Big River Pentium

Chapter 98 is labeled

Liu Renyi said that he had to close half a year, but he came out for more than three months.

Still Chen Hong took him. Liu Renyi, who came out, but still essence, just a near-bald look, people can't help.

Chen Hong took Liu Renyi to eat the sour vegetarian fish in the school. This time, only two, Li Jun and Secretaries, etc. During the seat, Chen Hong is very concerned, and ask Liu Renyi to have a plan.

If Liu Renyi does not have something wrong, it seems to be a break in the past six months. He tried to show a relaxed state, let Chen Hong have no psychological burden.

The two chatted in a private room. Liu Renyi said to take a few days before, look back and see what. "You don't know, I still read newspapers every day. I am looking for newspapers responsible for people. At first they don't give me, then I want to have more times, giving them south, they are very interested, Snoving me newspaper, but also take the initiative to let me talk about those things. "

Chen Hong believes that he is telling the truth, because in the time of Liu Renyi in a few months, Rong has also changed some changes. The most obvious thing is that before Liu Renyi hairstyles, in the alley of Ruru Street, began to be popular. Many young people, began to replace colorful clothes.

The social situation has changed, which has stopped.

Chen Hong triedly asked: "Will you go to the south? Will you sell a record?"

Liu Renyi's low voice said: "Selling, don't sell it? Don't sell it, the whole society will be imagined. At that time, everything we do is all permitted. This is an irreversible Time."

Chen Hong looked at him, and the eyes of the thumbs up were released, "" You still need to pay attention to safety. "

Liu Renyi's warmth, thought: This Chen Hong has been closed for a few months since I came to my last few months. Now I am very changed, and now I will pay attention to safety, and I care about me.

Liu Renyi said: "Nothing, you can rest assured. I am mixed with people in it. Many people also make me help to get a few tapes."

Chen Hong said: "No wonder you come out for a few months in advance."

Liu Renyi is so laughing, no longer saying this.

In the days, Chen Hong, as long as there is no lesson, run over to help Liu Renyi. Liu Renyi came out since being caught in, the business seems to be better than before. Several times, Chen Hong saw his customers, there were several policemen who have seen before the police station.

Liu Renyi is also more busy than before, and he went a few times during his period. Every time I come back, I will describe the south of Chen Hong, describe the sound painting, as if the south is paradise.

This makes Chen Hong full of countless fantasies against the south. She asked several times: "You said that the southern is so good, how?"? "

Liu Renyi said: "You don't know, now many college students have graduated over there. Southern is now all kinds of people. However, I will see that the migrant workers, college students, and civil servants will be more. These few times, when I passed, I found that I was in Dongchuan, and I have the highest migrant workers in Hubei, Hunan, Henan, etc., everyone is going to work in the South. "

Chen Hong said: "If you think that I am going to work, is there any possible?"

Liu Renyi said: "This is not impossible. You learn foreign languages, the south is developed, after graduation, it is a good choice."

Chen Hong nodded.

The last time, the college students went to the countryside to see the practice investigation, Li Jun came to Chenhong to the hospital at night, sitting in the hospital corridor, after coming back, I always feel that the scorpion is not very comfortable, and I don't take a few times.

Later, there were more and more coughs, and finally they had been coughing at night, and I couldn't sleep all night. When I got up in the morning, I found a bloody in the cough. And there are still many blood. He is somewhat scared to go to the school medical room.

The mid-year doctor's stethoscope just took, Li Jun coughed sharply. The doctor said he had a tuberculosis. tuberculosis? Li Jun was shocked in an instant. The doctor said, yes, it is a tuberculosis and immediately needs isolation treatment.

Soon, Li Jun was sent to the infectious disease infection in Rongdu People's Hospital. The school also informs his parents. It is his mother, after the procedures for hospitalization, the hospital does not let the family contact, Li Jun's mother crying and cries, returning to Dongchuan.

Chen Hong learned from the second uncle. On the afternoon, she came back from Liu Renyi, and she worked hard, so that Secretary for Secretary for Du Rong Duwu's infectious disease.

Chen Hong is hard to find a way to enter the hospital building, and successfully found Li Jun. When she was standing in front of Li Jun, she also made Li Jun frightened.

Li Jun said: "How come you?"

Chen Hong said: "Don't worry about this." After you have prepared it, you will pick up your mask, and I have stopped from Li Jun.

Li Jun is wearing a mask. He advised Chen Hong to go, staying here is not good.

Chen Hong said: "I am afraid that I am infected."

Li Jun saw that there was no significance to persuade, and asked the school. Chen Hong said that in the school, the English teacher asked Li Jun several times, he was held in the past by Chen Hong, and the rest of the teacher should not ask, anyway, no need to worry, the second uncle will definitely help.

Li Jun also asked if there is a paperless pen, there is a little bit of use.

Chen Hong said: "Is it to write to Lin Shuqin?"

Li Jun didn't want to say this topic, and asked the second uncle.

Chen Hong said: "Second uncle is waiting downstairs, he is discovered by the hospital security to cover up, and was stopped in the office to drink tea."

After a while, the doctor wants to check the room, and Li Jun let Chen Hong first. Chen Hong walked to the door, Li Jun shouted her, said: "If you come next, can you help me?"

Chen Hong looked back and said, "You said. What?"

Li Jun said: "Let the second uncle help my bed, bring a novel. It is too boring here."

Chen Hong said it.

After a few days, Chen Hong came. She really brought Li Jun's notebook and two novels. The notebook is sealed. When he was handed to Li Jun, Li Jun was still a little surprised.

Chen Hong said: "I have never seen it. When I passed me, I didn't know what I wrote in it."

Li Jun suddenly grateful to the second uncle, and the content of the notebook was fortunate to be seen by Chen Hong. If she saw she was sure to be angry, after all, the notebook wrote about his secrets between him and Lin Shuqin. "It seems that I have to thank my second uncle."

"The diary is so good!" Li Jun said with a smile.

Chen Hong said: "Will it be something between you and Lin Shuqin?"

Li Jun did not speak.

Chen Hongma said: "Li Jun, I know, it must be a matter of writing you with Lin Shuqin. You know that I am love you." She said, there is some excitement.

Li Jun quickly instructed her to wear a mask. Chen Hong did not wear, staring at Li Jun.

Li Jun sighed and said, "Chen Hong, you see me like this, some words I really can't bear to say."

Chen Hong said: "What can't bear to bear? I feel that I am not a special one? I will go to Liu Renyi. I will come to you again."

Li Jun said: "Not this means."

Chen Hong said: "You mean this."

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