While Gu Chen was guarding against Chen Jie, Sisi was also guarding against him.

As soon as she saw that Xiao Ruan fell asleep, sissy immediately ran to Gu Chen, "Gu Chen, Xiao Ruan fell asleep. You can leave our room!"

Gu Chen originally wanted to give xiaoruan a goodnight kiss on her forehead, but under Sisi's wary little eyes, he could only leave xiaoruan's room honestly.

Sissy looked at his back as he left the room and wanted to lock the door and sleep with satisfaction.

But as soon as she closed the door, before she could lock it, Su Lei held the door with one hand, looked at her menacingly, and said expressionless, "Susie, go brush your teeth!"

Sissy's little face is black. She managed to stay in the room early tonight in the name of supervising Gu Chen to avoid brushing her teeth, but Su Lei is still staring at her.

With Su Lei's knife like eyes, she reluctantly reopened the door and dragged her little steps to brush her teeth.

She knows it's not a good habit not to brush her teeth, but sometimes she just wants to indulge.

Life is meaningless if everything has to follow the rules.

But Su Lei doesn't think so. For Su Lei, there are no rules and no boundaries. He has to do what he should do every day.

Sissy, holding her toothbrush, brushed her teeth and muttered, "obviously, they were all born together. Why do I have such a brother?! Hey! It seems that when the next life is still in heaven, we should not only choose a mother, but also choose a brother for ourselves first..."

Su Lei was watching sissy while he picked up his own clothes hanging under the eaves and was ready to take them back to the room and put them in the box. Sissy had a toothbrush in her mouth and spoke so vaguely that he didn't hear it clearly. He thought sissy was saying that she would choose him as her brother in her next life.

Su Lei looked at sissy with relief. Sissy was finally enlightened. He looked at sissy solemnly and said, "you know my brother is for you. In the future, learn to be self disciplined. Whether I'm with you or not, I brush my teeth and wash, eat and sleep on time, and work before playing when I come home from school..."

It's rare that Susie's elm head can understand his pains. Su Lei naturally wants to seize the opportunity to educate Susie.

Sissy listened to Su Lei's words more and more wrong. She had a feeling of explaining her last words. She quickly spit out the toothpaste bubbles in her mouth and rustled her mouth, "stop, stop, Su Lei, what are you talking about?"

Su Lei was also stunned and said, "didn't you just say you would be my sister in your next life?"


This is really a beautiful misunderstanding.

But she doesn't want Su Lei to continue to hold this beautiful fantasy.

She looked at Su Lei seriously and said, "what I said is that I should choose a brother for myself when I am in heaven in my next life. I can't have a boring brother like you anymore.

I won't be your sister in my next life. I want to be someone else's sister. "

Su Lei's face was black. "Being someone else's sister is not necessarily good for you. Even if I'm boring, at least I'm good for you."

Sisi raised her eyebrows at Su Lei. "You also said that others are not sure about me. So I can actually make a bold attempt. I'm going to try brother!"

Su Lei's face became darker. He almost gnashed his teeth and looked at Susie. "Susie, do you owe a beating?"

Sissy's face was blank:

I don't know when to be moody, but I can't be moody!

"Do you know what brother killing means?" Su Lei was so angry that his chest rose and fell.

"I know!" Sisi said frankly, "I just know it!"

Su Lei, who usually likes to learn from Su Yiqing's unsmiling face, was directly laughed angrily by sissy, "OK, Susie, you're very good!

I care about you for your own good. You want to kill me?

I'll never care about you again. You think my brother is dead. "

Su Lei finished and was about to enter the house angrily.

Sissy blinked her eyes in a daze. What stimulation did Su Lei suffer today?

She shook her head and did not intend to ignore Su Lei, who was nervous, but a flash of light flashed in her mind.

Try, kill, kill!

Oh, that fool Su Lei misunderstood.

She hurried forward in a few steps. A pair of small hands held on. The door that was about to be closed by Su Lei said anxiously: "Su Lei, you fool, try what you said, try what other twin brothers are like, not to kill you!"

Su Lei looked at Sisi's worried face. His hand closing the door suddenly lost strength, and the anger on his face became full of embarrassment.

Sissy also loosened her strength, took back a pair of small hands and held them in front of her chest. She looked proudly at Su Lei and said, "forget it, I'll think about it. I won't try in my next life. Look at you like this. You'll be very poor without my sister.

I'll be your sister in my next life! "

"Su Benxi frowned hard and hurriedly went to sleep!"

Sisi cold hum, Tucao: "I am very happy, and I must make complaints about it.

Sissy returned to the room and lay beside xiaoruan with light hands and feet. She also helped xiaoruan cover the quilt she kicked away. Then she slept with xiaoruan in one arm.

She didn't have the habit of sleeping with things in her arms before, but after she came here to sleep with xiaoruan, she found that it was really comfortable to sleep with xiaoruan, which was more comfortable than any doll.

And the faint milk fragrance on xiaoruan's body is also a special sleep aid. She can sleep soundly when she smells it.

Because he went to bed early at night, Xiao Ruan woke up a little early the next morning.

When she woke up, none of her family was awake.

She quietly got out of bed and went out of the door to open the front door of the main room.

The sky had just turned white, and there was a faint mist in the mountains outside. As soon as xiaoruan opened the door, a fresh air came to his face.

Just as xiaoruan wanted to close her eyes and enjoy the mountain air this morning, a black figure broke into her sight.

The little soft who didn't react for a while was stunned, and subconsciously put the little soft out.

Chen Danqing grabbed her small fist and stared at her with clear black and white eyes.

After seeing the person clearly, xiaoruan blinked his big eyes like ice grapes, and smiled awkwardly and politely, "sister Danqing, why are you here? Doesn't it mean that you and grandpa Chen have gone back?

How do you know we live in this house? "

Although she told Danqing that her sister was in this village, she didn't tell the specific house!

Chen Danqing let go of her hand and despised her. "You called me and it's not difficult to locate your position. Where's my brother?"

"Ah, I'm here!"

Chen Danqing's voice just fell, and a badly beaten voice replied solemnly behind xiaoruan.

Xiaoruan looked at the eyes of Danqing's sister who shot at her back like a small knife, silently lit a wax for her little brother in her heart, and made way for Danqing's sister honestly and impolitely

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