Big Life

Chapter 177

22 – Let's meet at home (9) 22 – Let's meet at home (9) "That, that …."
Sangdo could not speak and caught a bottle.
My hand shook so badly that I almost fell down.
The tops did not follow the cup, but were ringing in the bottle with a bottle.
Surprised reconstruction stretched out his hand, but he had already cleared a bottle.
"Huh! Here is another bottle of shochu! "
"I think I asked a question. "I'm so sorry…" Drink slowly, sir. "
Sangdo did not listen. As soon as I picked up the lid of the newly imported shochu, I was about to drink it.
"It's too fast."
"You'll take it and leave it."
"···································································································· Please,
Got I'll drink it as a cup first. "
Rebuilding slowly dropped his hand.
After thinking, he added a word.
"It may be very exciting to say this, but … I am worried about you. It could be alcohol dependence. "
"I take care of my health."
"Let me go to the hospital once."
"If you say that one more time, it will happen first."
Even if I persuaded it, it did not work.
The walls of the city over the top of the fortress were solid. I could not penetrate with the power of reconstruction.
Sangdo drank over the glass again and again. In the anju, I drank three cups without a hand.
"Kyya ~" It was a feeling that I was excited for a while. Breath was getting calmed down little by little.
Sangdo opened his mouth, turning around the old menu board without a job.
"I have a bit of a bad idea. As Mr. Ha said, I was not very good with my father. "
"I'm sorry to make you feel uncomfortable. Let's talk another story. "
"I think it would be better."
The top shed a long sigh and nodded.
There was a slight smile on his face, which was a blank expression.
"Mr. Ha."
"What is your father to Mr. Ha?"
Suddenly why are you asking this question?
Do you want to compare it to the father's standard that you define?
Rebuilding was a bit embarrassing but I answered quietly without expressing it.
"He is very respectful to me."
"Sure you are." That's right, Father, that's what it is. "
Sangdo muttered like a private message.
I did not feel like a particularly sarcastic tone. Then he asked for a bottle and asked again.
"I think it might be a bit rude question, but …"
"It's okay, please do not be crazy."
"Does your father love Mr. Ha?"
Yes, you have.
"Are you sure?"
with a newer version as well.
There was no hesitation or hesitation in the answer of reconstruction.
The emotions of envy were hovering gently in the eyes of both of them, looking at him like that.
"I envy you, sincerely."
"· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·.
"No." Stop it. "
The top squeezed his hand and snorted.
It was a reconstruction that could not add a sound that would be considered a pretension. He opened a spoonful and he changed the subject.
"Your father's remains."
“······.” "I keep it well. If you want, you can take it right away. And can Rica keep me growing? I have heard so much and now it's my family. "
I had thought of this before I came here.
Suddenly, it was not what I said.
It is a valuable item that gives close to the ability to wear, but it was determined not to have a fuss. I thought it was a good thing to give it back to his son because it was the stuff of Seon Kwon Woo in the first place.
"You kept them still …."
"It's your father's stuff."
The top was standing in front of my fingers and shaking.
"I have left my hand since I left it in my father's grave. My answer is the same as when you brought it with you. Take care if you throw it away. "
Two bottles of liquor exposed the floor.
The two eyes on the top of the tapered top seemed to have no place. He was speechless, half-lipped with his wet lips.
"I've almost never seen it. I've seen it twice a year ………. I wonder where I've been around so hard all my life.
"Could not he have liked to travel?"
"Well, maybe. The important thing is that you did not tell me anything. The day I died ……… "
"You do not even know what happened to your last act?"
Reconstruction was also part of the opportunity to ask.
I wanted to make sure if my dream was a hit-and-run hit. I wondered very much about the owner of the hand that took something out of the carrying bag.
department of the person in charge. I went to meet someone ……… Where was it again … There was a cat called Rica, but I could not hear her explanation. Aunt, here's a bottle of shochu. "
The woman who was washing dishes took off her rubber gloves and brought a bottle of alcohol.
The two eyes of the top licking the lid filled with hot tears.
"I was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
The top smacked his brow on the table.
Reconstruction wetted the chest with a glass of wine. I have not even been able to figure out from where and how I can relieve the affection of Sang –
Rainwater was falling out of the doorway.

