Big Shot Little Jiaojiao Breaks Her Persona Again

Chapter 1216: I can't wait to frustrate you two

  Chapter 1216 I can't wait to frustrate you two

Snake Qi was expressionless. He looked at Quan Jue and Snake Qi coldly. He was not angry, but rather calm to the point of frightening. He looked at the two of them and narrowed his eyes slightly: "You two will do it every time. Come over and undermine my plan, every time I wish I could frustrate the two of you."

  Chi Jiao and Quan Jue heard Snake Qi's words, but they just curled their lips indifferently, and did not take Snake's words to heart at all.

   "Snake Qi, that's all you want to say?" Chi Jiao asked Snake Qi with cold eyes.

"Chi Jiao, what are you proud of! Do you think you can be proud of spring breeze by catching me? I tell you, don’t think about it! It’s not that simple to deal with me. I can pinch you to death with just one finger, and you’ve caught it. I wanted to kill Xu Ye!" Snake Qi laughed loudly, as if a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

  Hearing Xu Ye’s name, Chi Jiao’s heart immediately tightened: “Snake Qi, don’t be scammers here, you quickly explain, where is Xu Ye now?!”

Snake Qi snorted comfortably, as if deliberately provoke Chi Jiao to be anxious, and said unhurriedly: "Chi Jiao, do you think I will tell you? I tell you, you don’t want to see you again in your life. Xu Ye! I would rather die than tell you where he is!"

  Snake Qi said this with confidence. He satisfactorily watched Chi Jiao and Quan Jue's expressions sinking, and he was extremely happy.

  Actually, Snake Qi didn't know exactly where Bai Wanxi took Xu Ye's corpse, but this didn't delay Snake Qi's remarks. Anyway, Chi Jiao couldn't verify this.

  Snake Qi is uncomfortable, so Chi Jiao and two of them have to entangle with him in pain!

  Chi Jiao actually guessed She Qi’s intentions. She looked at this arrogant man, and she wanted to twist his head off and kick the ball.

  But Chi Jiao had to admit that even if she knew that She Qi was not telling the truth, she would still worry about Xu Ye and Bai Wanxi uncontrollably.

"Snake Qi, you used to be a member of the Profound Clan, and you should know better than anyone else how many torture methods there are in the Profound Clan. If you don't explain it obediently, you will be the one who suffers in the end." Quan Jue looked at Snake Qi. Threatening coldly.

Quan Jue's words irritated Snake Qi, his face suddenly became very ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said viciously: "Quan Jue! It's all because of you! I've landed in such a field. You think I'll be forgiving." You!"

   Quan Jue looked disapproving, and did not take Snake Qi's words to heart at all: "Snake Qi, let's wait until you have a chance to come out."

Snake Qi became more annoyed, and he struggled hard, even though his arms and bones were already cracked and the pain was extremely painful, he couldn't stop his movements: "Now is just the beginning! Don't think that things are over here! Take it! There are still many desperate things waiting for you down. You will step into the abyss step by step and become extremely miserable...!"

   Before Snake Qi finished speaking, Chi Jiao was impatient and opened the door of the cell.

Even Quan Jue was shocked by Chi Jiao's sudden behavior. Together with Shou Qi, she watched Chi Jiao walk to Snake Qi's face with a cold face, raised her hand, slapped her face and slapped Snake Qi with all her strength. Face.

   There was a crisp sound, and half of Shou Qi's face was beaten crooked.

  (End of this chapter)

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