After Li Jun came back, the excuse is uncomfortable, lying in the house for an afternoon.

When you close your eyes, I remembered Hu Shiji's calm face. He turned around and wanted to think about it, and he was deliberately hitting him for the Secretary of Hu.

If Hu Shi really wants him, why have you changed a little about you like? If Hu Shi does not look, it is in the county, and it is straight to the distant relatives.

Li Jun will come to Qingshui Bay for so long, seriously recall it. When you think of it, he also wants to do it. Since Nutchi is not willing to say, other people in the village will not know this news. This help, since now, there is almost no in the city, only Zhou Xue soldiers, Lin Shuqin dishes have been spending opportunities to go through the town, county.

But even so, I have not heard that some people have taken the university. Is it because this is Sichuan, it is not more than Dongchuan? But what should I do, should it be a little message?

Li Jun decided to find Lin Shuqin to listen, after all, she received the letter from Dongchuan mailed, and saw that she did not know the chassis. When the Qing's homogenous work is back, Li Jun has been waiting for the female knowledge, see Lin Shuqin closer, and then walks through the face, say hello: "Lin Shuqin, I have something to find you."

Lin Shuqin thought of the two nights on the river, his face was red, and he walked around and came over and said, "Are you looking for me?"

Li Jun said to her on the situation in the county, and asked her to have any news. "To be honest, I also want to test the university, leave here." The two people walked, and I didn't know how to go to the river.

Lin Shuqin said: "Examination University is good. But don't know if this news is true. Do you want to write back?"

Li Jun seems to see hope and say: "You remind me. I have to give my friend Li Bin writes letter, ask the situation."

Lin Shuqin said: "You let him inquire, can help you find a few books. Yes, do you want to find a chance to ask the next brigade to see you, see they don't know, or ask Hu Fang, let her help ? "

Li Jun thought about it and said, "For the time being, I will write a letter to Li Bin first, ask the situation."

"This is also good, just when Hu Shi feels that you disturb the military heart." Lin Shuqin said.

The two chatted again, saying that behind, Lin Shuqin sighed, it seems very embarrassment.

Li Jun heard sighs and asked: "Lin Shuqin, what happened? It seems unhappy?"

Lin Shuqin said: "Nothing. Sometimes, in this wild country, this day does not know when it is ended."

"Have you ever thought about the University?" Li Jun asked.

Lin Shuqin smiled, bending the waist and reached a few times, said: "I am still counting, I am not the material that reads."

Li Jun said: "Don't try to know what you read!"

Lin Shuqin no longer picks up, and played a few yawns. Li Jun saw that she was interested in avoiding this topic, seeing her some tired, said: "Do you want to go back? You also have a rest."

Lin Shuqin was grinding, only to go back, just got up and got a few steps, Li Jun said behind: "Lin Shuqin, I like you. I hope you also go to the University."

Lin Shuqin got a few seconds, he looked back at Li Jun, said: "Li Jun, thank you." After that, he turned and continued to go back.

Li Jun stands in place, ask: "Hey, do you like me?"

Lin Shuqin accelerated foot, when Shangbao Cai, did not stop, slipped. Li Jun hurriedly rushed over, took her, and the momentum took the waist of Lin Shuqin. Both people feel like they are electric shock. Li Jun deliberately tightened, Lin Shuqin wanted to break free outside, he did not let go, even stretched his neck, and the nose and the tip of Lin Shuqin, "Huged" smelled. Lin Shuqin broke away again, Li Jun leng.

"Lin Shuqin, I really love you. I miss you during the day. I miss you at night. I don't want you. I miss you when I consume it. I miss you on the road." Full brain is you. " Li Jun's breath is a bit rush, he feels that his heart is about to jump out.

Lin Shuqin took a hand, glanced at him, said: "Rogue! Li Jun, you rogue!" After a small run, two twist swayed. After a while, Li Jun went to see her.

Li Jun stood in the same place, first laughed, and put his hand on the nose, then bite his lips, spit a spit, muttered: "Lin Shuqin, there will be one day, I want you to fall in love with I."

When I went back in the evening, Li Jun came to the letter, kneeling in the bed, wrote a letter to Li Bin. In the letter, he will hit Li Bin and help him to listen to the university. Especially pay attention to the "People's Daily", see if there is related news. If you can't find the newspaper, you will ask the teachers of the two people to see if there is no new news.

When I wrote a letter, Zhou Xuebing also came to see. Li Junben wants him, I am afraid that there is more people who know, but Zhou Xuebing is big, just after the letter of Li Jun's letter, say loudly: "Li Jun, are you really playing this time? Really take the University? "

Li Jun hurriedly made a "" action, but it was too late. After the Scholars said, there were several educated youth together to join and said: "This is a year old, and also take the university. Li Jun, are you fever?"

Li Jun was too lazy to pick up, he didn't want to be more than this. He has already determined in his heart, and must take the university and take the university left. He really doesn't want to mix in the mountains in Qingshuiwan. This feeling has never been so strong now.

He went to work, saw the old-fashioned fellows, seeing that they were blown up by the wind, and they went to their own appearance a few years, or they were like them. Thinking of this, he wants to leave the thoughts of Qingshui Bay, more and more strong.

After the letter is written, seal the envelope with the leftovers. The next morning, Li Jun found a fellow in the Qingshui Bay, and then he had to bring it to the town post office to send. When I took the work in the afternoon, he went to the old hometown again, and then I asked whether the letter was mailed. For him, this letter is almost related to his next life.

The fellows have been asked a bit impatient, but Li Jun still does not feel relieved, until the fellow is a little angry, he is leaving.

Li Jun wanted to test the university, and he did a few days to know the Qing Water Bay.

When he went out, someone met him curiously asked him; touched by the work back and came back, and some people asked. Most people think that it is incredible, and some people think he is a toss. All of this is not important to Li Jun, he is to test the university and go to the university.

In the next few days, he wanted to find Lin Shuqin. In addition to thinking about the university, he still remembers it, it is Lin Shuqin. Sleeping at night, he closed his eyes, full of minds were the appearance of Lin Shuqin, her breath, her delicate and delicate hand, he didn't even consciously pick up his hand. He hopes to smell the breath of Lin Shuqin who remains in his hand.

In this way, he worried about every boy youth of youth, and finally happened.

In the morning, his underwear is a group of printers. The print is probably left in the middle of the night, and it is already hard. In the middle of the night, he was sleeping in your sleep, and he felt that you have a hot flow, then it is confused.

He worried that other people saw it, they wrapped in beds, taking advantage of everyone's not paying attention, hurry to find a clean underwear.

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