Big River Pentium

Chapter 36 is suffering

When Zhou Xuemen arrived at the river, Lin Shuqin sat for a long time.

She faces the big river, looking at the sunset, Yu Hui picks up in the river, Lin Shuqin's shadow is pulled very long.

Zhou Xuebing did not immediately get close, but quietly appreciate the back of Lin Shuqin in the distance. Lin Shuqin at this time is like a gorgeous flowers.

Zhou Xuebing is the person who appreciates and dare not pick. He is itching, and hates: "If I marry such a good girl, how good! Hey!"

For a long time, Zhou Xuebing walked over. He shouted in Lin Shuqin, Lin Shuqin came back, smiling and said: "Sorry. I am stupid."

Zhou Xuecom said: "Do you often come here to see the day?"

Lin Shuqin said: "No, just have two times with Li Jun."

Li Jun! Oh shit! It is him! Zhou Xuebing suddenly was not very comfortable, but he was still unhappy, smiled and said: "This place is very suitable for love. I have never been there."

Lin Shuqin said: "You are so good, there should be many girls like you. For example, Hu Fang, we all know."

Zhou Xuecom suddenly said: "But I don't like her. I like you."

Lin Shuqin is a bit embarrassed, and then said: "Don't make a joke. Zhou Xue soldiers."

"I didn't joke! When I saw you for the first time, I fell in love with you. Really. Even if you are now with Li Jun, I still love you, as long as you are willing to be with me, I must Let you happiness! "Zhou Xuebing finished.

Lin Shuqin didn't talk in half a day, looking at the big river.

Zhou Xuecom said: "Are you looking for me, is it because Li Jun's things?"

Lin Shuqin said: "Yes. What is the man who is going to find Hu Fang that day?"

"I am not me, do you believe?" Zhou Xue soldiers stared at Lin Shuqin's eyes, this kind of chill, and suddenly let Lin Shuqin felt. She suddenly believed that people who would be Hu Fang, must be Zhou Xue soldiers.

Lin Shuqin took two steps along the river and said: "Zhou Xue soldiers, I don't care about Li Jun, this is not important. I just hope that I don't want to be because Li Jun's things, I am not happy."

Zhou Xuebing followed her back. He heard the meaning in her, said: "Shuqin, I really can't get the Li Jun?"

Lin Shuqin, "", said: "Zhou Xue soldiers, you can't compare. Some things, to this point, it is difficult to turn back."

"Which point? You haven't seen your parents, I haven't gotten up, I haven't got married, I haven't gone back to Dongchuan, and then I said, Li Junji is going to school, you will be separated. He can take care of you in the future?" Zhou Xuebing is a little excited, "Shuqin, I really love you. I dare not show it, because you and Li Jun are in the right object, I don't want to be because of me, so sad."

Lin Shuqin is silent, and the heart is in the sea. To be honest, there is such a moment, she almost has been moved by the sweet words of Zhou Xuebing, but I think of my own purpose, she suddenly blamed, how can I be touched?

"Lin Shuqin, you can love Li Jun, but please give me a chance, let me love you. Consider it?" Zhou Xuebing said.

Lin Shuqin said: "Zhou Xue soldiers, I don't care if you bother Hu Fang. But please promise me, don't bother Li Jun again in the future. If you do, what is good."

Zhou Xue soldiers are expected to say: "Then what do you mean by agreeing with you?"

Lin Shuqin did not send, turned around.

Zhou Xue soldiers stayed in place, looked at the sun, and he was lonely. He bite his teeth, picked up a stone, throwing it up toward the river, secretly said: "Lin Shuqin, one day, I want you to fall in love with me. I don't love so humble, I want you to fall in love with me. "

The stone hits the water, "", the birds in the river side grass.

After a long time, the Water Bay seems to be calm.

Everyone has a live dry while continuing, when you are not live, younger educated youth of the younger. Lin Shuqin is with Hu Fang, and Wu Qiyue goes to the town to go to the town several times. Male knows yourself, there is nothing to play next-door production team, all is a clear youth, everyone is slowly familiar.

Li Jun is reading a book every day. He sometimes thinks about giving up, but thinks about the entanglement between Hu Shi, thinking that Lin Shuqin is looking forward to him, and Zhou Xue soldiers are behind the piano, he will invest again, swear to leave Qingshui Bay, to a broader Tiandi go.

However, he is not tangled in his heart. His entanglement is that after examinationing college, he will face two places separated from Lin Shuqin. If a pair of lovers are separated, they are suffering from each other. This suffocates, many people can't hold it.

What's more, this is a lot of uncertainty. For example, behind Zhou Xue soldiers, Lin Shuqin may also be empty, and the reality is forced. These things, like a huge stone, pressed in the heart of Li Jun, but also made him breathless.

"Hey!" Li Jun thought of this, it was very unhappy. He is unhappy, he will bury again and study hard. Only in order to learn, you can forget these. Only a desperate study is a way to "escape".

Hu Shi has not been here for a long time. When he was only changing season, he suddenly became a big illness, and then coughfully watched, lying on the bed for a few months. Eating and drinking is Hu Fang to go to the window.

After a few days and night, he suddenly came out, his face was dark, scared Hu Fang and her mother cried tears, thinking he was finished. Hu Fang's mother is looking for half of the sea, saying that he has this robbery, if you have been three months, then he will flute in his later years.

Hu Fang's mother gave a half-fairy three dollars and half bag potatoes, saying that no one in his later years maybe, as long as you can pass these months, do things.

After half of the fairy, the Qingshui Bay's men and women were so old, basically came to see Hu Shuji. Men and women know young, and they have come. Hu Shiji's home has not been cleared for a long time. Every time these people come, Hu Shi has a nose, a tear.

Seeing for three months, Hu Shiji is lying on the bed. It can't be relieved. When Hu Fang and her mother are not at home, a person holds a wooden stick to go to the river, who knows to fall.

This fell and fell out a miracle. Hu Shi spitd a strong embarrassment. After spit, suddenly the gods were refreshed, and the lungs were unobstructed. After half a day by the river, he didn't even even the stick, and went back and still sweat. After the next week, I didn't have the same as before.

Hu Shiji is happy, throwing the dry cigarette pocket, saying that the black sputum is long-term smoking is in the lungs. After a happy, he gave the signature of Li Jun.

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