At three o'clock in the morning, Su Yan slept vaguely and felt the vibration of the mobile phone on the pillow. He conditionally picked it up, "hello."

"What can I do for you?" the voice from the other end of the phone was as calm as a mechanical sound.

Su Yan's drowsiness suddenly woke up.

Some silently took the mobile phone off their ears and looked at the time. It was 3 a.m.

"Su Yifan, big brother, it's three o'clock in the morning. Are you mistaken? This time bothers me to clear my dream. Do you think I'm not depressed in the entertainment industry? It's too different, isn't it?"

"I'm not your big brother. I'm your third brother. I just came out of the laboratory. If you're okay, I'll hang up."

"No, no, no, third brother, I have something to do with you." Su Yan knew that Su Yifan's patience was limited, and hurriedly said, "do you know that our sister Su Ruan has come back?"

There was silence for about half a minute before a voice came, "I know."

"Since my sister came back, my boss and my second brother have had the same dream..." Su Yan roughly said the dream, "you have studied science for so many years. Do you know what scientific explanation is for us three having the same dream?"

"Are you a fish out of the net of nine-year compulsory education?" Su Yifan's voice was still calm like a machine sound, but what he said was his dislike of Su Yan's red fruit.


Su Yan was speechless.

In Su Yifan's eyes, his educational level should not be higher than that of nine-year compulsory education.

"My research direction is physics. Your problem belongs to the category of medicine and metaphysics. However, from the perspective of physics, a certain electromagnetic frequency can interfere with people's thinking by affecting people's brain waves, so as to achieve the purpose of making people have a specific dream."

Su Yan listened to a string of professional terms jumping out of his mouth. He only felt his head big, drooped his eyelids and said, "forget it, I'd better sleep!"


Hang up the phone, Su Yan didn't think any more and went straight to sleep.

It's half a month since xiaoruan left the hospital.

Susie followed her brothers to pick her up.

"Soft, you haven't been to the kindergarten for half a month. All the students in your class came to ask me about you! Especially the little fat man named Qin Haoyu came to me eight times a day. I was almost bored by him."

Said Susie with great exaggeration.

Su Ruan's eyelids twitched, which was really something Qin Haoyu could do.

As soon as xiaotuanzi and Susie walked hand in hand to the door of the hospital, they saw Su Ziyuan waiting at the door of the hospital.

Su Ruan ran over happily. "Second brother, you're here too. Why don't you go to the ward?"

"Just arrived. Counting the time, Ruan should come out. Just wait here."

Su Ziyuan said, reaching out and touching her little head, picked her up.

"Is it good for xiaoruan to live with his second brother?" Su Ziyuan asked with a small ball in his arms.

"Don't the second brother go home?" Su Ruan wondered.

"Well, I won't go back for the time being."

"Why?" Xiaotuan Zi naturally advised, "second brother, will you go home to live? When you go back, our family will be reunited except for the three brothers, as well as brother Su Lei and sister Sisi. How lively!"

Su Yan came over and just heard her words. His eyes looked at Su Ziyuan deeply, patted him on the shoulder and said, "why, it's been so many years and can't pass?"

Su Ruan looked at Su Yan and Su Ziyuan, confused.

In fact, she knew that when her parents died unexpectedly, although several brothers worked together to get through the difficulties, they had many contradictions internally.

The fourth brother Su Yan has a big heart, but it's nothing.

It's just that the second brother and the third brother have only come back for the new year for a reason.

Su Ziyuan didn't answer Su Yan's question. Instead, he looked at xiaotuanzi and said, "there are a lot of racing cars at the second brother's house. The second brother can also take you to play on the track. What's up? Xiaoruan, go and live with the second brother!"

Su Ruan thought of the videos he had seen before. He just felt the blood gushing. His big eyes like iced grapes were shining. His second brother on the field was really handsome.

Just before she thought about it, Su Yan on one side had "cut" a sound, "Su Ziyuan, you can't understand the little girl? Do you think which little girl will like your pile of junk? The little girls like Barbie dolls, Princess Castle or something."

As like as two peas brother Su Ziyuan still ignored him, he looked at Su soft and said very seriously: "the two brother's new villa is exactly the same as the castle. Is it good to live with two brother brother?"

As soon as he said this, Su Yan, who had just despised him, was nervous.

Taking advantage of his unprepared, he grabbed the small ball into his arms, "Su Ziyuan, you don't talk about martial virtue, but you have bought the castle. Have you secretly planned to come back and rob your sister?"

At this time, Su Yan regretted that it was foolish for him to move home directly and compete for his sister's favor with the eldest and the fifth every day.

Like Su Ziyuan, he should buy a castle outside that can tempt the little girl, turn the castle into a princess style, and tempt xiaoruan to live with him step by step.

In this way, his sister is his own!

Su Ruan was a little helpless. In the past, the big brother, the fourth brother and the little brother raised questions such as who she liked most and which brother she thought was the best and most handsome. She could still carry water.

But now the second brother will let her choose who to live with as soon as he comes back. How should she carry the water?

As a four-year-old baby, she really doesn't want to bear so much!

On one side, Susie didn't feel the tense atmosphere between her brother and sister. She was also immersed in the beautiful blueprint built by Su Ziyuan for xiaoruan to play in the racing track.

After struggling for a while, he finally summoned up the courage to pull the corner of rasu Ziyuan's clothes, "second brother, can I go to live with Ruan? I also like racing cars and want to see racing cars in the racing track."

Su Ziyuan looked down at Susie, "of course, but you have to convince your sister to go to the second brother first!"

When he said this, not only Su Yan, but also su Ruan felt that she looked like a world weary second brother who didn't care about anything. She was a hidden wolf with a big tail.

But at this time, Susie, who was completely attracted by the car, couldn't care so much.

Go to Su Yan, try to stand on tiptoe, hold Su Ruan in his arms, shake her fleshy little hand and coquettish: "Ruan, so Ruan, let's go to the second brother for a few days? The car is so handsome..."

Su's soft tiger body was shocked and stared at the coquettish Susie.

The little brain automatically made up her muscles. Laurie's fierce girl looked like a spoiled girl. Suddenly, she just felt a burst of cold.

Su Yan patted Susie's little paw, "don't fool your sister."

Then he held the small ball tighter, "soft, don't listen to your second brother. He is a big tail wolf. How dangerous the racing track is. Is it a place to take children to play?"

"Besides, your big brother won't allow you to live elsewhere."

"Xiao Ruan is four years old. She can decide who she wants to live with. Isn't it good for you to interfere with her freedom like this?" Su Ziyuan asked, glaring at Su Yan.

"No..." what's wrong.

Before Su Yan's words were finished, a clear and dignified voice came out from the hospital, "I'm only four years old and still a person without civil capacity, and as her only guardian, I have the right to decide where she lives."

In an instant, everyone turned their attention to Su Yiqing who just came out of the hospital after chatting with Yu Wuwei.

Su Ziyuan lowered his head and rubbed a string of sandalwood beads on his wrist. Then he looked up, slightly hooked his lips, but said without a smile: "can I take my sister to sell her some gifts?"

Su Yiqing frowned slightly. After being silent for several seconds, he nodded, "yes, ensure the soft safety. Take her back to the villa in two hours."

Su Ziyuan didn't answer. He directly stretched out his hand to hold the small ball in Su Yan's arms.

Su Yan held the small ball tightly.

"Let him take Ruan!" Su Yiqing said again.

Su Yan could only let go no matter how reluctant he was.

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