Sissy saw Su Lei and Xiao Ruan coming with sobering soup. She quickly straightened up, pulled out the plug on her nose and said, "well, I can't wake up!

If brother Yue Jun doesn't wake up, how can he drink sobering soup? "

Xiaoruan took out the silver needle bag in her small bag, took out a two foot long silver needle, sprayed alcohol carefully to eliminate the poison, "sister, don't panic, I have a way."

With that, xiaoruan propped up the bed with a pair of small elbows, kicked a pair of small short legs and climbed up the bed. Then, he lifted Yue Jun's trouser legs, and the silver needle quickly and ruthlessly pierced a acupoint on Yue Jun's lower leg.

"Ah --"

With a scream like killing a pig, Yue Jun immediately sat up like pretending to be a corpse. A pair of drunk eyes also had a short Qingming, "hiss, it hurts!"

Yue Jun subconsciously bent down and reached out to rub his pricked calf.

Xiaoruan quickly took the sobering soup from brother Su Lei's hand and handed it to Yue Jun. Ruan's lovely little face smiled sweetly and said to Yue Jun: "brother Yue Jun, xiaoruan brought you the sobering soup yourself. Drink it while it's hot!"

Yue Jun was already drunk. At this time, he was confused by Xiao Ruan's smile, which was so sweet that he could drown. He didn't feel that the sobering soup Xiao Ruan brought him was too big. Instead, he stared at the sobering soup and nodded with relief. "Well, Xiao Ruan is the best. If there is a girl like this, why should my father ask!"

The muscles in the corners of her eyes jumped and her face sank. She still wanted to slap brother Yue Jun and faint. What should I do?

It's so hateful. Brother Yue Jun is so hateful that he still wants to take advantage of them!

Su Lei and sissy nearby also blackened their faces. They understood why Xiao Ruan said Yue Jun needed such a big bowl of sobering soup. It was really drunk!

When Yue Jun spoke, he had picked up the sobering soup with both hands and raised it in the direction of Su Lei. He roared angrily, "dry!"

Then he drank the whole bowl of sobering soup with a breath of "gudu gudu".

"Burp ~ ~"

When a bowl of sobering soup went down, Yue Jun burped with a long aftertaste, and his thumb stood up, "good wine!"

Su Lei and Sisi subconsciously covered their eyes. Although Yue Jun's brother looks a little worse than his brothers, he is also a good-looking guy, but he has no eyes now.

As like as two peas, he had three chin on his chin, and a little pinch of hair on his head. He felt like a silly roe deer in the zoo.

With a silent sigh, Xiao Ruan took out another sterilized silver needle and quickly stabbed it into Yue Jun's acupoint.

The next moment, Yue Jun jumped up and rushed into the bathroom.

When he came out of the bathroom, he felt confused.

He opened the door of the bathroom, and three pairs of bright eyes stared at him.

He rubbed his head after getting drunk, "Xiao Ruan, sissy and lei'er, why are you all here? Do you want to play with your brother or does your brother let you take care of me?"

"I didn't say it. Boss Su, they are too bad. They have made so much money. They are reluctant to hire more servants and let you take care of me. It's really..."

Yue Jun was talking endlessly. Su Lei quickly made a stop sign for him, and a pair of bright eyes stared at him, "brother Yue Jun, my eldest brother has an accident.

Did you know all the business when my eldest brother cooperated with Li Dazhi? "

Yue Jun recovered a little and understood what Su Lei meant. His face changed, "it's bad!"

With that, he picked up his coat and rushed out.

Rushed out of the door, put his head back into the room and told the three little guys, "you three little guys go to bed early. Boss Su will be fine. Don't worry."

Xiaoruan looks at her brother and sister. Finally, xiaoruan and Su Lei forcibly reach an agreement with sissy. They sleep at home and don't go out to make trouble for their brothers.

Sisi followed Xiao Ruan and Su Lei and walked out of Yue Jun's room dejectedly. When she was ready to go back to her own room, she heard the voice of her brothers downstairs.

Her spirit immediately came up. She suddenly raised her small head and caught Xiao Ruan and Su Lei with bright eyes. "Xiao Ruan, Su Lei, come on, the big brother seems to be back."

The three little guys listened attentively, then turned around without hesitation, and ran downstairs with their little feet.

When Su Ziyuan, Su Yifan and Su Yan picked up Su Yiqing and came back together, they just entered the door and ran into Shi Yuejun, who was in a hurry to go out with his coat in his hand.

Su Ziyuan's never warm eyes fell on Yue Jun, "sober up?"

"Hey, hey!"

Yue Jun smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of his head. "I'm really sorry. I'm a little too excited today. I drank a little too much..."

Yue Jun said, but also compared a little action.

It's cute to put it on a child, but put it on him, just

Su Yifan glanced at Yue Jun and turned to Su Yiqing. "Boss Su, you don't have a good eye for choosing partners."

On the face of it, this is a dislike of Su Yiqing, but in fact, it is a dislike of Yue Jun.

Yue Jun was wronged because he drank too much and delayed things. At this time, he didn't dare to refute Su Yifan. He only asked Qu Baba to take a look at Su Yifan like a little daughter-in-law.

Su Yifan's disdain on his face was not concealed at all.

Yue Jun rubbed against Su Yiqing again. "Boss Su, are you okay?"

Su Yiqing glanced at him, "do you think I look like something?"

"Hey, hey!" Yue Jun smiled awkwardly and politely again.

Although xiaoruan was still holding a grudge against Yue Jun's brother for taking advantage of them just now, she still couldn't bear to see Yue Jun's poor brother at this time.

The surprised little milk voice called out, "big brother!"

She opened a pair of small arms and rushed into Su Yiqing's arms like a suckling swallow in the forest.

Su Yiqing picked her up and pecked at her tender face. The cold air on her body disappeared in an instant.

Even the breath of Su Ziyuan, Su Yifan and Su Yan became gentle in an instant.

The atmosphere at the scene seamlessly connected with the warm reunion from the chilly air just now. Yue Jun stared at the dog, and all these chemical reactions only needed a little soft.

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