Big River Pentium

Chapter 101 Elders Atge

Lin Shuqin continued to receive the love poems sent by Li Jun. There are more languages ​​in love poetry, but Lin Shuqin always feels a sweetness in his heart. This is probably a special feeling of people in love.

Of course, there is no "harassment" of Zhou Xue soldiers, Lin Shuqin is working properly. Li Jun said that he has written half a love poem. Lin Shuqin said that I hope I can see it right away. Look at the meat that is written in it. She also asked Li Jun in her letter. After graduation, she was planning, Li Jun said that of course I hope to return to Dongchuan, return to a certain person. Lin Shuqin is a sweetness in his heart.

Zhou Xuebing is busy with his old-fashioned hot pot restaurant during this time. The city in Dongchuan is actually quite special. No matter which season in spring and summer, people like to eat hot pot. Big summer, hot bovine, hot pot business is super good, everyone shirts and eat hot pot; big winter is better, eat hot pot to eat hot, just afraid.

Therefore, Zhou Xuebing's hot pot business is not bad, a few tables must be turned many guests every day. He seems to be a good business luck, and the small hot pot restaurant, the three people who have come, everyone gathers in the hot pot, did not conflict contradictory.

Sometimes, Zhou Xuebing is busy, sitting down and drinking two cups with people who eat hot pot. Of course, he generally receives less meals when you pay for the customer. Such a long time, his name is naturally going out, and it will be more relatively.

After the "career" of Zhou Xue, he was not going to the store every day. He also give himself a holiday, or put a few hours of fake. As long as he is empty, he will find a chance to go to Lin Shujia.

Lin Shuqin is going to work during the day, sometimes going to work in the evening. When Zhou Xue soldiers went, it was basically Lin Shuqin that Lin Shuqin didn't live at home. Every time I went, the big bag of the big bag, I went to Lin father's home, and I will stay with Lin Father and talk, sometimes doing housekeeping, and treat Lin father as my father.

After a long time, Lin Father gave him a feeling. After several times, I was busy when I was busy, and Lin Father stood behind him. He watched him silently. He thought that Zhou Xuebing is how good it is.

Later, after Zhou Xue soldiers left, Lin Father wandered in the alley, the neighbors of the neighborhood also came to him, asked him that the family came to this hide is the object of Lin Shuqin. Lin Father's mouth is not, it is a friend. But I thought about 10,000 times in my heart, it is really good to be the object of Lin Shuqin.

Weekend, Lin Shuqin rest. Lin Father with the gap of eating, and asked Lin Shuqin to do what work in this week. Lin Shuqin said that he is stall, now it is unclear, "I haven't contacted it for a long time."

Lin Father said: "This is your bad, Xiao Zhou, the child is not bad, often come to chat with me, when you take a break, shout people come over and eat meals."

Lin Shuqin is not willing to come to the family at home, let Li Jun know not very good. Furthermore, an opposite sex is old, and the neighbors of the neighbors are also very good. However, she doesn't want to be unhappy in her father. Although my heart is not willing, my mouth is still a father, saying that I have time to say, recently, is busy in the factory, in the production progress.

Lin father sighed and shook his head and said, "The daughter raised, and some must not be myself."

After a few days, Lin Shuqin was over the night, and I went home on the next morning. I found that Zhou Xue soldiers cooked in the father. She didn't say it, but she was sneaked in the corner.

Zhou Xue soldiers are busy, cut vegetables, fried vegetables, like model, is a male owner in this home. He is back to Lin Shuqin, Lin Shuqin is far away, and I actually feel a bit intimate.

After Zhou Xue soldiers discovered Lin Shuqin, some were not very embarrassed, and quickly explained, "said that there is a time to pass by here, let's take a look at Lin Shu."

Lin Shuqin "Oh", didn't say it.

At lunch, the three were a table, the atmosphere was a bit embarrassed. If Lin Father doesn't matter, a hard shouting week, he is sourcing, and he also has a few cups with him. He is happy, saying on the spot: "Xiao Zhou, there is time, you can come to my house to sit, accompany you, let's talk, don't bring anything, too waste."

Lin Shuqin has a low head to finish. After the meal, Zhou Xue soldiers back to the fire pan shop, Lin Father gave Lin Shuqin to send him to the alley. Zhou Xuebing did not refuse, when he said in the alley: "If there is something wrong in the future, you will come."

Lin Shuqin whispered: "No. Thank you Zhou Xue soldier."

Zhou Xue soldiers just took a few steps, and he met several aunt in the alley. He nodded and smiled. Mom shouted in Lin Shuqin: "Xiaolin, this is your object? The young man is quite good."

Zhou Xuebing is a smile.

Lin Shuqin said in a hurry: "Colleagues."


Li Jun is not far from graduation. He and Lin Shuqin are still in love.

During this period, Zhou Xuebing still had time to come to Lin Shuqin home, accompanying the father to talk, occasionally cook. However, Lin Shuqin came to him a few times. I didn't want him. He was still coming, but he lame, he was more interested in avoiding Lin Shuqin.

Journal of Li Jun graduated from Li Jun, Lin father suddenly gone.

In the morning, Lin Father got up and felt some mouthfuls, and there were some vague. Lin Shuqin found that it was not too strong, but Lin Father said it was nothing, and took her to work. Lin Shuqin just walked for a while, Lin Father sent a break in the alley.

It's good to be in the neighbors of the neighborhood. He is sent, and someone will send him to the nearby hospital. After the hospital, the doctor did their best to rescue. After a few days after coma, the body was more than the previous.

Lin Shuqin received his neighbor to send a letter, after arriving at the ward, he saw Lin Father who put in the pipe and immediately cried into tears. She is afraid that her father will see that it is uncomfortable, alone is crying in the corner of the corridor.

During this time, she still didn't leave, just taking care of my father. Lin Father can't eat, she didn't have a meal. After getting off work at night, she rushed back to the hospital to take care of his father. After the father fell asleep, she went home. After all, a girl is accompanying bed in the hospital, and it is not convenient.

This is about one month, and Lin Father has improved a lot, and I can eat some food, simply say a few words. Zhou Xue soldiers learned that Lin Father was sick, I went to the hospital several times. Sometimes he came over in the afternoon, accompanying Lin Father and talking, or silent there.

Lin Shuqin has encountered a few times, saying a lot of thanks to Zhou Xuemen. Zhou Xuebing just smiled and said: "Don't worry, Lin Shu will make better. There is needed to help, there is me. You are relieved."

Lin Shuqin said, thank you, thank you Zhou Xue.

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