Goo Goo

But there was a protest from her stomach. Susie felt her little belly pitifully and swallowed saliva.

At this time, a passing middle-aged man came this way.

He showed a smile that he thought he was kind, but actually he was very obscene. "Little sister, are you alone? Why don't you go home with your uncle? Your uncle invited you to eat delicious food."

Susie said with a cold little face and a clear voice: "uncle, for the crime of abducting and selling children, she shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than 10 years and shall also be fined; if the circumstances are serious, she shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment and shall also be fined or confiscated of property; if the circumstances are especially serious, she shall be sentenced to death and confiscation of property, in addition..."

Susie stretched out her little hand, pointed to the oblique position above, and continued: "on your upper right, the monitor has photographed your face, uncle, are you sure you want to abduct me to go with you?"

The middle-aged man subconsciously looked in the direction of her fingers.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Susie jumped out like a rabbit, and made several turns without hesitation to avoid the obscene uncle.

When she was sure that no one came after her and that she was safe, she stopped to breathe.

When her breath cleared, she squatted down on the roadside again.

It's really dangerous outside. I don't know where Su Lei is now?

Like her, will she encounter bad people who want to abduct children.

Su Lei is so stupid. If he really meets him, I don't know if he will follow him foolishly.

After looking for the monitoring equipment, the man looked back and saw the flexible figure of the little girl rabbit disappear at the corner of the street.

He couldn't help touching his face and lost his smile. He really saw the little girl so late. He was very poor on the roadside. He wanted to take her to eat some delicious food and send it to the police station to give it to the police.

As a result, the little girl was scared away by him directly.

Also very helpless!


A Xiang turned off the light with light hands and feet, closed the door and walked out of xiaotuanzi's room.

Xiaotuanzi also quietly poked a small head out of the quilt. First open a blingbling big eye and make sure aunt Xiang has gone out.

Then she got up, pulled the puppet rabbit who was on the pillow next to her, touched it with her little hand, and took out the brick machine from the puppet rabbit's stomach.

Although the big brother promised him to send someone to find sissy sister, she was still worried.

So just get up and write your own program and use the network tracking technology she brought back from 20 years later to track sissy's sister's mobile phone signal.

Her chubby little fingers clattered on the virtual keyboard. Soon, a huge map appeared on the virtual screen projected from the brick machine, and a small red dot on the map was particularly eye-catching.

Little Tuanzi's big bright eyes smiled into a bright moon.

After she came back from crossing, she tried this tracking technology for the first time. Unexpectedly, it could work. Great!

At the same time, in Gu's villa next door, the alarm light on Gu Chen's computer flickered.

Gu Chen, who was processing the documents, threw the documents in his hand and rushed to the computer.

Start tracking the signal immediately.

"So close?" Gu Chen's eyebrows twisted slightly, and then the stars in his black eyes shone, "is it... Really a member of the Su family?"

He was operating with both hands at full speed. Whether he was from the Su family or not, he had to take advantage of this opportunity to catch those who repeatedly wanted to invade Gu's internal system.

Xiaotuanzi zoomed in and zoomed in again, just as she was about to lock Susie's specific location.

The system prompts, "the system has been locked!"

She instantly stared a pair of big eyes and didn't think much. She immediately quit the program, closed the network of the brick machine, and turned on the invisible mode to escape each other's tracking.

Until the alarm was lifted, Su Ruan was still palpitating.

Unexpectedly, she just used the program and someone could track her. Has the network technology of network experts in this era reached this level?

And who will track her?

She had a flash of light in her mind and remembered that Gu's internal system had been anti tracked in the hospital.

Is it... Gu?

Xiaotuanzi looked a little serious. It seemed that she was watched by Gu.

There will be no emergency in the future. This network system can never be used again.

She stuffed the brick machine into the quilt, sat on the edge of the bed and slid down the bed like a small loach.

Stepping on the thick cashmere carpet, he pulsating two short legs and ran quickly to the second floor.

On the second floor, Su Yiqing's study is still on.

Little Tuanzi stretched out a small head and poked into the study, "big brother..."

Su Yiqing looked up at her from a pile of documents, his face spoiled and helpless.

He got up and walked towards her, rubbed her soft hair, squatted down and asked her, "can't little soft sleep?"

"No!" the small group said excitedly, "big brother, soft had a dream. I dreamed of sister sissy. Sister sissy said she was waiting for me in leford street. Let me find her quickly!"

If she hadn't been tracked, she wanted to compare the specific location of Susie.

But because she was tracked, she only had time to compare the streets and hurried out of the program.

Su Yiqing couldn't help smiling and pinching her fleshy little face, "well, Xiao Ruan dreamed that sissy's sister was in Leifu street, and the big brother sent someone to Leifu street to find sissy's sister."

"Thank you, big brother. Big brother is the best, Lala..." xiaotuanzi was happy to turn around.

Su Yiqing looked at her, and the smile on her face unconsciously expanded. As long as her sister was happy, let alone let someone go to Leifu street to find Susie, why not even give her his whole business empire?

Su Ruan doesn't know that she obeys the instinctive happy action of a four-year-old child, which makes Su Yiqing think so much.

At the moment, she is thinking about how to find Su Lei when she can't open the network system and the program can't be used.

After su Yiqing called Liu Hong and told him to go to Laifu street to find Susie, he picked up Su Ruan and wanted to take her back to her room to sleep.

Su Yan just came back from the outside and saw the small soft in Su Yiqing's arms. His eyes suddenly lit up. He grabbed the small ball from Su Yiqing's arms. "Sister, go, four brothers sing you bedtime songs."

Su Yiqing, with a cold face, snatched her back from Su Yan's hand. "My sister likes me to tell her bedtime stories."

"Boss, don't lie with your eyes open. My sister obviously likes me to sing her bedtime songs."

Su Yiqing's cold eyes looked at Su Yan, "nonsense, my sister likes me to tell her bedtime stories."

Xiaotuanzi was dazed by being robbed. He just wanted to call his two brothers to stop.

I heard the fourth brother say angrily, "Su Yiqing, even if you are the boss, you should be reasonable! Everyone is the brother of xiaotuanzi. Why do you occupy your sister's bedtime alone every day?"

"What do you want?"

"Since everyone is a brother, the time to coax my sister to sleep should be shared equally."

"Yes, I agree. I'll tell my sister bedtime stories from Monday to Sunday. You can sing bedtime songs to my sister from August to 14. If Su Xiaowu or the second and third have other opinions, then we'll line up from Friday to Tuesday 11, and from Tuesday 12 to Tuesday 18!"

Su Yiqing said this sentence without changing his face or jumping. Not to mention Su yanmu staring at the dog, even the little Tuanzi was ashamed. Unexpectedly, the big brother played a rogue. He was really six.

Su Yan gnashed his teeth. "Su Yiqing, you don't talk about martial virtue!"

Su Yiqing held a small ball and slightly hooked his mouth. "I'm flattered. Who didn't let you be born in front of me?"

With that, he went directly to the third floor with a small ball in his arms, leaving Su Yan with a proud figure.

Xiaotuanzi was also very helpless. Although she felt that her fourth brother was a little poor, at this time, no matter what she said, the bowl of water was uneven, so she chose to turn a blind eye!

Su Yiqing patiently read the bedtime story to xiaotuanzi.

Xiaotuanzi originally wanted to wait for uncle Liu Hong to find sister Sisi and discuss with sister Sisi about finding brother Su Lei, but the four-year-old was too weak.

Under the hypnosis of the story read out by Su Yiqing's low magnetic voice, she fell asleep soon.

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