Gu Chen took over the book that had been turned up and looked at the title on the cover, "100 ways to make your girlfriend love you more and more".

He couldn't help showing his disgust, but his hand opened the book faster than his brain. He even read the catalogue directly and turned to the 38th way mentioned by Qin Huan.

Gu Chen looked at the subtitle and frowned more disgustingly, "be good at using ambiguity to highlight their own value".

He went through the specific operation methods at a glance. To sum up, he found a suitable girl to play ambiguous and make his girlfriend jealous, so as to make his girlfriend aware of his importance.

While Gu Chen was thinking, his slender fingers, like jade, habitually tapped gently on the seat.

Although he felt uncomfortable when other female creatures except xiaoruan approached him, he somehow felt that it was feasible to do so.

Because he doesn't feel uncomfortable because xiaoruan is too close to Chen Jie?

If he properly let xiaoruan feel this discomfort, xiaoruan should understand it?

The question now is where does he find a suitable girl who won't let xiaoruan completely misunderstand their relationship?

After Gu Chen got out of Qin Huan's car, he thought about the problem and walked home.

He walks. As for the car he drives out, Qiu Shun will come and drive back later.

Gu Chen went to the gate of the manor and saw Qiu Shun hurried out with Uncle Zhong. At the gate of the manor, there was a girl in a washed white blue cloth skirt pushing a wheelchair, on which sat a haggard man.

Uncle Zhong followed Qiu Shun out and saw the middle-aged man. His eyes were full of surprise and excitement. "It's you! Why are you here?"

Before the man opened his mouth, his lips trembled first. It was not caused by excitement, but because of weakness and lack of strength.

The man seemed to have exhausted his strength before he finally said, "Uncle Zhong, I'm looking for Mr. and Mrs. Zhong. Can I see them?"

With that, he took out a man's old pocket watch from his arms with trembling hands.

This is a keepsake given by Gu Chen's father Gu Zhi after he saved Gu Chen's mother Jianshi that year. He said that when he was in trouble, he could take the keepsake to their family for help at any time.

Uncle Zhong looked at the pocket watch in his trembling hand, and there was a trace of gloom in the bottom of his eyes. "Both Mr. and Mrs. are gone..."

The man's eyes also hung down and looked dim.

Gu Chen walked over. "What's the matter with my parents? You can also tell me that they're gone, but I can pay back the favor they owe."

The man looked at Gu Chen, and the light of hope was rekindled in his eyes. He stretched out his hand and took the little girl's hand next to him with some excitement. His voice trembled and said, "I don't have much time. The only thing I can't put down in this world is the child. I came to find my husband and wife. I originally wanted to entrust the child to them and let them take care of it, so that she can study well and grow up.

If you can, I hope the young master can help take care of him. "

The man read with a heart. After saying such a long sentence, his body can't support it. He breathed heavily, but he still breathed more and less!

Gu Chen looked at Qiu Shun calmly, "take him to the medical room of Su family!"

There is no medical room in his manor. The main reason is that the manor lacks one function, so he has one more excuse to go to the Su family.

Qiu Shun immediately picked up the man and rushed to the Su family.

Gu Chen also strode to follow up.

Xiaoruan, who was bored to go fishing with her sister on the lake, saw Qiu Shun millet rush into the house with a man in his arms. He couldn't even care about fishing. He lost his fishing rod and ran into the house.

He just bumped into Gu Chen who came close behind Qiu Shun.

Little soft subconsciously grabbed Gu Chen's hand, "brother Gu Chen, what happened? Who was the person Qiu Shun took into the corn just now?"

Gu Chen felt the soft radish hand as if it had no bones, and the shadow in her heart was scattered for a few minutes. "An old friend of my parents came to me for help. I want to try to cure him."

"I'm with you." Xiaoruan said immediately.

Although she is not willing to treat people, anyway, treating people is more interesting than guarding a fishing rod.

Gu Chen's dark and deep eyes looked at xiaoruan. They nodded tacitly, put on sterile clothes together and entered the medical room.

In the medical room, the man has fallen into a coma.

Gu Chen and xiaoruan immediately began to examine him, but the results made them silent. Melanoma and cancer cells had spread all over the body.

Indeed, there is no salvation. It can even be said that it is a miracle that this man can survive until now.

Xiaoruan looked at the man lying on the hospital bed wearing an oxygen mask. As long as the oxygen mask was pulled out, the man would die within half an hour.

To this extent, any medical measures are meaningless.

Even if the instrument is used to prolong the patient's life, it is just to let the patient bear the pain and suffering for another period of time.

Gu Chen walked out with a small soft hand across the sterile clothes. Uncle Zhong has also come and is waiting outside with Qiu Shun with the girl in the blue skirt.

Seeing Gu Chen and xiaoruan come out, the girl in blue skirt looked at Gu Chen. At the same time, a pair of thin hands grabbed her skirt with some tension and embarrassment, and asked in a trembling voice, "Gu... Mr. Gu, how's my father?"

She didn't know how to call Gu Chen, so she hesitated for a while before she determined the name of Mr. Gu.

Gu Chen shook her head slightly, and then went to change her protective clothing. After coming out, she said to the girl, "melanoma, cancer cells have spread all over the body. Using the instrument can prolong her life for about three days.

Remove the instrument and die in half an hour.

You can go and see him first and make a decision. "

The blue skirt girl's tears rushed out like a burst of a dike. She wiped her tears and walked into the medical room.

The little soft person is small, and the action of changing protective clothing is also slower. When she changes her clothes and comes out, the girl in blue skirt has entered the medical room.

She habitually glanced at her brother Gu Chen, who was looking at the medical room with her eyebrows locked. Gu Chen felt Xiao Ruan's eyes. She had subconsciously wanted to talk to Xiao Ruan about their identity and what he knew, but she swallowed it back to her mouth.

Be cold, be cold!

To implement the plan to make xiaoruan jealous.

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