makes a mistake, as to Su Xiaowu, but as his eldest brother, it's his duty to educate his siblings.

After su Ruan saw her telling the truth, Su Yiqing's face had not eased at all, and she was already beating drums in her heart.

Did she do something wrong and was discovered by her big brother?

Could it be that she beat the little girl in kindergarten and took a class of younger brothers?

She racked her brains thinking.

For the first time, she was stared at by her big brother with such serious eyes. She really couldn't stand it.

"Su Yiqing, Ruan is just a four-year-old child. You almost got it!" just when Su Ruan was about to collapse and was ready to tell the whole story of how she became a small head in kindergarten.

Li Mo'er, who was driving in front, couldn't see it anymore.

As soon as she opened her mouth, the air pressure on Su Yiqing was a little lower.

"Li Mo'er, you also know that Ruan is only a four-year-old child. How do you mean to teach a four-year-old child to lie for your own self-interest?"

Su Yiqing's cool voice made Su Ruan realize.

The big brother was so angry because of sister Mo'er.

Li Mo'er had a hot temper. When Su Yiqing said this, he blew up on the spot. He stepped on the brake, stopped the car, turned around, looked at Su Yiqing angrily and said, "Su Yiqing, don't spit blood. When did I teach soft to lie?"

"You are urged to marry by your family. You need to take a man home for dinner and pretend to be your boyfriend. I don't know how you stare at me, but you teach my sister to lie for your broken business. How should you calculate this account?"

"You... I..." Li Mo'er was tongue tied. She wanted to deny it, but this morning... Ah

She was helpless. Although she didn't know how the soft kid came up with such a broken lie, she had to resist this pot!

Just as she was about to bite her teeth and admit it, Su Ruan's pathetic little milk voice rang in the carriage.

"Big brother, sister Mo'er didn't teach me to lie." Su Ruan pulled Su Yiqing's sleeve, Shui Lingling's eyes looked firmly at Su Yiqing and said, "sister Mo'er only told me that she wanted you to pretend to be her boyfriend, and I promised sister Mo'er to help her. But I forgot when I came home yesterday, and I remembered when I saw sister Mo'er this morning.

I... I don't know why I lied, I...... "

The more she said, the less she spoke

In fact, she was also wondering why those lies seemed to come out of her mind from lying to her little brother last night to sister Mo'er this morning.

She said it out of her mouth before she could think.

Even if she had lived for more than 20 years, she couldn't get rid of the growth law of children. At her age, she just came to the time of lying?

Su Ruan is thinking about the law of her growth.

But in the eyes of Su Yiqing and Li Mo'er, she was blaming herself for lying. They both felt bad.

Li Mo'er came down directly from the driver's seat, opened the rear door and picked her up from the safety seat. A pair of lovely apricot eyes stared at Su Yiqing and shouted.

"Su Yiqing, psychologically speaking, children at this age can't distinguish between imagination and reality. Besides, soft lying is still to help others. Why are you so fierce?"

Su Yiqing, who was already very distressed, was so fierce by Li Mo'er that his face changed a few times. He didn't know what to say.

He was not good at words, and he was not very good at educating children. In the past, Su Xiaowu was educated in the principle of moving his hand without moving his mouth.

And Su Miao was clever. Except for some big miss's temper, he had no other problems to worry about.

So that when he found that Xiaotuan lied, he didn't know how to deal with it.

Even today, he specially met several subordinates with four or five-year-old daughters in his family and asked them what they should do in this situation.

After synthesizing the answers of those subordinates, he summed up such a strategy to let xiaotuanzi tell him the truth.

Moreover, he also did a lot of psychological construction for himself on the way to pick up xiaotuanzi, which made him tense and didn't soften his heart before xiaotuanzi told all the truth.

Su Ruan sees Su Yiqing's dilemma.

The little milk voice said stiffly, "sister Mo'er, don't talk about the big brother."

She stretched out her fleshy little hand and shook Su Yiqing's sleeve. "Big brother, don't be angry with Ruan, okay? Ruan knows she's wrong and won't lie again."

Su Yiqing's face could no longer stretch. He gently touched her soft hair and said, "if you know your mistake, change it. Our little soft is still the most lovely baby."

"Thank you, big brother." Su Ruan immediately said sweetly, but then she looked at Su Yiqing seriously and said, "big brother, can you still go to her house for dinner with sister Mo'er? I promised sister Mo'er..."

"OK, what xiaoruan promised, elder brother can't help?" Su Yiqing pinched the small dumpling and said with a chubby face.

At this time, Su Ruan found that she had racked her brains to lie, which was a waste of energy.

Because her big brother, who is like a flower of kaolin outside, doesn't have any principles in front of her!

Su Yiqing took the small ball from Li Mo'er's hand, put it back on the safety seat and fastened her safety belt.

With a cold face, Li Mo'er wanted to let Li Mo'er drive. Li Mo'er circled around, opened the door on his side, and said confidently, "drive!"

Su Yiqing's face sank in an instant. "Do you pay me or do I pay you? You let me drive."

"You pay me." Li Mo'er nodded and said very simply, "but you are my boyfriend now. Driving should be done by men!"

Su Yiqing's face became colder. Just as she wanted to refute her nonsense, she heard the soft waxy voice of small Tuanzi say, "big brother, you drive to the company, sister Mo'er drives to pick you up, and then you pick me up at school. I'm so tired!"

My sister opened her mouth. Su Yiqing had no reason to refuse. She only glanced at Li Mo'er and went to the driver's seat.

Li Mo'er proudly raised his head and blinked at the small ball after getting on the bus.

Su Ruan's big bright eyes smiled into a curved moon. Sister Mo'er and her big brother seemed to really match each other.

The big brother is too boring to carry all day. Although sister Mo'er is a little secondary 2 sometimes, she is lively and jumping, and complements her big brother.

And so far, apart from their brothers and sisters, sister Mo'er is the only outsider who can expose the big brother's emotions.

The more she thinks about it, the more she thinks it's a good idea to bring her eldest brother and sister Mo'er together. She plans to discuss with her fourth brother when she has the opportunity to see if he has any good ideas.

When Su Yiqing drove them home, Gu Chen just arrived.

The little boy came down from the black Maybach and couldn't see the childishness that a child should have. He was dressed in an exquisite custom-made handmade suit, which made his whole person very expensive.

Su Ruan ran over happily holding two boxes of exquisite biscuits. "Brother Gu Chen, you're coming. This is a small biscuit baked by myself. I'll give it to you."

Su Yiqing was a little unhappy because of Li Mo'er, and his face became colder in an instant.

Su Yan, who had nothing to do at home and heard the voice coming out to meet his sister, saw this scene and leaned against the door frame with a black face staring at Gu Chen.

Gu Chen glanced at Su Yiqing and Su Yan indifferently.

Then, he naturally took the box in Su Ruan's hand, handed it to the housekeeper, uncle Zhong, put it back in the car, and then took xiaotuanzi's hand and walked towards Su's villa.

Su Yiqing and Su Yan unconsciously clenched their fists and almost burst out fire in their eyes. The smelly boy dared to hold their sister's hand. They had to cut off his claws!

They haven't acted yet.

Su Xiaowu's angry roar rang behind Gu Chen, "let go of my sister!"

While talking, Su Xiaowu had rushed to Gu Chen.

However, he hasn't knocked down Gu Chen yet. Gu Chen has turned around unprepared. He grabbed one of his arms, pulled it with force and cut it with his backhand. He has been tightly controlled and can't move at all.

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