Big River Pentium

Chapter 96 is ready to sell

Li Jun said: "What?"

Liu Renyi said: "When Chen Hong, Chen Hong is here. What happened to Chen Hong? This girl I found a few times, don't take care of me."

Li Jun said: "I don't know what is going on, she doesn't care about me."

Liu Renyi has some accidents, saying: "It is really quite strange. Li Jun, I think Chen Hong likes you."

Li Jun did not expect that Liu Renyi suddenly said, he looked at him with great eyes and didn't know how to pick up. He is in the heart, there is Lin Shuqin.

Liu Renyi said: "But there is nothing, I can see it very much. You don't think I will have an idea. Feelings are my feelings, friendship is friendship. Although I like her, she likes her, love her. I will give her freedom. I'm doing it, I think you are more willing to accept new knowledge, so I am looking for you. "

Li Jun smiled, I thought about rising to the friendship level when I was. Not too much before it is,? It can be said that there is not too deep to communicate.

Liu Renyi said: "In a few days, I will find Chen Hong again, let's gather together. I invite guests."

Li Jun "Well" sound, say good.

A few days later, Chen Hong completed the class and went to the library to self-study.

After she just sat down, Liu Renyi took her opposite her. She looked up with him, so he opened his eyes.

Chen Hong was also surprised by Liu Renyi's dress. This time, Liu Renyi actually wore a jacket of a red jacket.

Liu Renyi took out a piece of paper and a pen, wrote on the paper: "I don't care about me, you are crime."

Chen Hong knew that he deliberately teasing her, and she did not care.

Liu Renyi also wrote: "Do you want to hurt your husband?"

Chen Hong opened: "What is it?"

Liu Renyi didn't let it write on the paper, directly said: "I have found you so many times, it is not easy."

Chen Hong said: "Don't bother me if you have nothing." I want to learn. "

Liu Renyi said: "Don't. Have important things." Finished, pick up a box from the foot, picking out a pile of cosmetics, posing in front of Chen Hong.

Chen Hong quickly said: "Is this dry? You hurry up." She realized that this thing came out in this case, it is likely to be misunderstood, or there are other consequences unclear.

Liu Renyi is indifferent, saying: "These are cosmetics. The southern people are using it, everyday use."

Chen Hong is half a trip.

Liu Renyi said: "I know you don't believe it." Liu Renyi has described the situation described by Li Jun, and the Chen Hong has been described, and Chen Hong does not close the chin.

For a long time, Chen Hongcheng said: "Liu Renyi, what do you say, is it true?"

Liu Renyi said: "Chen Hong, we know so long, when will I deceive you. The town is all true. The south is happening to change the earth, and this change, I have a premiere, in the next For a few years, more than ten years, decades, will swept throughout China. Our generation will see this change to change our lives. "

Chen Hong said: "Liu Renyi, how do I think you are like a liar."

Liu Renyi said: "I also think I am like a liar, but you really should believe me, I see it, I feel it."

Chen Hong will be suspicious.

The two can eat at noon, when eating, Liu Renyi said: "Chen Hong, I think you are suitable for going to the coast. You learn English, there is a talent like you, now the south is reform, many foreign companies To open a factory, you need a good person who is good. You can go to development, go to Hong Kong a few years, or go abroad. "

Chen Hong said: "You kids, I can go abroad,"

Liu Renyi said: "This is what I should criticize. Like Li Jun, the eyes should be a little longer. However, you can also understand that you have been in the school, you don't know how fast the world is changed."

Chen Hong said: "Okay, no longer say this. Waiting for me graduated, then I will see again. Maybe you want to help."

Liu Renyi heard her saying that her heart was happy, thinking: Chen Hong said, explaining that her is still mine.

Chen Hong said: "Thank you very much, bring me back so much cosmetics. When you look at it, you will do it."

Liu Renyi said: "You like it. These things are not expensive there, the price is cheap, you can't think of it."

Chen Hong said: "Is there really what you said there? You said that I think there is a chance over there."

Liu Renyi said: "You have a key to the key. I am back this time, it is just to do a big thing."

Chen Hong packed up cosmetics and said, "What is big?"

Liu Renyi said softly: "I am going to go to the south to engage in a number of record tapes."

Chen Hong said: "What day, what is the" He Japan again "?"

Liu Renyi is a little accident, saying: "You actually know Deng Lijun, and know that she is famous for this song. Yes, it is a very popular song star, I am going to engage in a group of tapes, returning to Rong sells, absolutely Marketing."

Chen Hong said: "The idea is good."

After Liu Renyi, I went to the south. After staying for a while, I made a few big boxes back. After these things came back, he contacted Chen Hong in the first time, I hope that Chen Hong can help.

When he found Chen Hong, this news has been secretly transmitted in Southwest University. Li Jun knows this message from the second uncle. After he went to get out of class, he went to Chen Hong. Chen Hongben didn't want to take care of this, but Li Jun came to ask him to ask him, she felt some annoyance.

Li Jun said: "Chen Hong, Liu Renyi, this matter, you still have to blend it. Even if you want to blend, I think you are still watching it."

Chen Hong is clear, she is also a main point, where is the Li Jun to persuade her, I want to "play Tai Chi", perfunctory Li Jun.

Li Jun saw that she didn't answer their positive, and she was a little angry and said something. This is about trouble, Chen Hong began to break out, she bluntly like Li Jun.

She said: "Li Jun, you know that I like you, I also endured so long, the last country's investigation, I just like you. Do you know, I am more difficult for me. Every time I want to give up you, you will come to me again. You come to me, let me love your love, the dead ashes, good, then I will brave, I will go out. I love you, I hope I hope to be with you."

Li Jun was stunned at once. He didn't think Chen Hong is so straightforward. If you say, several times, Chen Hong is a trial, or it is half-half a holiday, then this time, she is really going out.

"You are listening to me?" Chen Hong saw him in a daze, so he asked.

If Li Jun suddenly lost, what should he answer? Spare speed in my mind. Directly refused, inevitably hurt this girl's true heart; euphemist answer

A road, walk to a bifurcation intersection. How to choose?

Li Junxin, said: "Chen Hong, thank you. But you know, I have an object, she is Lin Shuqin, you have seen it."

Chen Hong "Wow" cried, a book threwed into Li Jun's body, and his head did not ran back.

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