Big River Pentium

Chapter 56 is angry with vomiting blood (2 more)

Hu Fang is somewhat being surprised, holding the flower cloth, pinching the fabric, said: "Search for brother, this beautiful flower cloth, it will spend a lot of money."

Zhou Xuebing said: "Nothing, you can buy it, as long as you like it."

Hu Fang lowered his head and said, "Search for brother, do you have anything?"

Zhou Xue soldiers donated, "said there is no matter."

Hu Fang said: "Search for brother, you must have something wrong, you are not like this."

Zhou Xue soldiers have some hesitation, strong, smile, say: "There is no big thing."

Hu Fang said: "There is a little thing if you have no big matter? You don't say this flower cloth, I don't want it. Scholars brother."

Zhou Xuecom took her and said, "Hu Fang, can you help me ask your dad? Let him raise your hands, let me go, I want to go back to the city, return to Dongchuan. I want to be with Lin Shuqin, if I If you don't return, we will finish it. Really, Hu Fang, I know that you are good to me, even if you have owed you, you helped me once? Ok? "

Hu Fang is in the heart of the heart, and the Zhou Xue soldiers in front of me, even if I want myself, I still think about Lin Shuqin. She can refuse to help, after all, this is a good man in front of him, and I am also for another woman. This is undoubtedly playing your face.

Hu Fang felt the flower cloth in his hand, and suddenly there were some people. She really wants to give Zhou Xuebing, but she is reluctant. Previous Zhou Xue soldiers, in front of her is an image of proliferation, humorous, and at this time, Zhou Xue soldiers seem to have some children's feelings, the hero is short?

However, Zhou Xuebing is not the people of Qingshui Bay, and he is like a fish, eventually flowing into the big river, flowing back to Dongchuan.

Hu Fang said: "Study the brother, I will give me a thing. You can rest assured. You are not sad."

Zhou Xue soldiers hugged Hu Fang, said, "Thank you, sister!"

Hu Fang obviously didn't realize that Zhou Xuebing suddenly hugged her. She didn't prevent her body, and she was embracing in a wide vocabulary. This feeling is very wonderful, before, no last time. She screams to the smell of the man, that is very comfortable.

However, soon she pushed away Zhou School. This sudden hug, let her reproduce the scene when watching movies next to the village. As a companion, it is a deep feeling and fear.

Hu Fangqiang took this kind of fear, the body was a little trembling, biting his teeth: "Search for brother, I ... I can help you, but you can take care of my feelings?"

Zhou Xuecomb did not think that Hu Fang was still asking, but in order to return to the city, in order to be with Lin Shuqin, he immediately promised, "Hu Fang," I said, I must promise you. "

Hu Fang said: "Study a brother, you know, I have always love you."

Zhou Xue soldiers "Well" and looked at her. She continued: "I love you, but I can't be with you, you love Shuqin sister, I know. I will marry Wei's helpless, he loves me. I hope ... I hope. I hope. , You and Shuqin sister, can not be so confidential before I am married, don't you close? "

Zhou Xuebing has some unknown, he did not expect Hu Fang to ask such a uncommon request. He touched Hu Fang's heart what thought, since it decided to marry Wei's helpless, but I don't allow me to be intimate in Zhou Xuebing and Lin Shuqin?

Hu Fang then said: "Search for brother, I just want to Wei Wei to marry a girl who is not too concerned. This way, more fair to him. You and Shuqin sister are too close, my heart is less concerned. . Waiting for me to marry, I don't see you, my heart is naturally net. "

Zhou Xue soldiers nodded without helping.

Hu Fang was smiling, holding a flower to go into the house.

After a few days, Zhou Xue soldiers came again to Hu Fang once. He asked Hu Fang, there was no progress. Hu Fang shook his head, Zhou Xuebing immediately sentimentally excited, ready to find Hu Shiji.

Hu Fang saw his soul, gently said: "Search for brother, I will find me again." After finishing, Hu Shi came back from the town, see Zhou Xuebing standing outside the door and Hu Fang. Just asked: "Xiao Zhou, what are you doing?"

