Big River Pentium

Chapter 1 Mystery Phone

I have never thought about it, a seal 30 years of diary will let me "voyeur" a group of people's fate.

Dongchuan is a second-tier city in the southwest, I am a reporter in the Social Ministry of Dongchuan University.

That is in June, Dongchuan is about to enter the month of the "stove" in the city. The leadership appointed me to drink alcohol, hot pot in the demolition area of ​​Dongchuan. At the time, I am in a "tea party" of a cafe mixed body circle in the city center. It is a tea party, just a few media friends, find a special literary place, drink coffee, gossip circle, whoever goes out to work, and who resigned.

After leaving the contact information of this group of media friends on the "Tea", I rushed to the hot pot. After a few bowls of wine, the leaders said that they would like to change their positions. Sitting in a class, sitting pretty.

Early the next morning, I was sitting on the computer before I was sitting on the computer. In the hotline, turned over and didn't see the news that people were interested. I gave my colleagues a circle to let the newspaper, but it seems that there is no manuscript. There is a reporter still reply online: "This year, where is the big news? What is the big news? Don't dare to report, small newspapers can't see."

Speechless! I have to find a place to smoke and spit.

I just sat down and tally. Not far from my computer, I am "beep". It should be a new explosion in the hotline. Hurry and open, only such a line of words on duty operators in duty:

I have cancer, will soon be a life. There is a diary in your hand, waiting for thirty years, the owner has not come. I hope that the newspaper will help the Mark of the Mud, satisfying my wish of this will die.

I took a closer look again. In addition to the charter number, the on-duty operator is enrolled, and only such a word is entered.

"Cancer? Will not be a human world? Do you have a diary? For thirty years? For no one, no one came to pick up? What happened?" I looked at the hotline on the computer on the computer. The landline number, so many questions have emerged for a while.

Based on the professional habits of my reporter, I think it should be arranged to verify this call. Even if there is no value, as a professional reporter, the call is the first time to reply to the reader or explode, which is also a necessary means of professional professional professional literacy and maintenance media and readers.

Unfortunately, after the arrangement of a circle, everyone said that he had something to do. It seems that I personally go to my horses.

I called this landline call number. "Beep" has been half a day, then it is only connected. An older person is weak and asks: "Are you comrades from the Jochuan newspaper?"

I said that I was the Journal of Dongchuan News, then showed the intent. The elderly sighed, it should be adjusted to vent the gas.

"Hello, do you give us a newspaper who call us? If so, can you tell us what this diary is probably?" As a reporter, I have to check this by phone first. Burst, whether there is an interviewed news value. If there is, you can further see you; if there is no need to interview, it will be in the initial verification of the phone.

"Reporter comrade, the phone is me. I see your newspaper for many years, is a loyal reader of your newspaper. There is something written on the newspaper to find a reporter, you also report a lot of this news, this time I hope you can help me Help me return the diary to the owner of 30 years ago. "The old man is eager.

I have some hesitation.

After all, there are many explosives, they all say, thirsty, I can see the reporter, or "flicker" reporters can believe in myself, saying that the reporter is said to paint, but the reporter is not careful, I don't pay attention to it. Just as, listen to the word, give yourself trouble.

"I don't have to lie to you, Liu Journalist. I have to cancer, I can't live in a few days. Before death, this is the wish, I hope to return the diary to its owner. People, pay attention to integrity, you Saying? Like newspaper, white paper is black, all integrity. "The elderly saw me hesitation, and said quickly.

He said this, I suddenly touched. Especially the word "integrity" is said. "This, where are you? I came to see you."

Some people have a little joy and say: "Sky Tower, know there? Three in the afternoon, we will see it on time."

The skydiving tower is a well-known landmark building in Dongchuan. The skydiving tower is built in 1942, which was once the anti-Japanese pilot training base, and the athletes were flying on the blue sky with the same day.

After the liberation, it became the training venue for defense sports. In 1954, the Dongchuan skydiving school was established. In 1997, three iron arms of the skydum tower were cut. The skydiving tower is China is also the first parachute tower in Asia, is an Asian flight parachute tower. After the tower was completed, the country, the people, and the party Yuan Yao Chen Lifu wrote the inscription.

The skydiving tower has more than 70 years of history and carries a lot of memories of old Dongchuan people.

The elderly will meet here, I am still very surprised. Generally speaking, either elderly home, or is a public place near home, or the pop-ups directly go to our newspaper.

I took an interview capital, carrying a backpack, and I arrived at the Dongchuan skydum tower fifteen minutes in advance.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, an elderly in a dusty shirt appeared at the top of the skydiving tower.

The elderly are somewhat thin. After it is, I will rely on the skydiving Tata. Holding a newspaper package in your hands. I feel that this elderly is the elderly in the phone. After approaching, he took the initiative to call me: "Are you a Tono News, I'm giving you the old man who called you."

After the elderly and I have officially held the newspaper, wrap the newspaper package. There is only one sheet of paper and a diary. Diary is wrapped in transparent plastic paper, some of the old cover, and some damage, the cover is medium printed is a chairman. Paper space, there are some blood. But it may be a long time, and the blood is somewhat dark.

