Big Shot Little Jiaojiao Breaks Her Persona Again

Chapter 1160: This can't blame me

   Chapter 1160 This can't blame me

   After hearing this, the shareholder Dong slapped his hand heavily and slapped it firmly on the table.

   With a bang, everyone present fell into dead silence without exception after hearing this.

"Quan Jingzhou, do you really think we are willing to take care of the messy things in your house? Your personal affairs have affected the company's interests and image, and you can't solve it with money! Within a month! We limit you to solve it immediately within a month Regarding Quan Jue, if the company continues to lose money because of the family conflicts in your Quan family, don’t blame us shareholders for being unsympathetic!” After that, Dong shareholders stood up with a gloomy expression and brought a group of people behind him. People left without looking back.

  After they left, Quan Jingzhou slammed his fist on the table angrily.

  All the secretaries including Xiaojin were shocked by Quan Jingzhou's horrible appearance. They were silent, and no one dared to speak.

  Quan Jingzhou's face was unconcealed with anger, and he squeezed his fists harder: "What an old and immortal thing, I just call it uncle, he really thinks he is amazing."

Seeing Quan Jingzhou's irritation, Xiao Jin cautiously persuaded him: "Sir, although the shareholders are unpleasant, they have one thing right. Three young masters are always looking for trouble, which is harmful to us, but we still We must find a way to stop the Third Young Master."

Quan Jingzhou took a deep breath and nodded silently: "I'll talk about Quan Jue's matter later, prepare a car for me, and I want to go home. You can contact Quan Yan, he must be at home when I get home, or I will be there. There is no more son like him!"

  Xiaojin nodded, and hurriedly went to contact Quan Yan according to what Quan Jingzhou had said.

  Half an hour later, Quan Jingzhou returned to Quan’s old house.

  In the living room, Quan Yan, who was originally sitting on the sofa, saw Quan Jingzhou enter the door aggressively, stood up in fear, and shouted cowardly: "Dad..."

   Quan Jingzhou strode over, raised his hand, and slapped Quan Yan's face with a slap.

  Quan Jingzhou's slap was not polite, and with all his strength, he slapped Quan Yan half of his face crooked.

  Quan Yan lost his center of gravity because of the beating, and suddenly fell to the sofa, covering his face, and looked at Quan Jingzhou in amazement.

  Quan Jingzhou is like an angry lion, his body is full of hostility: "Trash, I think you want to anger me alive!"

  Quan Yeon’s face was painful, and half of his face became swollen.

But he didn't dare to resist, and continued to maintain a kneeling posture, lowered his head in fear and said, "Dad, I really know that I was wrong! I didn't expect things to turn out to be like this! It's all Chi Mingwei, if not If Chi Mingwei harms me, I won't be deceived at the meeting!"

   "Chi Mingwei? Isn't he Chi Jiao's father? How could you get involved with Chi Mingwei again?" Quan Jingzhou looked at Quan Yan suspiciously and questioned sharply.

  Kwon was under pressure, so he had to tell Quan Jingzhou the whole story, verbatim.

   Quan Jingzhou fell silent after hearing what Quan Yan said.

   Quan Yan saw that Quan Jingzhou did not speak, and his heart was full of ups and downs, full of anxiety. I saw him lowered his head, still weakly defending him: "Dad, I didn't think that Chi Mingwei would cheat me. I also want to help you. You can't blame me!"

  The muscles at the corner of Quan Jingzhou’s mouth twitched savagely, and then kicked Quan Yan on his body.

    Lu Lu Lu Lu... Good night.



  (End of this chapter)

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