Big River Pentium

Chapter 203 is shocked

The traffic light is over, the bus starts. Li Jun's eyes saw Lin Shuqin to go to the alley. He quickly got up and walked into the bus, while shouting the bus driver brakes, he went to get off.

When the bus driver listened to his words, the car had been more than ten meters. The driver is very impatient, saying that the car has walking can't brake. Li Jun was forgiving to get off the bus, patted the door, the driver had to brake, mutter: "It's a bag with a bag!"

Li Jun did not go to the side, after the door opened, jumped off the bus and quickly looked opposite the zebra crossing.

Lin Shuqin hugged a child and has been far away.

Li Jun looked at an eye, directly across the road, shouted with Lin Shuqin after crossing the road. Even so, the traffic on the road is still overwhelming.

He still doesn't give it, follow Lin Shuqin's direction, ran over. But it turned a few alley, and Lin Shuqin's shadow did not see.

Li Jun saw a row of wood chairs on the side of the road, and a butt was sitting on the road. At this moment, he has awakes a lot, look around, or try to find Lin Shuqin.

(Author Note: After many years, when I was visiting Lin Shuqin in Dongchuan, I said this detail, if I thought about it, I didn't seem to see Li Jun, but I didn't have to determine it, plus I feel embarrassed. So did not recognize it. "You think, I hold the child, see Li Jun, what will I say?" I actually understand Lin Shuqin's ideas.)

Say back to the topic.

Li Jun did not find Lin Shuqin, quite a bit lost. After a while, I slowly went home along the river. I slept after home. At night, Li Bin's banquet, he forgot to eat. A awakening, it is already late, he quickly wore clothes to get to the hotel, guests also have a different, and Li Bin is holding Li Bi and the newly married wife Chen Xiaoying greeted a few tables.

Li Jun said he greeted two people. I found a seat and sat down. I saved the dish and drank two bowls of hot soup.

In the evening, he didn't go home, followed by some friends of Li Bin, looking for a place to drink a night beer, and ate the barbecue. Go to Li Bin and Chen Xiaoying next day.

Li Bin's husband and wife have been busy, this is only idle, and Li Jun has eaten menu alone. During the seat, Li Jun once again congratulated Li Bin. Li Bin also taking the opportunity to introduce his wife Chen Xiaoying to Li Jun, saying: "This is the girl who believes that love is a beautiful girl."

Li Jun haha ​​laughed, and the cup once again blessed two people. Chen Xiaoying is unclear, so I am smiling: "Li Bin, Li Jun did what did this, so that you have a lot of emotions."

Li Jun said with Li Bin.

After the wedding end, Li Bin took a three greege with Chen Xiaoying, playing for a few days, as a honeymoon. Before going to the Three Gorges, Li Jun parents did a meal, invited two people to have eaten a meal. After eating this, Li Jun also decided to return to Rong.

Rongbu, after the Chen Hong took a few days, a person began to continue to operate the hood. When Li Jun didn't come back, she deliberately reduced sales every day. In other words, I didn't want to get so tired, and I will sell it naturally.

After Li Jun went back, see Chen Hong busy, hurry to help.

On the evening, his stomach is painful, he is sweating, and he is sleeping all night.

The next day, Chen Hong saw Li Jun, seeing his face and asked him what happened.

Li Jun said that there is no need, but the stomach is somewhat uncomfortable. Chen Hong bouted the face, said: "It is not to see Lin Shuqin, then feel uncomfortable, then cause a stomachache?"

Li Jun smiled and said: "I didn't have such a neurotic. But there will be no rest in the day, the biological clock is disorder, the life is irregular, leading to the stomach pain. You can rest assured, there are not many things, it hurts. "

Chen Hong put down the long chopsticks, and I said: "Li Jun, I will give you a suggestion for you very seriously. Either you really find a time, go to Rongdu People's Hospital to check your stomach, early treatment. Restore early, you can also avoid you to die for a day. "

Li Jun helped the customer's end, saying: "When I am empty, I will go. Yes, Li Bin said thank you for sending him money. He turned back to him to see you. Thank you, or you will go to Dongchuan. He invited you to eat. "

Chen Hong is happy, saying: "If you don't take care of your face, I will go to Dongchuan to participate in the wedding this time."