"This paper is my diagnosis result, advanced cancer. This diary is the diary I said in my phone. I hope that you can help find it." The elderly handed me the diary and diagnostics.

I have seen the diagnosis book, it is indeed a cancer late. Diagnostic books are issued by a military hospital in Dongchuan.

"It's really sorry, do our line, the occupational nature decided, so I still saw your diagnostic book." I said.

He laughed and did his mouth. Then, gave me how to get this diary, how to save it.

He said: "One night in 1986, I opened a hot pot in the second half of Dongchuan. At that time, my hot pot shop business is not bad, and there is always a hot pot at around 10 o'clock in the evening. It is raining, rain, rain After a few tables, I didn't have to leave, I was hiding in the store. Until 11:30 in the evening, I closed the door. At this time, the hot pot store suddenly rushed in a young man. The young man is blood I claim that Li Jun, I will give me a bleeding diary. I have taken it in a few days, let me be sure to save. I haven't come yet, but the young man rushed into the rainy night. "

"Don't you come back later?" I asked.

"No! The young man went in the direction of Rongbu, followed by several motorcycles." The elderly said.

"Haven't come?" I was in the interview, and I moved his recorder around him and assured that the record was accurate.

The elderly drunk a sip of water and said: "This is waiting for 6 years. Until 1992, an old South Tour in Beijing. Dongchuan opened hot pot restaurant, the business is not good. Everyone is impetuous, one bee Go to Guangzhou to get gold, saying there is a city that is golden everywhere. I couldn't stand the persuasion of a neighbor, and I went to Guangzhou to see it. But just at the time, there is a day shop suddenly came. A person, saying is to take the diary. The waiter in the store did not know the previous thing, let the people came back and wait for me to go back. Regretment is, I didn't touch the person who took Daji, diary Nature I haven't taken it away. "

"When you come back, this person came to find you?" I asked.

"No. After this, I have been waiting. I have been waiting for several years, until 1997 Hong Kong returns, this Li Jun still didn't come to the diary. I also thought about looking for Li Jun, but I worried that year chasing Li Jun's gang saw that it was broken Li Jun, so I had to wait. "The elderly said.

"I didn't think other ways to find this Li Jun?" I said.

"At that time, the information was not developed, and there is no network. Unlike the current media so developed now. Only wait, wait for that person. People who come to the store to heat the pot, I am better than the style of Li Jun, hope is Li Jun "The elderly said," this is waiting for 30 years. "

"30 years? You have been staying with this diary, then have you seen this diary?" I have a little unclear.

"Yes, it is 30 years. After all, it is the privacy of others. I didn't open it. Later, Dongchuan's lower half will be demolished, the government demolition office will notice many times, give a lot of good preferential conditions, my son I also advised me to move early, and I received a higher demolition compensation. But after I move, Li Jun came back to take the diary. I couldn't find me. I repeatedly delayed it, but I still had a demolition team. "The elderly said, A burst of machine roar, waiting for 30 years of hot pot restaurant to remove it. He took a diary and took the son's Mercedes-Benz.

I have a little in my heart, and I think about his thoughts, and even thinking. Now this will die, what is it true? If it is true, then where is the owner of this diary? Is it also looking for this elderly? If this story is fake, why did he drag the body, in such a hot weather, see me?

The elderly drink a sip of water and wiped the sweat on the forehead with Pat.

Dongchuan weather is such a place, one to summer, the surface temperature can reach 70 degrees Celsius. The elderly standing below the skydiving tower, relying on the fence, telling me so much, I keep changing his telling.

The elderly continue to say: "After the demolition team confronted a while, the body and mind were tired, plus the open hot pot restaurant, four five o'clock every morning, you have to go to the vegetable market wholesale fresh dishes, after a long time, after going home My body is not angry, I finally sick. I thought I didn't have anything, I have a good job, I have a good time, I can last for a few months, but I'm more serious. My son drives me to the hospital It is already a cancer late. "

The elderly said that when the "cancer late", the emotions were a bit fluctuated, and the handkerchief was wiped.

I probably learned about how this is something, I didn't continue to ask. Standing on the side and looking at this elderly.

He is slightly plus, saying: "In fact, I am not afraid of death, just afraid of uninforming the person. I think that Li Jun has not taken the diary. I am worried that there is not much day. After I die, my family will not be serious. So I want to ask your media before I die, but I will help me. "

I suddenly felt that this diary was very heavy. It carries a desire to death. Anything, once the relationship with life and death, all rose to a heavy level.

In a moment, I still regret me to meet the old age.

"Liu Journal, this diary is left to you, I think you are a credit reporter, and you will definitely help it find its master." The elderly looked at me.

I thought about it, or I still refused this diary. After all, in the elderly, there is more suitable, in case recent days, the Li Jun of the year found the elderly.

Say again, see I still don't accept it, he left a phone number of his son, saying that sometimes he may not be at home, if there is a hurry, you can call his son's phone.

I have stored his son's phone number and asked others. When I took the diary, he sent him to the side of the road and gave him a taxi.

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