Big Life

Chapter 186

23 – Bombardment has begun (8) 23 – Bombardment has begun (8) "That's right."
"Are you sure?"
Rebuilding did not take beer to mouth.
It was an office building of Dojun, which passed midnight.
Dojun, who sat facing him, was shrugging his shoulders as he squeezed the can in the palm of his hand.
"Think about changing your position. If I am still an unknown actor seven or eight years ago. You go well and I do not have much income nor recognition. But what do you think if you ask me to borrow some money that I need a deposit? "
"You'll lend it."
The reconstruction was answered with a face that was not difficult.
Joon scraped the back of his head and stood up. As he pulled out two cans of fresh beer from the refrigerator, he opened his mouth again.
"I was drunk and heard the opposite. Let 's say you are still an unknown writer and you are now friends with me. Do you think it's easy for me to ask you to borrow a deposit? Even though I am a friend who has more money than ordinary people? "
"Yes, I can afford it and lend it to you. But I do not think it's a problem not to borrow real money. What if the present good relationship breaks down in the process? Or maybe I'm afraid of how I'll be seen. You are a person who can not do anything on your own, but you are a person who easily expects others to see you like this. "
Dojun pushed the rebuild to find a new beer.
"I do not think it 's one or two. I would have thought you already had a lot to give. This time the office moved to another big place. The rent is nothing more. Would you be able to easily spell the sound that you felt in the eyes of the artists? "
"I know what you're talking about."
The reconstruction nods and gazes towards the terrace.
As the autumn became deeper, the starlight of the night sky became clearer.
"I do not have any problems. Every office writer likes you, and it's like a water stream. "
He drank a sip of Beer and carefully added it.
"If you have any nerves, you can approach the open mind first."
“……?” "With a more human side. Do not get me wrong, it does not mean you're doing it wrong. You may need a sense of distance between people. "
The conversation was interrupted as the cell phone vibrated.
Dojun gained a call to ask for your understanding.
"Uh, you arrived? Just come up. With reconstruction, what? No, Vodka is another board. We already had a beer binge. Uh, just come. Cut it off. "
Rebuilding laughed silently in front of Dozen who was hanging up the phone.
I already knew what she was supposed to come to play with.
"Oh, where have you been?"
"A reasonable distance between people may be needed."
"Oh yeah. I just suddenly reminded you, but you are still calling office people like a writer. I think there is a reason for that. If Chanin comes up and say more, let's do this. "
"Thanks for the advice."
"Thank you … … "
"What is going so fast? I put a booster on my foot. "
The front door opened and Cherine came in.
I was carrying a large shopping bag in one hand with my sweat suit. The face that did not erase the make-up was bright under the light.
"Rebuilding brother, this is a gift."
"My gift?"
"The mustard bath OST that I have called is also very good. Thanks to my brother, I have to pay back even small. "
"I have nothing."
Reconstruction embraced the shopping bags in a staggering way. Inside, I also had a big box. It was a home console game console.
Chanen laughed in front of the reconstruction that looked empty.
"Heehee!" Actually, I bought it! I'm going to play whenever I go to play in my resting room! "
"Hey, do you have a conscience?"
She looked at her tongue tightly with Dojun.
"That's right. You like games too. How do people play billiards? I'm kidding. Every time this happens I'm really down. "
"You tell me. Go wash your hands. I will erase from the make-up time to change clothes. "
"It is exciting."
Rebuilding stood beside the rustling two people and sat on the couch in the living room.
On the TV that I had been using before, there was an entertainment program with no title.
The rebuilding was absurdly devoted to the TV.
The conversation with Dojun gave him a lot of thought.
After a while, Chanin went to wash and Zuni sits beside the reconstruction. Picking up the remote control, he asked reconstruction.
"Are you looking at this now?"
"No, I want to see anything."
"Well, it's time to start now."
Dozan immediately turned the channel. Soon the screen was full of 'Let's Go to the Movie' logo.
Dojun muttered as he lay down on the couch's back.
"I'm busy these days so I can not get the broom shooter."
"Is this your favorite pro?"
"Well, I do not know what else.
Rebuilding dropped the beer can and looked around.
'Let's see the movie' is a program that received a fixed panel appearance proposal from the CP CP.
I did not know that Do – joon was the one who took care of this program.
"Is this fun enough to take care of it?"
I wondered why the reconstruction asked, as if floating.
Dojun scratches his cheek and replies.
"It's fun, but I've seen it since childhood. A little inertia? "
Dojun was looking for something more.
While the reconstruction that recognized the heart was waiting silently. This time I got a call from manager Taebong.
"Take a look. I'm calling because of advertising. Uh, Taebong, brother. No, I'm home now. "
Dojun moved to a small room with his mobile phone. After that, it turned out to be a smile on her face.
"I thought I was watching this."
She sat next to the reconstruction and muttered.
When the reconstruction turned around, she looked as if she did not know.
"Do you have a special reason that Joon likes this pro?"
"Did not you tell me? Well, not really … … "
She looked up at the small room and told her in a small voice.
"Your dear brother liked it."
"He was always with his brother when he was a kid. My brother liked the movie so much, but I saw him like this and he told me a lot about movies. "
Rebuilding got better and turned back to the TV.
The figure of Dojun, who had been passing away at Baeksong Art Grand Prize, was reviving clearly in his mind.
"Even now, sometimes this professional alone cries at night. So I was worried if I could not see the day I returned. I can not tell you what you said to me. "
The reconstruction nodded with a bitter smile.
At the same time, the door of the small room was opened, and the caller came back.
"You two were doing some controversy. Quickly. "
"Tae-bong's brother is good?"
"Turn what you say. You were riding on me? Hey, Lee, do not you say so soon? "
"Wow! Do not!"
Dojun Chan turned around on his shoulders and turned round and round.
The reconstruction mind that laughs and looks at them has already made one decision.
The still autumn night was deepening.

