Three months later, the Xiao family and the Su family held another funeral.

After being confused for three months, old lady Xiao suddenly woke up one day. She called her son, daughter-in-law, grandchildren and grandchildren in front of her. After explaining their entrustment one by one, she said with a smile, "Ning Ning has come to pick me up with xiaoruan. I should go."

Leaving only this sentence, old lady Xiao closed her eyes and smiled at the corners of her mouth.

Su Xiaowu first burst into tears and rushed towards his grandmother. The crying and choking sound in the whole room suddenly rang out.

At the old lady's funeral, Gu Chen didn't even show her face as before.

However, from the news that the old lady had left, she appeared in the Su family. Like all the Su family and Xiao family, she was busy, dressed in hemp and filial piety, and didn't treat herself as an outsider at all.

Until the end of the funeral, when Gu Chen was leaving, Li Mo'er touched Su Yiqing's elbow and said to him, "old Su, go talk to Gu Chen.

I heard uncle Zhong say that in the past few years when xiaoruan was gone, Gu Chen never smiled and hardly spoke, just like another person.

Every night I shut myself in my study to see xiaoruan's photos and previous things, and work as usual the next day.

You see how thin he is now. If he goes on like this, how can he bear it? "

Su Yiqing glanced at Gu Chen. He didn't think how thin Gu Chen was, that is, the normal figure of a teenager. He was thin but stylish.

I just thought of some of Gu Chen's means in the mall now

In the past, he was the living hell of the business world, who provoked who died. Now he has been replaced by Gu Chen.

Gu's business field is in the high-tech industry, and ordinary small enterprises can't meet him. However, some people in the entertainment industry don't know where to catch the wind. They know some small soft things and want to make an article to attract attention.

Without exception, those media disappeared overnight.

Although he was going to do it, he couldn't turn on him at all.

In addition to the people in their family, they will do this kind of thing, except Gu Chen, who doesn't want to be a third person.

Su Yiqing handed the Su Nian prion in his hand to Li Mo'er and walked towards Gu Chen.

Elder brother Gu Qingchen looked at him with a cold attitude

After xiaoruan was gone, when the Su brothers faced Gu Chen, they didn't have the previous tit for tat and swords.

Su Yiqing patted Gu Chen on the shoulder and said, "come to the study with me first."

Gu Chen followed Su Yiqing to the study as obedient as when Xiao Ruan was still there.

Suyiqing sat with him on the balcony of his study and watched the leaves of the French Wutong tree falling in the yard outside.

Su Yiqing poured Gu Chen a cup of tea, and Gu Chen took a sip, but he didn't mean to speak. Now he can hardly take the initiative to speak.

Su Yiqing took back his eyes, looked at him and said, "it's been more than three years. Haven't you put it down yet?"

Gu Chen heard this and frowned lightly. In the dark and deep eyes, he took an obvious anger in front of Su Yiqing for the first time, "did you put down the big brother?"

Su Yiqing slightly hooked her lips and said faintly, "we are xiaoruan's brother and her blood related relatives. No matter how long she left, we won't and can't put it down.

But you're different. You can put it down.

You can live your own life.

The body has been tested for DNA, the bones have been examined, and the appearance of a child has been painted. Xiaoruan is no longer there.

Even if each of us is willing to admit this fact, but this is the fact. You can't go on like this all the time. "

Gu Chen looked at Su Yiqing's eyes at this time, which was not only cold, but also a little more sarcastic, "that's not a little soft. Even if it is, since I can follow her back once, then I can go back to the past and find her again!"

Su Yiqing looked at the sullen and persistent in Gu Chen's eyes, sighed slightly in his heart and said, "in fact, I don't believe it's small soft."

Gu Chen realized that his tone was too extreme, "I know. Because you haven't given up looking for xiaoruan since you buried the body."

Su Yiqing looked at Gu Chen and nodded softly, "well, xiaoruan came back for our brothers and met these things now. Anyway, I can't believe that she is no longer in the world.

I know I can't persuade you to accept this reality.

But I hope you can get out of this matter, at least on the surface. In private, it doesn't matter how we continue to look. "

Gu Chen soon understood what Su Yiqing meant.

Su Yiqing hoped that he would not show in front of the Su family and the rest of the Xiao family that he thought Xiao Ruan was still alive, because other people in the family thought Xiao Ruan was dead. Although they mourned, their grief would slowly fade with the passage of time.

But if they have been carrying hope, but can't see any hope at all, that's cyclic and endless torture.

"I see." Gu Chen nodded and said.

After dealing with the old lady's funeral, Grandpa and three grandfathers also called the Su family, the Xiao family and Gu Chen together. Grandpa looked at the grandchildren and grandchildren in the room, with a comforting smile on his face. He looked at Su Yiqing and said, "Yiqing, now you've all grown up, and you and the third have a family.

Although the second and fourth are not settled yet, and the fifth, lei'er and sissy are still young, grandpa is relieved to have you. "

With that, he looked at Xiao world again, "world, I don't worry about them as soon as they are clear. I'll be more relieved when you stand at the door of your family.

Now your mother's old woman is gone. I'm an old man living with your young people. I haven't been very used to it.

At the right moment, Lao Yan, Lao Peng and Lao Huang also said that they were tired of playing and were ready to go back to the mountains and continue to live in seclusion. I would join them.

In the future, if we don't come out, you don't have to come to us. If one of the four of us is old and dead, someone will inform you. You can go and collect a corpse for us at that time. "

"Dad..." Xiao Shijie wanted to persuade, but master Xiao waved his hand, "you don't have to say anything more, just do it according to my arrangement."

When the brothers of the Su family looked at their grandfather, they also looked at the three grandfathers. The three grandfathers had the same attitude as their grandfather.

The brothers of the Su family and the Xiao family couldn't keep grandpa and grandpa three. Gu Chen didn't ask to keep them, but said to Grandpa three, "if you have no money, tell me."

Su Yiqing is now running the pharmaceutical enterprise under the name of three old men. It's true to make money, but Gu Chen knows too well the ability of three old men to make money.

Even if they go to live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, they can't grievance themselves. If they don't grievance themselves, it's equivalent to having to take money to shop outside the mountain to the place where they live in seclusion.

Grandpa San was not polite to Gu Chen either. Grandpa Yan directly extended his hand to Gu Chen and said, "then you can directly give me two more cards and write me two more checks. I'll spend all the money I've prepared before I ask you for it."

Gu Chen directly motioned Qiu Shun to give the money and check to the old man.

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