Yue Jun returns to the police station with Feng xiner and xiaoruan.

There is a special studio in the Bureau.

When Feng xiner draws, she doesn't like others watching. The main reason is that her cartoons usually have some shameful scenes and passages.

But this time she is not drawing comics, and xiaoruan is the sister of an idol, which is different from others.

So she chartered Xiao Ruan to stay in the studio and watch her painting.

According to the skull, restoring the portrait is a very complicated process. Feng Xin Er paints his heart and soul, but he does not know how to paint, so that she can copy the picture of Wang Wang and piggy.

But Feng xiner is professional. She is restoring the muscle texture of the dead according to the burned skull, and finally restoring the face according to the muscle texture.

At a glance, her painting is full of various lines, not even a complete face.

Xiaoruan looked dizzy.

She doesn't know when she dozed off, let alone when she fell asleep.

Even she couldn't tell if it was in a dream.

She saw Qin Miaoxian come in from the door of the studio and come to her with pride and ridicule on her face.

She was originally sitting on a small stool. Qin Miaoxian stood a long way higher than her.

Qin Miao Xianju looked down at her with a cold sneer on his face and said faintly, "Su Ruan, I'm back. Are you afraid?"

Xiao Ruan was a little more serious on her soft and cute face, but there was no fear at all. She leaned back on her small face, a pair of clear eyes that seemed to see through the hearts of the people, and stared at Qin Miaoxian, "why am I afraid of you? Shouldn't I be afraid of you?

You're the one who did bad things. I'm sorry. You're the one in the Su family. Even if you come back, you can only hide like a mouse. You're the one who lives!

What am I afraid of you doing? "

"Su Ruan, you want to die!" Qin Miaoxian seemed to be stabbed in pain by xiaoruan, and suddenly raised her hand and slapped xiaoruan on her body.

Small soft and flexible took out the brick machine, turned on the electric stick mode, and attacked Qin Miaoxian.

"Dong!" With a, the small soft brick machine didn't touch Qin Miaoxian. Her small body fell straight on the floor from the bench.

When Feng xiner heard the news, it was too late to catch her. He watched her fall and a dog gnaw at the mud.

Feng xiner quickly put down her brush and helped her up. "Xiaoruan, are you okay? Did you fall anywhere?"

Little soft sweet smiled, "sister Xin, I'm fine. I just had a dream. I fought with someone in the dream. I was a little excited and fell off my chair."

"You!" Feng xiner unconsciously rubbed her soft hair with a little spoiled.

"Call -"

On the other side, Qin Miaoxian suddenly sat up from the bed.

She had a full face lift. Her face was covered with bandages. Like a mummy, she couldn't see her original appearance at all.

Thinking of the dream just now, she unconsciously stretched out her hand and touched her own abdomen. In the dream just now, the little bitch Su Ruan was holding something against her. It felt that her whole body was numbed by electricity. Even if she woke up now, it was still very clear.

Thinking of the fearless appearance of xiaoruan in her dream, she unconsciously clenched her fist.

Now she can't speak, so she can only say in her heart: "Su Ruan, wait for me. One day, I want you to kneel in front of me and beg me!"

At this time, Qin Miaoxian heard footsteps outside her ward door.

Yuan Guoyang's respectful voice came from the outside, "young Lord, I've brought back. I've just finished cosmetic surgery. The anesthetic should have woken up by now."

Qin Miaoxian could not move, but his heart came up.

Yuan Guoyang has a master?

This is something she doesn't know.

She only knew that Yuan Guoyang had a grudge against the Su family. She thought that Yuan Guoyang liked her, understood the Su family's situation and could play a role in dealing with the Su family, so she would help her.

But now it seems that the person who helped her was not yuan Guoyang, but the master behind yuan Guoyang. Why did this person help her?

Just as Qin Miaoxian's thoughts turned, a tall young figure came in from the outside. The young man stood against the direction of the light, wearing a black cloak. It was clear that there was a lot of sunshine behind him, but his whole person was like a black hole, and those lights could not penetrate into a penny.

There was a cold, devil like smell on his whole body.

Qin Miaoxian only felt that her heart was grasped. She subconsciously wanted to ask, who are you.

But in order to change her face, she moved all the knives on her face, and her mouth couldn't make a sound at all.

The young man looked up at her. He wore a dark mask on his face. He couldn't see his face. He could only see his dark eyes, unspeakably gloomy and depressed.

A cold sense of fear spread from the bottom of Qin Miaoxian's heart to all parts and bones.

She looked at the young man's slender fingers with distinct bony joints and extended them to the mask on her face

She knew he was going to take off his mask, and the instinctive fear became more violent. She wanted to shout No.

But the mask has been taken off.

She thought she would see a terrible face, but it was not terrible at all. Instead, it was as handsome as a banished fairy.

Qin Miaoxian subconsciously widened her eyes, and her breathing seemed to stop in an instant.

Not because the teenager is too good-looking, but because the face is too familiar.

Gu Chen!

She didn't see Gu Chen with her own eyes, but when she woke up and pretended to lose memory in the nursing home, she tried to check everything she could find about the Su family.

After leaving the sanatorium, Yuan Guoyang also introduced her to all the people in the Su family, one of whom is Gu Chen!

He is not the Su family and has no kinship with the Su family, but like the Su brothers, he will be desperate to protect the little bitch Su Ruan, and his ability is unfathomable. The Su family has encountered several crises before, and he is trying to turn the tide and resolve the crisis of the Su family.

But she remembered that when she went to the variety show with the Qin family, Gu Chen, who suddenly came to the program, was clearly an eight year old child, but now it was only the past year, but Gu Chen became a teenager.

She didn't know what was going on with Gu Chen, but she knew it was absolutely abnormal?

So, since Gu Chen is from the Su family, why did he get her out of the Su family's sanatorium?

What does he want to do?

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