*** Such a view.
Taesung was watching TV with his galaxy in his apartment.
On the table, sandwiches, sweets, and canned beer, bought at convenience stores, were scattered.
"I made it like a real beggar. I can not come out every time I watch. "
The galaxy sprang out and stared at the TV.
The movie "Twenty Years of Summer" was filmed by Jae-hoon in the original novel of reconstruction.
"Are not you tired? Every time I come out, I swear. Look elsewhere. "
Taesung pulled his tongue and picked up the remote control. The galaxy stretched out his hand and pressed his arms down.
"Leave it alone."
"What are you looking at?"
"I do it to give more blame. There is another fun to look at. Woo Jae Hoon I wonder how I really ate that good original. I will not go out like this even if I try to take care of myself. I'm sorry to trouble you. "
Originally, the Galaxy was a reader who liked the original novel of 'Twenty Summer'.
Basically, it was a work with a frame of a mystery, so it was fun to read it several times.
In addition, reconstruction has delicately expressed the suffering of women as social underprivileges throughout the work.
This also contributed to capturing the Galaxy's mind.
"Ow, disassembly! If you gave me a megaphone, I would have pulled it out really well! "
The galaxy grasped both fists and rolled their feet.
Taesung took one of the cookies and said.
"I forget the bus that I have already left. What are you going to do? I have to tell you during my week, so I have to decide. "
The galaxy that stopped the struggle put on both knees and buried the face in between.
What Taesung said was web drama production. It was a proposal that the 'Marketplace', where the Galaxy co-directed, got in on the great success.
"You do not like web drama?"
"No, I just do not have the romance."
"Did not you promise me? I will go back as soon as I hurried. When did you tell me that you would like to work because of your taste, your taste, and everything else? "
"Who told you? I do not like it and I do not have it. "
"Is not that what?"
"Again, this is it? Do you take a good director? Do you want to die?
The galaxy hit the castle. I grabbed one leg and tried to break it into the air, and my cell phone rang.
"Director Yoon was lucky today. But who is this time? "
The galaxy that picked up the cell phone froze in that position.
It was a message from reconstruction.
Behind his back, Taesung was raising his body with an anxious face.
wae geurae "Yes?"
“…….” "Hey, Eunha. Suddenly why? "
The galaxy slowly turned around.
Looking at her look like a crying Taesung became more and more complex.
However, only a few seconds later, the galaxy suddenly shouted and shouted, and Taesung fell into the couch without a moment.

