Back to Dongchuan.

Time is really fast, Lin Shuqin's child is a boy. The child was born when the famous incident in the 1980s was born. When Lin Shuqin's stomach pain, he was quickly sent to the hospital for production. But left and other right, etc., this child is not coming, and later the doctor looks down, saying that your child may have to get tortured you.

Lin Shuqin heard this, the whole person was simply. She touched her belly and secretly opened this guy for a long time. Zhou Xuemen thought she was bored in the hospital, giving her a wireless small radio. Lin Shuqin in a single ward, listening to the radio, waiting for this little guy.

News is played in the radio. The two hosts are talking to the world, and of course the things in the chatting. During decades, I remembered the broadcast at the time. I feel that it is really enough. These things can also be discussed as the gossip.

Lin Shuqin listened to the broadcast, only a little painful. After the broadcast, she finally gave birth to this evening.

It is a boy, Zhou Xuebing is very happy, giving the child a name called Zhou Liang. It is a bright future.

After the child was born, the elderly waiter in Zhou Xuekuo, found an experienced parenting to help with children. In this way, Lin Shuqin is also saved a lot of things. When Li Bin and Chen Xiaoying held a wedding, Li Jun saw that Lin Shuqin took the child that, Lin Shuqin's children were very big.

That time, Lin Shuqin is actually sending a child to parenting. She sent her children to parenting in the day and went back at night.

This is actually very good, parenting experience is rich, you can help it, and Lin Shuqin can rest, after rest, officially go to the hot pot restaurant in Zhou Xuebing.

Said to work, in fact, it is formally based on the identity of the boss, and enters the catering career of Zhou Xuebing, or she is with Zhou Xuebing's dining career.

On this morning, Lin Shuqin sent his child to his home, just returned to the hot pot, he heard someone loudly.

A bald man is facing the young waiter in the store: "Will you do business? Don't want to do business and hurry to Laozi!"

The waiter is not a hard pay, saying, can't stand the tears.

The bald man continues to shout: "Call you on the hair, you are a hair? Can you eat?"

The waiter apologized and said, "Big Brother, you eliminate the gas, we have changed a copy."

The bald man handed over, and almost waved this hair to the ground.

The waiter reached out and picked up this hair, said: "Sorry, big brother is really sorry."

Lin Shuqin saw it, and traditionally went to the bald man. He said with a smile: "This big brother, eliminating the gas." Turning and asking the waiter.

The waiter saw Lin Shuqin, and I quickly said: "We are in peace, the guests have come to break, we will go to the dish. But after the hair, this big brother feels that the hair is a problem, we say it, he is still pissed off."

The bald man said: "You smell yourself, can this gang you eat?" He looked up the hair belly on the table, joined to Lin Shuqin.

Lin Shuqin smiled and took this hair, and he did smell a smell. This hair belly has broken.

At this moment, she didn't have a good one with the bald man. It happened that Zhou Xue soldiers had a little thing in the past few days, she was responsible, she had to treat this matter as an emergency.

She handed this broken hair to the waiter, indicating that the back kitchen, and said to the bald man: "Big brother, this hair, it is indeed broken, really sorry. Except for the hair, the rest The brother, the big brother wants to eat, although it is said. In addition, the big brothers today this hot pot, the dishes, the wine is free. The same else is the same as the hair belt, all buy it from the market this morning, very fresh. Big brothers can eat with confidence. I don't know if my big brother thinks like this? "

When she spoke, she has been in the face of smile. After that, I mentioned the beer on the feet of the table, giving a few men, and I also poured a cup. At this time, the waiter who just went in, two crisps, put it on the table.

The bald man just turned anger. At this time, Lin Shuqin is still straight, and the gas has also been half a half, saying: "The boss, not what we don't tell. You said that it is, the hair is broken, I shouted for a long time, I hope some people Next, no one takes care of me, is this my question? Take you, what do you think? "

Lin Shuqin laughed and said: "The big brother is reasonable, it is indeed that our service is not thoughtful. In this way, this meal, I invite my big brother, pay a friend. Several big brothers are doing People who have a big event, don't worry about several waiters on the store. I will give them a few little sisters. When I come, I will not have this situation today. "After that, Toast with bald men to meet.

The bald man consciously raised a cup, or touched Lin Shuqin, touched some tone slightly, said: "It is also looking at the boss. You should give money or give money. Do not make business. Next time, you will give us a 20% discount. "

Lin Shuqin saw something, and I was busy and said: "How is it! This time I said that I will fight five% off next time. I'm so fixed, I respect a few big brothers."

