Big Shot Little Jiaojiao Breaks Her Persona Again

Chapter 1230: Take me to find She Qi

   Chapter 1230 Take me to find Snake Qi

   "What's the use of being stubborn? It can't survive torture." The woman continued.

  The man waved his hand, pretending to be deep and said: "I don’t think it’s necessary, Snake Qi really doesn’t want to say, it’s useless to kill him, that man is so vicious, how could it be a good stubborn?"

  The woman still wanted to talk, but as soon as she turned her head, she saw Charlotte Qiaozheng looking interested, listening to their conversation enthusiastically, wishing to put her ears on them.

   So, the woman immediately shut her mouth, pointed her finger at Charlotte, and snorted: "What are you doing?!"

  Xia Luoqiao blinked her eyes innocently, and quickly kept her distance from them: "Nothing? I'm just thirsty and want to drink some water."

   "Got it, wait." The woman went to pour a glass of water for Charlotte, then held the glass and passed the water to Charlotte through the window of the cell.

  Before the woman retracted her hand, Xia Luoqiao flashed her astonishingly fast figure and quickly grabbed the woman's hand.

  The woman was taken aback, subconsciously wanted to get rid of Charlotte, panicked and asked loudly: "What do you want to do? Let me go!"

  Charlott seemed to have not heard the woman's words, she grinned and clutched the woman's hand: "I have been locked up for a few days than you, I should go out too!"

  While speaking, Xia Luoqiao's body seemed to have melted, and she followed the woman's shadow into it.

  The strange feeling that the shadow was occupied by people made the woman tremble all over, she screamed, rolled her eyes and trembled crazily.

   "Charlotte Charlotte, stop!" The man controlled the ability to deal with Charlotte, but Charlotte first got out of the shadow of the woman, raising his hand to instantly control the shadow of the man.

  The man was controlled, unable to move in an instant, and looked at Charlotte with an incredible expression: "This is impossible, me, why can't I move?"

Xia Luo Qiao Qiao smiled Yanran. She poked her head out of the shadow and squinted her eyes with a wicked smile: "Shadow and body are connected to each other. If you control the shadow, you can naturally control the body. I don't want you. If you move, you can’t move. I want you to hit the wall with one head, and you can only hit the wall with one head."

  The man hadn't reacted yet, Charlotte had already chuckled and manipulated his body, causing him to slam his head against the hard wall.

  The man didn't even have a chance to grunt, and he rolled his eyes and instantly lost consciousness.

  The woman was about to yell, but Charlotte waved her hand and sealed her mouth.

  The woman's mouth seemed to be stuck, she couldn't resist no matter how hard she struggled, and even her body was controlled by Charlotte.

  Charlotte was also out of breath after finishing all this by accident.

  Xia Luoqiao’s abilities were still sealed, and she also spent a lot of effort to squeeze out a little spiritual power to control the two of them.

  Xia Luo Qiao consumes a lot of money. After she rested for five minutes, she got into the shadow of the woman and ordered: "Take me to find Snake Qi."

  Even if a woman has tens of thousands of unwillingnesses, her body is not controlled, and she is controlled by Charlotte to find Snake Qi.

  At the same time, She Qizheng was detained in the cell and gave severe lessons.

  The whipping sound continued to sound. The people of the Xuanmen used the whip of the Xuanmen trait to draw the body of Zhe Sheqi, and every time he beat him, it would leave visible scars on the body of She Qi.

  Severe pain swept through, but Snake Qi didn't even frown.

  (End of this chapter)

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