Li Jun had to smile. His heart is somewhat frustrated.

Chen Hong saw Li Jun back and started Zhang Luo to do its weekend exchange activities. Li Jun actually immersed in the atmosphere of Dongchuan, did not recover so fast, but Chen Hong thoughtfully made a big business, and didn't have time to comfort him. Although she is seen, Li Jun returned to Rongbu After that, emotions are not particularly good.

At this day, Chen Hong went to the farmer's market to buy some halogen vegetables, and shouted to her family for dinner. Li Jun went with Chen Hong.

In the evening, Chen Hong said that I would like to open a branch. Li Jun said: "If you want to open, as long as you have decided by Chen Hong, I don't think of a way to support you." Chen Hong said: "Thank you, Li Jun."

I have listened to Chen Hong. After I want to open the store, he didn't rush to express the approval, but put down the wine glass, slowly and asked: "Chen Hong, if you open the store, which way is it? Others? Join you? Or do you go straight? If you join you, what is the specific details? If you go straight, are you too busy? "

Li Jun heard how to finish, a little worried. He didn't expect to open a branch, and he face so many questions.

Chen Hong also put down the tableware and said seriously: "I said the opening store is direct, but other branches, I need to invite people to operate, I will pay for them."

He has nodded and didn't continue to ask.

Chen Hong said that everyone is not particularly assured, and then said: "I think this problem this time, you will be relieved, I believe my decision. Just open a family first, try my business model After coming to my mode, I will copy this mode in turn, spread this mode. So this home I have to open is the most critical, that is, my 'test direct store'. "

Li Jun said: "Chen Hong, you either talk about your specific practice, let's listen."

Chen Hong said: "Well. Let's find a good store, then ask a teacher, and a dishwasher, a waiter. Three divisions clearly, pick the masters, the mastery, and daily Food dishes, ingredients, etc .. The dishwasher is harming, dishwash the bowl. The waiter is responsible for the cashier, the guest, the account is accounted. The three people are directly responsible for Li Jun. Materials in the store, each The Japanese will contact me here. During two, it is distributed by the store. I am now the same as the new store, the materials, of course, when I started, the new store will not deliver so much, and I will take the lead in the back. Also, At present, our ventrin 's' Weekend Lecture' will be carried out in the new store in the future. For example, the store is on Saturday. In the future, we will do it in the new store. This kind of good model can share it. "

Li Jun nodded.

After listening, I gave Chen Hong's thumbs up. "Chen Hong went to the south to see the world, it really is not the same. You can't see you, you have a set."

Chen Hongshun said: "I have a brother, don't laugh at me. I still want to say, after the new store opened, the ingredients are , if you will be tense, you have to help me, some small booths You still have to give a message. "

He has smiled and said, "If you feel relieved, you need me to help, come to me at any time."

Not long after the next selection, walking processes, recruits, trial industry ·····································································

Standing at the door of the new store, Chen Hong smiled and said to Li Jun: "Li Jun, this is like a grand exhibition?"

Li Jun smiled and said, "Pride will be complacent. Be a low-key."

Chen Hong "Cut", said: "I am happy to do? To tell the truth, Li Jun, I didn't expect that the trick can have such a day. It is not easy, but you can rest assured, as long as the two join hands, there is no The thing. Or the sentence, Li Jun, I work hard to earn money, is also your money. I think we have been working hard. "

Li Jun looked up at the store signboard as the old store, smiled and said, "Thank you, Chen Hong."

He finished this sentence, the chest suddenly took a chance.

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