Big Shot Little Jiaojiao Breaks Her Persona Again

Chapter 1186: I'm going to see Brother Quan

   Chapter 1186 I'm going to find brother Quan

  Quan Jue calmly stretched out his hand, steadily caught the apple, put it on the table casually, and then continued to deal with the seafood on the table.

  Seeing that Chi Mingwei was also busy, Xu Ye had to resign his fate and walked over and got busy together.

  Lu Xian smiled and watched this scene, took off her coat casually, and went into the water to play with Chi Jiao and the others.

  Half an hour later, the three men prepared their lunch and asked Chi Jiao to go ashore for a taste.

  Everyone had a smile that couldn't hide, they were talking enthusiastically while eating.

  Everyone had a good time. After lunch, they returned to the villa. After a short rest, they waited until the evening to have a bonfire party with the servants on the beach and set up a tent to watch the sunrise tomorrow morning.

  Happily playing for a day, when it was nightfall, everyone was tired enough, and went into the tent to rest early.

Dang Nan, Yi Lan and Bai Weiyu slept in a tent, Chi Jiao and Lu Xian a tent, Quan Jue and Chi Mingwei a tent, Xu Ye and Di Ziyan slept in a tent, Zhan Tingting was responsible for returning with the servant Stand by at the villa.

  That night, late at night, after Chi Jiao had fallen asleep, she was suddenly awakened by Lu Xian by her side.

   "Auntie, what's the matter?" Chi Jiao didn't get angry after being woken up. Instead, she rubbed her eyes and sat up. After yawning, she looked at Lu Xian suspiciously.

   "Are you still asking me, Xiao Jue sent a text message to ask me to ask you, did you forget what he said to you during the day?" Lu Xian reached out and touched Chijiao's head helplessly, and asked back.

After hearing this, Chi Jiao recovered her senses, raised her hand and patted her forehead and said: "Oh, look at my memory, I have forgotten such an important thing! Auntie, you go to sleep first, I will Go to Brother Quan."

  "Go early and return early, don't go too close to the water, so as not to encounter danger." Lu Xian worried Chi Jiao and watched Chi Jiao leave.

  Chi Jiao speeded up her pace and left, rushing out to find Quan Jue.

   Quan Jue was standing behind a reef not far away waiting for Chi Jiao.

After Chi Jiao discovered Quan Jue, she hurried over and threw herself into Quan Jue’s arms to apologize: "Sorry, Brother Quan, I was too tired from playing today. I accidentally fell asleep just now and forgot to talk to you. Agreed."

  Quan Jue’s eyes were filled with unconcealable tenderness, and Chi Jiao’s chin was gently raised, and he smiled and said, “It seems that I have to give you a long memory.”

After the voice fell, Quan Jue lowered his head and kissed Chi Jiao's lips, giving her a deep kiss.

  Chi Jiao’s breath was full of Quan Jue's breath, she was confused and infatuated by the kiss, and quickly blushed and let go of Quan Jue.

Quan Jue kissed Chi Jiao's small face again and said with a smile, "Go, I'll take you to a good place. Let's go back to the villa first. You change your clothes. It's too cold to wear this clothes." "

  There is a night breeze at night by the sea. Chi Jiao is wearing suspenders and shorts. It will definitely be cold.

  Chi Jiao nodded and followed Quan Jue's footsteps, and went back to the villa together, and then changed into a swimsuit as Quan Jue instructed, with a towel and jacket.

  Chi Jiao had already put on that white swimsuit, but she didn't know what happened, and Dang Nan's words suddenly came to her mind.

  So, Chi Jiao stopped when she wanted to leave the room, but after thinking about it, she changed one.

  Quan Jue waited for Chi Jiao for ten more minutes, and then saw that Chi Jiao was already wearing a coat, holding a towel in her hand, and walking out of the room.

  (End of this chapter)

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