There are several men in the table, and when you see the head man, you will not be like the face just now, and it is a cup, and the cup is touched with Lin Shuqin. After drinking, Lin Shuqin called the waiter's two waist and fresh ducks.

The bald man has respectfully Lin Shuqin, saying: "Boss mother, everyone calls me brother, you also call me to take a brother. I will know you today. It is a friend in the future. You are busy, don't worry we are. This. Glass of wine, respect you. "

Lin Shuqin laughed and looked at it. He was busy with your drink.

At around 3 in the afternoon, Guests have gone, and Lin Shuqin called all the clerk to the hall, and he exchanged everyone at noon.

After all, she was only in the store. I said that I was straightforward. Although it is a boss, I can't open a shop. Can you put a shelf because you are a boss, which wait for the waiter, give you a point of gum, then It was suffered.

So, in the face of everyone, talking is more convulsions, just talking about things, do not attract them.

She said: "This is what this is already solved. Since it has been solved, I have to say that the purpose is to avoid similar problems next time. Once we appear, how can we solve it, this is worth a summary. I want to say is First, let's take a system, or the quality of the chapter, that is, how the daily dish quality is guaranteed, you need a specific person to check every day. This back lobby manager is a matter of this matter. Secondly, the next time there is a dispute, let's How to do? I simply say that the first time will fall minimize, there are other people to eat in the store, can't affected everyone's consumption. So, after things happen, let the guests let the guests let the guests are so impulsive I have something to say, there is something to discuss. The emotions come down, the lobby manager needs to hurry, the dishes are broken, and the apology is replaced. It is not the final request for free. If you don't lose, you can't stay, you will stay. I don't want to come back. Do you remember? "

The first time I saw Lin Shuqin so serious, like a person, it was not well adapted for a while.

Lin Shuqin asked again: "Do you understand?"

Everyone said that he said: "Understand."

"I'm going to go. I am unclear, then I will find me privately." Lin Shuqin is like a boss.

After she has finished the child, she is more step further, and the whole person is really like a change. In the past, there were still a lot of weak factors in her character, but now she is more and more confident, especially in the hot pot restaurant, the daily business is more than the people, and the whole person is abundant.

A woman's self-confidence is usually related to the length of the appearance.

Lin Shuqin's appearance is still treated, but now her confidence, more is the establishment of a change in the brake environment.

The clerk is busy, and Lin Shuqin returns to the house of the office, sitting down and leaning against the chair, squinting for a while. She fell asleep soon and did a dream.

In the dream, she walked two people with Zhou Xue soldiers in a very strange place.

There is a big tree not far away, and many banknotes are hanging on the tree, and the two are very happy. Zhou Xuebei pulled her, shouting, she quickly went to the big tree, and thought it would give money. How can she still have a move, only to shout the soldiers in the dream, let him first pass, climb the tree to pick up the money.

Zhou Xuecom will let her hand and flies to the big tree. Under the big tree, he three times and five climbs the trees, so that this tree is shaken. Lin Shuqin looked up, I saw it in a lot of banknotes and trees.

She is happy to jump, reach out to pick up the banknotes. However, the banknote is connected to the hand, and it is a consisting of the whole coin.

She smashed these coins, reached out, and received a note, she was still in the coin. She was desperately smashed, anxious to be sweating, and shouted towards the Zhou School on the tree, saying that this is a coin.

Zhou Xuecom did not respond, still shaking the big tree. The leaves and banknotes are still there.

Lin Shuqin is almost a hurry, she shouted Zhou Xue soldiers. However, Zhou Xue soldiers still rustled the tree, shake to the back, the leaves and banknotes on the tree are all cleaned, and he is back.

However, he just turned back, Lin Shuqin was shocked: It is a Zhou Xue soldier with himself to pay for money. How can I become Li Jun?

Lin Shuqin asked in the dream: "How is you? How are you here?"

Li Jun hangs on the tree, can't stand up, she shouted on the ground: "I am dead. You remember to burn some money."

Lin Shuqin was shocked. I woke up in an instant. I quickly touched the forehead, my hand and forehead were all sweat.

She got up and poured a glass of water and went out to stand on the door. The mind is still thinking about the scene.

A waiter came over and greeted the guests gas. "Shuqin sister, after you have finished your child, the whole person is getting better and better."

Lin Shuqin turned back, smiled and said, "Thank you."

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