Su Xiaowu stepped forward and patted Qiu Shun on the shoulder with pity on his face. "Old Qiu, go wash your face and I'll burn it!"

Qiu Shun shook hands with Su Xiaowu gratefully. He felt that the boy still had a little conscience, "thank you!"

When he got up and was about to go out and wash, he heard Su Xiaowu sigh behind his back and say, "poor you!"

Qiu Shun's footsteps were shocked. He... Didn't he have poor fire burning skills? Is it su Xiaowu's turn to pity him?

When Gu Xiaochen opened the whole pot, the smell of the pot was burning.

Sissy sniffed hard, rubbed her nose with her little hand, approached xiaoruan and asked, "xiaoruan, do you think the taste is a little familiar?"

Xiaoruan, this is the greedy pot with beef, rabbit meat, chicken legs and two huge ostrich feet. Without seriously thinking about his sister's words, he replied: "well, it's a familiar smell. Uncle Liu's brine also tastes like this, but brother Gu Chen's smell is more fragrant and better than uncle Liu's."

Uncle Liu, stewed flavor

These two key words are connected in series, and Sisi immediately spelled out a complete event. Uncle Liu made the stewed flavor with her formula since he found that the formula of her special medicine was very suitable for stewed flavor.

As soon as her face changed, she hurried to the house.

She searched and searched her box and the small table in the room where her bottles and cans were placed, but she couldn't find her special medicine.

Then he rushed into the kitchen. Before he opened his mouth to ask Gu Chen, he saw that there was a beautiful little pot containing special drugs on the cabinet of seasoning in the kitchen.

She moved her heavy little step towards the seasoning cabinet and sadly took down her little jar.

The little jar is empty, and her special medicine is not left at all

She sobbed sadly twice.

At this time, Gu Chen had taken out the ostrich feet bigger than the pig's hoof from the pot. After he baked the ostrich feet on the small charcoal stove aside, he wrapped both sides with kraft paper and handed them to Xiao Ruan Ruan. Xiao Ruan Ruan's two small claws held the ostrich feet and ate them happily.

Ostrich feet have more meat than chicken feet, and the tendons inside are particularly strong. In addition, brother Gu Chen's cooking is good, the brine tastes delicious and the roast is fragrant. It can't eat better.

After she took a bite, she quickly wanted to share it with her sister. She saw her sister holding a small jar and drawing a circle on the ground.

She just wanted to ask her sister what happened.

Su Yiqing and Li Mo'er came back from the outside.

Li Mo'er also took two deep breaths when he entered the door, "how fragrant!"

Then, she saw Gu Chen and naturally said, "it's the stewed flavor made by Xiao Gu?"

Gu Chen nodded. Although he didn't have much expression on his face, he replied very obediently: "well, the brine matched on the seasoning cabinet is very good. My sister-in-law's craft is very good, and the brine matched very well."

Li Mo'er said with a smile, "it's not mine. It's Sisi's. I didn't even remember to bring brine. Sisi brought it."

Then she looked at sissy and said, "sissy, when I packed your bags last night, I saw you bring a pot of brine, so I took it to the kitchen and put it."

Sisi squatted on the ground with a sad face, took the ostrich foot in xiaoruan's hand, took a hard bite, and whispered, "that's not brine, that's a special medicine I made."

Xiaoruan looked at the delicious marinated ostrich feet in her sister's hand. She just took one bite and was taken by her sister.

However, seeing that such delicious ostrich feet were still the part of her sister's special medicine, she decided to give them to her sister. At the same time, she thought she should comfort her sister.

Who knows she hasn't even thought about the words of comfort. A mouthful of the money in the belly of the ostrich has boosted the whole person's spirit. She straightened her small waist, brightened her eyes, and took another big bite. While chewing, she said vaguely: "roar, eat! The bittern made with my special medicine is really different. It's much better than uncle Liu's!"

Xiaoruan looked at the great changes of her sister in less than a minute, and blinked a few big eyes.

It seems that my sister doesn't need her comfort.

She tossed her little feet to pick up a little chicken leg and chewed it.

Gu Chen looked at her small appearance of delicious food, and the corners of her eyes and eyebrows were satisfied. Her daughter-in-law really had to feed herself to rest assured.

When he picked up the stew in the pot, he washed Qiu Shun, who had washed himself, and also washed the small fish and crabs brought back by xiaoruan.

Gu Chen wrapped the small fish and crabs with eggs and flour and fried them in an oil pan. The strong smell attracted all the children in the village.

These small fish and crabs were originally caught by the small partners in the village. When they are ready, they naturally want to share them with the small partners.

A pair of white and fat radishes, carrying a large plate of fried fish and crabs, walked up to each brother and sister with small feet and invited them to eat.

There was no politeness between the children. Everyone gathered in a circle and ate sweetly.

When the children in the village saw Su Yiqing, Su Xiaowu and Su Lei, they already thought they were good-looking enough. Now they are shocked to see Gu Chen again.

It's not just Taohua and Xiaolian who are embarrassed to look at Gu Chen.

Even the brothers Su Xiaowu just made today quietly pulled Su Xiaowu aside and asked, "Xiao Wu, is this your new brother, too? Why is he so good-looking?"

"Is he a star?"

When Su Xiaowu heard everyone praising Gu Chen, his face was a small and proud look. He was very small and said proudly, "you say I'm brother Gu Chen, he's not my brother, he's my brother!

He's not a star, either. The fourth in our family is a star!

He looks ok. Although he is a little worse than me, he is much better than the top four of our family. If he is willing to be a star, he should be able to be a big star... "

After sharing the fried fish and crabs with her friends, xiaoruan went into the kitchen. She wanted to free up the mushrooms in sister Taohua's small back basket, and then return the small back basket to sister Taohua.

After she entered the door, she naturally stretched out her small hand and shook Gu Chen's hand. "Brother Gu Chen, can you help me pour out the mushrooms? I want to return the small basket to sister Taohua."

As soon as the little soft voice fell, Gu Chen didn't have time to respond. Su Yiqing took an arrow step forward and grabbed the small basket. While proudly picking his eyebrows at Gu Chen, he rubbed his little soft hair and said, "little soft, big brother, help you."

With that, Su Yiqing has poured out the mushrooms in the small back basket and put the small back basket on xiaoruan's back.

Xiaoruan didn't think there was anything wrong. Anyway, she was used to this situation and went to sister Taohua with a small basket on her back.

Li Mo'er on one side reluctantly stroked his forehead. She was convinced by Lao su. It was him who calculated Gu Chen, and now it was him who competed with others.

What is this picture?

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