*** "No problem. I can do that. "
"Please tell me if you think it is too much of a favor. I'm not trying to force it. Of course there are doctors to coordinate. "
"No, Mr. Ha, there is no coordination. I told you in my mouth. I like any of your previous works. Besides, Lee Eun-Ha co-director I learned this at the Marketplace. I'll push it alone. "
"I really appreciate CP."
CP CP laughed and lifted the cup.
The reconstruction shared a toast with him and swallowed one drink all the time.
I barely managed to endure unintentional mischief.
Looking back, it seemed that alcohol was over for the last time. There was a lot of work to drink from now on.
"Unfortunately I did not shoot 20%, but anyway, it really is the clock, yes. The clock. "
CP CP laughed nusle laughed.
It was the last word of 'Marketplace'. 19% of the audience recorded a spectacular and spectacular.
"It was such a talk about a one-piece drama. I can not imagine now. It was a really good decision. You get another drink. "
"Ah yes. I'll give you a drink. "
The goblets were exchanged, and the reconstruction felt vaguely strange.
We have already exchanged all business conversations.
However, CP, which places the most importance on work, continues to recommend drinking.
Drinking was even faster than before.
"I think you have a drink today."
As the reconstruction passed. In one word, there was a short spasm in both eyes of the abdomen CP.
Haha Do you look like that? "
CP CP laughed and laid down the cup. I felt like I had somehow discovered the genius.
"Just, uh … … I have come to see you many times with Mr. My body is stretched very easily. I'm tired of the floor. "
The CP CP bumped the floor twice by hand. He looked at the left and right with a laughing expression, and he spoke carefully.
"Hey, Sir."
"Yes, CP. Go ahead.
"I do not mean it, but it's twenty-nine this year, is not it?"
Yes, that's right
I wanted to ask this question, but rebuilding replied.
CP CP was laughing alone without reason, scratching the back of the head.
"So what I'm saying is, what is it? I wonder if it's time to think about marriage … … "
"Alas, yes … … "
The reconstruction that grasped the meaning grunted and laughed.
The CP CP stuck closely and pushed his face over the stuffed table.
"If you have not had a relationship with Mr. Ha yet. I would like to see a matchmaking once. "
“…….” "In fact, the woman first came to talk. I'm closer to me. I am very interested in the relationship with Mr. Ha. Oh, of course, I would never let anyone introduce you. I am sure that you will also like Mr. Ha. "
CP CP opened his breasts with confidence.
I was waiting for you to ask me what kind of girl I was.
But rebuilding was silent. It was because she already knew who she was.
"Mr. Ha … … ? "
The frustrated ship CP opened again in less than five seconds.
Originally, it was far from the relaxed personality.
"Do not you wonder what a woman is?"
"Ah yes. that… … I wonder."
"Hahaha, I thought you would. Actually, Mr. Ha already knows. "
CP CP struck his fingers and flicked his fingers.
In front of the reconstruction, which had a very curious expression, he lowered his voice.
"Park Hye Sang is an announcer."
The reconstruction nodded with a bitter smile. His response, much cheer than I expected, disappointed my belly CP.
"Did not you have a meal once? If you do not … … Do not you? "
No. Hye-sang, I know that you are very pretty, smart and good. "
Reconstruction slowly lifted his head. There was no reason to hesitate to answer.
He looked at the CP CP with two eyes calm without shaking and he lipped his lips.

23 – Bombardment begins (8) End

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