However, after finishing this gossip, Susie didn't care about Su Ruan's inner shock anymore.

She looked at Su Ruan very seriously and said, "little Ruan, I'll discuss something with you."

Su Ruan seldom saw such a serious look on her face, so she also made a small face and said seriously, "sister, you say."

"If Su Lei does anything bad in the future, can you help me to beg for mercy for my brothers and drive him to boarding school instead of driving him away, so that he can only wander or go to the welfare home to become a child no one wants?"

Su Ruan nodded very solemnly, "don't worry, sister. I won't let brother Su Lei get kicked out, even if I send him to a boarding school."

Looking at the small ball seriously, Susie was relieved.

There are so many things she can help Su Lei. I hope Su Lei won't die too much.

"Soft, soft... Come and see." Su Xiaowu knocked excitedly at the door and heard them.

When xiaotuanzi opened the door, he saw Su Xiaowu outside. He was so excited that his face turned red.

"Today, the video of us in that clothing store was posted on the Internet. It's really gratifying that the aunt is scolded by the whole network!" Su Xiaowu said excitedly, and the corners of his mouth are almost to the back of his ears.

Xiaotuanzi and Susie came together to have a look. It was really a video of them in the children's clothing store in the mall.

Qian Jiani's loud slap was hitting the salesperson's face. Then, Susie, Su Xiaowu and Su Ruan stood up.

The angry painting style of netizens in the barrage suddenly changed.

"Little beauty, this little temper, love, love!"

"Good aunt's cry, little brother!"

"The little dumpling is white and black! Aunt: I suspect you are scolding me for being ugly, but I have no evidence!"

"These three little ones have great looks. Did their parents save the galaxy?"

"Front + 1"

"Appearance value + 10086"

"Don't you recognize it? That little Zhengtai is the fifth brother, my brother's brother, and xiaotuanzi is my brother's sister. He is called a piano genius. I'm so beautiful, ah..."

This long bullet curtain drifted by, and the whole video was even more boiling.

Someone asked the identity of the little angry Susie.

Su Xiaowu was stunned when he saw this sentence. Then he typed a line on the bullet screen, "little grumpy is also my sister. I covered it."

As his words floated by, someone immediately pulled out his account number, followed by Susie's identity.

Susie looked at Su Xiaowu with tears in her clear eyes, "little brother, thank you!"

Su Xiaowu proudly touched his nose. "Little girls are trouble. They cry all the time."

Susie quickly wiped her tears with her sleeves. "I don't have it. I just have a brick in my eyes."


However, in the comments below this video, although there are occasional crooked buildings and their divine faces, most people are still scolding Qian Jiani.

"It is said that this aunt is the eldest miss of Qian family. No wonder she is so arrogant."

"Isn't Qian great? She doesn't deserve to lift shoes in front of the three little boys of the Su family. Look how polite they are to the salesperson. She's disgusting because she has a few bad money."

"What does qian do?"

"Those who make a fortune in decoration are now involved in the food industry."

"I'm afraid the food made by such a disgusting family will be black hearted and rotten, and resist Qian!"

"Resist Qian!"

There was a voice of righteous indignation on the Internet.

Qian family, Qian Jiani smashed everything in her family after seeing the video!

Her mother Duran frowned when she heard the banging upstairs downstairs.

Just as she wanted to go upstairs to greet her daughter, she saw her husband sitting on the sofa watching the news waving to her with a calm face.

She went over and Qian Hai, Qian Jiani's father, handed the iPad to her. "Look, this is your good daughter who is used to doing such things in public, saying such words, and being photographed and posted on the Internet. Do you know how much impact this has on the company and how much loss it will bring to the company?"

After Duran watched the video, his eyebrows tightened tightly.

She worked hard with Qian Hai in her early years. Although she retired to the second line after the company became bigger and focused on her husband and children, her ability is.

She glanced at Qian Hai fiercely, "OK, what's the use of saying these now? Quickly arrange people to withdraw the video and heat search. I'll go up and have a look at my daughter first."

Then she turned and went upstairs.

When I opened the door, I saw Qian Jiani, who was already mad, holding up a jewelry box to smash it.

"What are you doing?" Duran snapped.

When Qian Jiani saw her mother, all her anger, resentment and hatred turned into tears and rolled out of her eyes, "Mom, I..."

"Take back your tears." Duran frowned and said, "how do I usually teach you? What a big thing, it's smashing and crying at home. Your parents haven't died yet!"

Qian Jiani could only quickly wipe away the tears on her face.

"Mom, what should I do now?"

"Your father has gone to the contact to withdraw the video and search the heat. The Internet has no memory. In two days, any star will have an affair, and they will forget it. What are you worried about?"

"Mom, I don't panic about the online video, but when I took Sisi to the children's clothing store, I met Su Ziyuan with the three small ones of the Su family. It was the three small ones of the Su family who protected the salesperson. Su Ziyuan also said... And said... Mom, do you think the Su family will withdraw their marriage under the pretext of this matter? Can I still marry Su Yan?"

Although her father didn't like Su Yan before, she always liked Su Yan.

Although when Su's parents died and everyone was finished, she also stopped thinking about Su Yan. She can't marry to Su's house to suffer.

But the Su family is booming now, and Su Yan is the top king of the strength school. If the marriage is yellow, she will never find a better one with their family affairs.

Duran's face looked sharp again, and his eyes sank. "This marriage was decided by the old lady of the Su family and Su Yan's parents. Is it that he, Su Ziyuan, a hairy boy, can destroy it if he says it?

Now clean up and go to bed. We'll visit the old lady of the Su family early tomorrow morning. "


When Su Ruan went to kindergarten the next day, she was warmly welcomed by the whole class.

Qin Haoyu, especially the little fat man, wanted to give her a big bear hug when he waited for her at the gate of the young goose garden.

Finally, under the eyes of Su xiaowuhu, xiaopangduner awkwardly took back his small fat arms.

I have to say that although little fat duner is a sea king who only looks at selfie, he is very loyal to selfie!

After she entered the young goose garden, she was already waiting for her row of little girls. When she saw her, she greeted her crisply: "sister Ruan."

Xiaotuanzi felt an indescribable sense of comfort. It was better to be king in the young goose garden and accept everyone's worship than to be bored and dazed every day in the hospital!

The small group quickly played in the young goose garden. After school, as soon as they came out of the small door, they saw a figure standing out of the crowd standing in a pile of children.

She dashed over, "brother Gu Chen, why are you here?"

Gu Chen's deep eyes seemed to have stars shining. He looked down at her and said, "I'm also studying in this school. I'm in a class with your little brother. I'm moving next door to your house now. Can my driver pick me up today? Can you take me back by the way?"

"OK!" the Little Regiment looked up and killed with a crooked head.

The solemn expression on Gu Chen's face almost didn't stretch.

Little Tuanzi subconsciously took his hand, "brother Gu Chen, let's go..."

However, at the moment when her little hand held Gu Chen's little hand, a figure rushed over like a small whirlwind and grabbed her little hand in her hand.

Su Xiaowu looked at Gu Chen warily, educated the small group and said, "soft, all the men in the world are bad people except his brother. You can't hold hands with them casually, let alone hug them. Especially those men who look like tyrants and are dignified outside, they can't tell how dark and dirty they are. You must stay away from them!"

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