When Su Xiaowu regretted, Su Ruan looked at Gu Chen and the heat preservation box in his hand with bright eyes, "brother Gu Chen, you brought delicious food to Ruan?"

Gu Chen pulled a stool in the ward and sat down. Although he still didn't have much expression on his face, he was very soft, "well, bird's nest porridge. I'll feed you."

"Elder brother Gu Chen, how nice!" Su Ruan's eyes smiled into a curved moon, "but Ruan should eat by herself!"

Then she stretched out her little fat claw and took the exquisite bowl from Gu Chen's hand.

Although she eats Gu Chen's face very much and likes Gu Chen very much, it's really uncomfortable to let people feed.

Moreover, the three brothers are still outside. If they see Gu Chen feeding her, they will definitely turn into lemon essence when they go back. They may force her to sign some boring unequal treaties.

Gu Chen only felt that the little palm was empty, and there was something wrong in her heart, but she was relieved at once when she looked at the clever appearance of small dumplings sipping porridge.

The three brothers of the Su family outside were relieved to see that Ruan took the bowl from Gu Chen and drank porridge himself.

But Gu Chen was still very jealous.

Because only one person is allowed to visit in the sterile room at a time, and Gu Chen has already gone in, they have lost the opportunity to go in and take Gu Chen out.

While Su Yan was gnashing his teeth at Gu Chen, his mobile phone rang.

When I picked up the phone, I heard Tongjia's anxious voice, "brother, are you okay? Why did you get that disease after a good vacation?"

Su Yan was confused. "What disease do you say I have?"

"Just..." Tongjia stopped talking and got angry, but he never said what kind of disease, "just... That kind of disease!"

"Oh, brother, you can see from the news. What's the matter with that fan? Did you really catch that disease with her?"

Su Yan was more confused. At the same time, he felt that Tongjia's agent was becoming more and more unreliable. He talked all day and couldn't say the key point for a long time.

He can only click on the browser to brush his news.

Who knows you don't have to brush at all.

He wrapped up the first three of the hot search.


#Su Yan s Powder#

#Su Yan's son#

He couldn't help sneering. Now these entertainment notes can make up stories more and more.

He casually opened a hot search, and finally understood the context of the matter.

Someone actually took a video of him smoking outside the examination room of the hospital and posted it on the Internet. Then someone who claimed to be his female fan came out and broke the news.

She said she had been with him for seven years, and the little boy around him, Su Xiaowu, was six years old and their son. Also said that Su Yan's private life is not careful, often about female fans, was infected with AIDS, also infected with AIDS to her, and Su Yan often family violence and what she what.

Anyway, in her narration, Su Yan needs more slag.

Su Yan laughed angrily. He didn't expect that such nonsense would be believed.

He casually brushed the following comments. It is obvious that his fans have begun to control the comments independently. The comments are all prefixed with "spark". The comments are "brother, we believe you, we support you, and we will always support you behind you!"

He involuntarily raised a evil smile at the corners of his mouth, and his heart was slightly warm.

Since seeing the news, Li Mo'er has been secretly following him. Seeing the change of his expression, he finally summoned up the courage to come forward and said seriously and firmly: "brother, don't worry, we will always believe you!"

Because the burning word in his name is two fires, his fans call themselves spark.

Su Yan looked at Li Mo'er and suddenly burst into a bright smile. He sincerely said to her, "thank you."

Li Mo'er was so excited that he almost wanted to cry. He didn't have the courage to touch his idol. Without hesitation, he grabbed Su Yiqing's shoulder, jumping, crying and laughing: "my brother smiled at me. Have a good look!"

Su Yiqing's sharp eyes swept towards Su Yan. Su Yan lowered his head and touched his nose.

He didn't do anything. What's the matter with his big brother's appearance of wanting to kill?

At this time, Tongjia, who had been hung up by him, called in again. His eyes narrowed slightly, picked up the phone and directly asked, "have you been my agent for several years?"

The boy over there was stunned and said, "brother, why do you suddenly think of asking this? Since your debut, we have cooperated for nearly six years."

He made his debut six years ago and has been Tong Jia as his agent.

After years of love, even if Tong Jia's agent really didn't do anything for so many years, he never thought of changing.

But this time

He pressed down his irritability. "Do you believe those things on the Internet?"

"I......" Tongjia choked for a moment and said hurriedly, "I don't believe it!"

"So?" Su Yan asked.

"..." Tongjia over there was silent for a while. His voice was not anxious and flustered. Instead, he questioned Su Yan and said, "Su Yan, what do you mean?"

"I should ask you this sentence!" Su Yan said slowly: "such obvious nonsense news has been exposed on the Internet. As my agent, shouldn't you carry out crisis public relations at the first time?

But what are you doing?

You called to doubt me at the first time. Do you think this is what a qualified agent should do? "

"I..." Tongjia at the other end of the phone was silent and said after a long time: "I'll deal with it right away."

Su Yan hung up. Li Mo'er, who had been despised by Su Yiqing, couldn't help coming up to him again. "Brother, that video was secretly photographed when Su Yiqing checked? Why don't you hold a press conference and I can testify to you."

Su Yan smiled gently at Li Mo'er again, "no, you're not a public figure. You're sorry to be implicated last time. You can't show up because of me. I can handle it. Trust me!"

"Well! Brother, I will always believe you!" Li Mo'er didn't have any reason to face Su Yan's face. Even her mouth was not controlled by her brain, just blowing rainbow farts and showing loyalty.

Su Yan is thinking about Tongjia.

Over the years, his reputation has been very good, and he has never experienced any gossip or negativity, and his resources have always been good enough to explode. Therefore, the role of Tongjia as an agent is not very obvious.

But after these two events, he had to think about whether Tongjia was suitable to be his agent.

The reason why he just told Tong Jia is that he wants to give Tong Jia one last chance. If she can handle it well, she will naturally continue to cooperate happily. If it is not handled well

After all, Su Ruan had just had an operation, and there were still some anesthetic residues. After drinking some bird's nest porridge, she soon fell asleep again.

Gu Chen came out of the aseptic room with a heat preservation box and left the hospital under the death gaze of the three brothers of the Su family.

After getting on the bus, his little body leaned against the car seat, closed his eyes and asked, "Uncle Zhong, did you find the news?"

"Yes." Uncle Zhong said, "the truck driver was bought by an international organization, and the Qin family recently placed an order with that organization. But this organization keeps the employer's information and tasks very confidential. We can only find that the Qin family placed an order, and we can't know the specific content of the Qin family's order. Therefore, we can't conclude that the Qin family did it."

"When did the Qin family place the order?"

"Just when the Su family kicked out the adopted daughter of the Qin family."

"This time is really clever enough." Gu Chen closed her eyes slightly and couldn't see her emotion. "What happened to the daughter of the Qin family who wanted to occupy the magpie's nest?"

"The Qin family secretly took it back, but it disappeared after taking it back."

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