Zhou Xuebing wanted to rush to pull the collar of Hu Shiji, but he was a few slaps, but at this moment, he still endured, "Hu Shu, I just want to find you, can I want to go to the city again? I want to go back to the city "

Hu Shiji "Oh", said: "This is! The list of the customs of the Qing office, the last time I explained very clearly, I can't do it. You don't worry, the problem will always be solved."

Zhou Xuebing took off and said, "I went to find the leadership of the Qing Youth Office. They said that you have the name of my name?"

Hu Shi turned his heart and said: "What do you mean? What do you mean?"

Zhou Xuebing was originally suppressed, see him soared, suddenly emotionally excited, stare at Hu Shuji: "Do you dare to say that you deliberately fight, you don't dare! You have a ghost!"

Hu Shiji was so excited by him and said, "I dare to say that I have not been able to do anything! Who saw it is that I am going to have your name? Who is proved?"

Zhou Xue soldiers pointed to Hu Shiji's nose: "You! You! You ... you are really not something! Old things!"

Hu Shi pinches his finger and said, "You yell at me? Do you still want to play me? You have a blood spray, I'm going to be, you still marry me now? Want to fight the country cadres?"

"I am! I am a national cadre!" Zhou Xuebing spit over. The Hu Shiji is a mutant, spitting the japanese clothes.

Hu Fang shouted: "Hey! You don't want to learn from the soldiers! You have to do it!"

Hu Shiji is shocked, and it is a calm, look back: "What do you say? I do what I recognize?"

Hu Fang said: "That night, you clearly gave the people to the Chiqing Office, said the bad words of the school, the list of the schools didn't pull it off? You did you, you will admit it! The school brother is not a bad person, but it is You, what do you think? I ... I really feel very faceless! "

Hu Shiruantong pushed away Zhou Xue Bing, took Hu Fang, raised from the palm to prepare the fan, and the slap hared was returned. He said to teeth: "You ... I don't have you, you are not married. Elbow to abduct! You ... you really want to die, you, ...

The Hu Shi did not finish, and it felt a huge pain in the mouth. When he was in front of him, a blood sprayed out, and suddenly the nostrils were only bleeding. He tried to rub the blood of the nostril, and his hand just lifted a dizziness, planted to the ground.

Secretary Hu was sent to the town by Zhou Xuebing. I met a few young and late roads, a carriage, and Hu Shiji in the carriage and sent it to the town.

The doctor in the town hospital is just vacation. The nurses in the emergency room have been simply handled, and the group of people sent Hu Shi to the county.

Good condition in the county town. Hu Fang met Wu Wenchao, who was studying in the hospital. He said the situation, Wu Wenchao helped the doctor and quickly inspected Hu Shiji.

Several doctors have seen it, saying that Hu Shuji is not big, but don't let him get angry. People are angry, they may be "mad".

A white-haired doctor said: "Long-term arrival will lead to liver gas, no excretion, will hurt the liver, long-term liver injury, and finally want to know. Your young man is also, don't know how to take him ! "

Zhou Xue soldiers looked at Hu Shiji in front of him, and there were some guilt. He silently stood on the side of the hospital, caught in meditation.

Hu Shiji lived four days in the county hospital, and he was not comfortable, and it was going to take the hospital. Zhou Xue soldiers stayed a day, Hu Fang let him go back to Qingshui Bay first, give her, so he will be worried.

In the rest of the day, Wei Wu learned that after the news, he rushed over. By the way, bring a sum of money to give medical expenses. On the day of the hospital, Wu Wenchao methadenated, with Zhang Luo with Hu Fang, Hu Shuji, Wei Wu, and said to go to the mortality.

After returning to Qingshui Bay, Zhou Xuebing will not go out for a long time. He is almost in the desperate situation. When Lin Shuqin left Qingshui Bay, he found him. He embarrassed her, and did not send her.

The previous batch of educated youth is very fast. Water Wan is a lot of clean. Zhou Xuebing almost rarely, there is time to go to Peng Haofeng, drinking drunk, nor will he sleep at Peng Haofeng home.

There have not last long last days. At noon, Zhou Xuebing has not yet got up, and the door is "" knocks on the door. He is too lazy to open the door, but "" is still keeping.

Come into Shu Ji.

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