*** "It's good to meet and talk."
"Anyhow improvised. I suddenly call you at Incheon airport without a word. Do you know how surprised I was? "
It was a bar where sweet jazz melodies flow.
The amber, warm lighting was shining in the room.
The bright spot sat on the edge of the bar. The single-headed woman who stood side by side was Eugene, who was also her motive and lover. As a publishing agent based in the United States, she suddenly came to Korea.
"Cheers. You like vodka? "
"Not really. When I met the artists, I changed to soju. "
"It is common for the next group president. Then shochu. "
"Do not joke. Now tell me, what kind of wind did you come in suddenly? "
Eugene drank a glass straight without ice. Without changing her expression, she simply replied.
"I want to see."
I told you. I wanted to see you. "
I was laughing because my face was silent.
Eugene was enjoying his smile as he was drinking alcohol.
"Ha Jae-Gon, the author of the mustard bath, is also on the verge of publishing. Now that I'm back, I'm going crazy. So-called holiday, vacation. It's only two days. "
"A two-day vacation once came too. How about the KNoble people? "
KNOBL is the name of a large US publishing company.
The 'mustard bath' was published through KNOBL. The artist had already been informed about reconstruction.
"Work well. It accepts opinions well. Would not it be KNOBLE? "
"Soon after one million breakthroughs? And it's a movie release two days later. I'm going to the USA to watch movies. I do not want to see it alone. "
"Do not worry, I'll get you a VIP seat."
Another glass of alcohol flowed through the udder of two people.
Eugene supported her cheek with her hand, which was red, and looked at the bright spot.
"It's still a good job, our honor."
"I was kind of alive."
"Honestly, your brother Myeong-hoon is more handsome."
"I admit it. Myeong-hoon does not go anywhere without the character. "
"I need to know if you will let your sister go."
"I'm not talking about my brother, but objectively …."
"Oh, yes. Myeong-hoon is the best handsome man.
Eugene cut the horse and lifted the cup.
She smiled and smiled at her cup.
"Oh, I take it."
"I'll take you to the hotel. Let's go early today. "
"After you take him?"
Eugene stared at her provocative eyes and asked.
She has already guessed her mischievous playfulness, but she responded casually.
"I'll go home and sleep."
"It's not funny. Would you like me to stay in my room with you today? "
"Eugene is really drunk. Do not irritate people with unexpected jokes because they are lonely nowadays. "
"You're not kidding. It's not
Eugene wore a bright spot and arm.
Familiar body odor and warm body temperature have made the mysterious surprise of old memories.
It was a woman who could not cope with reality. She is sitting right beside her now that she has penetrated a long time.
However, the situation of the bright spot which can not reach out first is just like every other thing.
Naturally, the face of bright spot has become gloomy. Within a short time, she was conscious of Eugene's side and solved her expression, but the feelings of the moment eventually turned up. As a proof, Eugene was loosening his arms and dropping his heavy head.
"I should not play this joke now. It's not fun. "
"What are you talking about? Why so serious?"
"I'm tired. I have to get up again. Let's keep this and then drink. "
Eugene stepped up one step ahead of her bag.
Myeongseok regretted that she had not managed her face for a while, and followed her.
"Thank you for today. You'll go in a taxi ride. "
"Do not you know that the hotel you stay at is similar to our house? Come with me. "
I put Eugene in her car and forced herself to stand side by side.
The driver of the driver stepped on the accelerator.
The car began to slip through the wet streets in the fall.
Eugene was out of the window and fixed his gaze. I could not speak first because I had to sort out my memories.
There was not a word of conversation between the two until we arrived at the Gekko Hotel.
"Thank you for taking me."
"Yes, I'll call you tomorrow."
After the greetings, the mystery turned. Hesitantly standing there Eugene suddenly said all of a sudden.
"It's not because of you."
“······?” I turned around with a blank face.
Eugene's wet eyes were laughing in a crescent moon shape. She said with a fingertip.
"I was cursed because my body can not keep up with women."
"Eugene ………!"
The bright spot stood one step closer. Eugene moved backwards as much as that. The gap between the two did not change.
"I'll see you tomorrow! I do not feel tired tomorrow until today? "
Eugene did not give a chance to say more and she was left behind the hotel. In the midst of people who come and go many times, the bright spot has not moved for a long time.
The vibration from the pocket has returned the bright spot to reality.
It was a call from my father Tae Jin.
"Yes, Father." – I did not come in until late and called once. If you are working, hang up immediately.
"No, I just met a friend."
He did not reveal that his opponent was Eugene. Eugene was the exception, but the father who allowed and supported almost everything possible.
Copy that. Do not drink too much.
"You have not had a few drinks. I was about to go in. "- Yeah? So I'm in the library and come over and talk to me.
The reason to consult in the library was to look at the writing. Recently, Tae Jin was writing a new feature novel. One of the family members, Myeongseok, the eldest son, knew this.
"I told you before, but the introduction was great, Father." – Where should I put my heart? I'm getting older and I'm getting less physical, and I think this is the last post every time.
"Why do not you ask other authors and editors to ask? My father has a tendency to trust my perspective too. "
I was thinking about reconstruction.
I have been working as a person for a long time as a work. Now, I believe that reconstruction is the best writer in Korea.
– Okay, let's talk about that. Come on in.
"Yes, I'll be right in."
I hang up the phone and Myeongseok once again looked at the hotel that swallowed Eugene.
I wanted to go through that door right now to her room, but there was no way but to turn away.

*** "Reconstruction is your brother, you have to start now because you do not know how to get lost."
"I'm all dressed up now."
It was the day when the movie 'Mustard Bathhouse' was opened. Rebuilding was supposed to be filming with family as usual. The chauffeur, who was in charge of the driver, was ready on the front porch.
"I feel good, brother. It's just one million copies on the release date, Kyya ~! "
As soon as I saw the reconstruction from the room, he said.
It was news from the Internet this morning.
There was an article about the novel 'Mustard Baths' that sold 1 million copies.
"I think we should have a movie. I would like to see only 20 million people, no more. The book sells 500 million copies. "
"It is a fuss. let's hurry."
Reconstruction bent my waist and put on my shoes.
At the same time the buzzer sounded. The reconstruction stood right and opened the front door. There was a parcel carrier holding several paper boxes.
"Excuse me, Mr. Ha-jin, is that you?"
"Yes, I am."
"I came home. Here you are. "
A small paper box was delivered to me, and the bus operator turned to a very busy mood.
In the distance footsteps, reconstruction dropped his eyes.


The three letters on the box clearly came into his sight.

22 – Meet at home (9) End

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