Su Ruan thought about it and thought that the look in his big brother's eyes at sister Mo'er just now was meaningful. Maybe

She thought and couldn't help laughing with her mouth covered like a successful little squirrel.

While driving, Su Yiqing was absent-minded. Recalling what happened at Li's house today, his eyebrows could not help but frown.

When Li Mo'er's third aunt said that he was not worthy of Li Mo'er and wanted to introduce her boyfriend to Li Mo'er, his unhappiness could not be ignored.

It's like a lump of cotton in my heart, which makes people feel terrible.

He didn't know where this feeling came from. He had never felt this feeling to anyone else except his family before.

Did he treat Li Mo'er

Thinking of that possibility, he frowned deeper

However, just then, the headlights of the big car in the opposite lane, which was enough to make people temporarily blind, shone at them.

"Beep -"

At the same time, the harsh sound of truck horn filled the whole head.

Su Ruan subconsciously covered her eyes with her little hand.

But the next moment, she let go of her little hand.

Car accident

The great crisis that almost destroyed the big brother


There was only the dazzling white light of the truck headlights, and the roaring horn almost pierced people's eardrums.

Su Ruan had no time to think, and her body had instinctively responded.

She saw the video of Gu Chen suddenly subduing the driver in the front row from the back row. After she quickly untied the safety belt of the safety seat with her small hand, she rushed through the gap of the front seat, pulled the steering wheel, hung the steering wheel with the weight of her whole body, and directly killed the steering wheel.

The black Cadillac presidential No. 1 is like a dark night ghost, rotating 90 degrees in an instant.

The truck hit the rear and then rolled over directly.

The huge impact directly knocked Su Ruan's small body out and hit the windshield hard.

There is no change in the bulletproof windshield.

A burst of severe pain came, and Su Ruan felt his small head spinning.

She wanted to ask her eldest brother if there was anything wrong.

But she couldn't speak at all. There was a fishy and sweet liquid pouring into her throat. The next moment, she had lost consciousness.

One second before losing consciousness, she seemed to hear her big brother calling her name, and the corners of her mouth bent unconsciously.

It seems that the big brother is not seriously injured. It's good!


Su Yiqing rushed to catch Su Ruan, who bounced off the windshield, and held her tightly in her arms. Her regret and sadness spread.

Yue Jun, Su Yan and 120 medical staff arrived almost at the same time.

Su Yan looked at Su Yiqing's gloomy face, and his heart mentioned his throat, "brother, how about softness?"

Su Yiqing didn't speak, but carefully put Su Ruan on the stretcher on the ambulance.

After putting it away, his deep eyes fell on Su Ruan's small body. For a moment, he clenched his fist, bit his teeth, and almost exhausted all his strength before he could finally say, "Ruan will be fine. I won't let her be fine!"

Su Yan looked at his appearance and couldn't say the words of blame, "what about you? How are you?"

"I'm fine."

Su Yiqing's whole body exudes the cold smell of hell. Su Yan can't help being a little chilly.

The last time he felt this smell in Su Yiqing, it was when his parents died and those people directly forced him to go to the mourning hall in order to seize power.

Later, the fate of those people is well-known. Either there is no such person in the world, or they sit in prison. Among them, the most carefree is their second uncle.

But although the second uncle nominally lives a carefree life abroad with Su's dividend, in fact, such a day may be really worse than death!

After arriving at the hospital, Su Yiqing and Su Yan watched Su Ruan be sent to the operating room.

Su Xiaowu also came panting and rushed to them, "Su Yiqing, Su Yan, what do you mean? Don't tell me about such a big accident?"

He still saw Ah Xiang packing up soft things. Uncle Li looked wrong. He forced Uncle Li and Ah Xiang to know about it.

Su Yiqing's deep eyes fell on him. There was no ferocity in his eyes, only peace.

Su Xiaowu's momentum dissipated in an instant and said nervously, "tyrant, what's the matter with softness? Don't scare me!"

However, what he was waiting for was not su Yiqing's answer, but Su Yiqing fell directly to the ground with a "Dong".

Su Xiaowu panicked and rushed to hold Su Yiqing. His tears fell out uncontrollably, "tyrant, what's the matter with you? Don't scare me!"

After a brief panic, Su Yan has quickly found a doctor.

Looking at Su Yiqing being pushed into the examination room, Su Xiaowu held Su Yan's hand tightly, and his voice was still crying, "fourth brother, the tyrant will be all right, soft will be all right, right?"

"HMM." Su Yan nodded softly and answered.

But he didn't have much confidence. He had been to the scene of the accident. The rear half of the Cadillac President No. 1 car with the best safety performance in the world was crushed. Although the front half was intact, it knocked the roadside railings out nearly ten meters away.

No matter how good the shock absorption performance of the car is, the impact force on the people in the car can be imagined.

Moreover, Su Yiqing has no scars except a little skin. People with a little medical knowledge know that this situation is the most dangerous after a car accident.

Su Yan took Su Xiaowu back to his chair.

Su Xiaowu couldn't help sobbing and holding Su Yan's hand tightly, "I swear, as long as the tyrant is all right this time, I won't make him angry again.

I can not fight, I can study hard, I can do anything. As long as the tyrant is good. "

Su Yan hugged him and his eyes were red.

Never smoking, he couldn't help lighting a cigarette, but his fingers trembled slightly.

In fact, Su Yiqing finished the whole set of examination in only half an hour, but it was like a century for Su Yan and Su Xiaowu.

When the medical staff pushed Su Yiqing out of the examination room, Su Xiaowu rushed up like a small shell, "Uncle doctor, how's my big brother?"

Su Yan also looked at the doctor nervously. The doctor did take a look at the smoke he was injured with. "The patient has a moderate concussion. There is nothing wrong with others. Mr. Su, we can understand your mood, but smoking is prohibited in the hospital."

"Sorry." Su Yan quickly put out the smoke and breathed a little relieved. At least Su Yiqing didn't have much problem.

Su Xiaowu didn't understand the concept of moderate concussion. He hurriedly took the doctor and asked, "Uncle doctor, is moderate concussion serious? Will my eldest brother become a vegetable?"

Su Xiaowu himself is a little Zhengtai, but before, he always liked the dark Department dress up and looked like a bad child.

But today he came out in a hurry. He was still wearing a lovely dinosaur Pajama with a big dinosaur tail behind it.

As soon as the middle-aged doctor saw his lovely appearance, his heart softened a little and said gently, "don't worry, children. The moderate concussion is not serious. He will wake up in a coma for half an hour at most, and then have a good rest for a week."

"Oh, thank you, uncle." Su Xiaowu nodded and relaxed.

After instructing the medical staff to return Su Yiqing to the ward.

Su Yan took Su Ruan back to the outside of the operating room. Just now, because Su Yiqing had no problem, the atmosphere was a little relaxed, dignified and dull again.

Neither of them spoke any more, so they stared at the sign in the operation lit up outside the operating room.

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