Chapter 1336

  Speaking of the current situation of the Quan family, who doesn’t know how bitter Quan Jingzhou’s heart is.

  Quan Jingzhou, as the family of the Quan family, was supposed to be infinitely beautiful, but who would have thought that he actually caused the Quan family to suffer serious losses because of his illegitimate son outside against him.

  Now the other shareholders of the Quan Group have jointly demanded that Quan Jingzhou immediately surrender the position of chairman, but Quan Jingzhou is unwilling to do all he can to try to keep this position together with his supporters.

  Kequan Jingzhou was unable to make up for the previous losses at all, and even the construction of the bridge across the river connected to it had to be temporarily suspended due to a shortage of funds.

  If everyone sees someone like Quan Jingzhou in normal times, they will definitely not wait to get in touch with each other. But today is different. The people in the quiet bar watched Quan Jingzhou drinking and getting drunk, only thinking that he was miserable and funny.

  Everyone was talking about Quan Jingzhou in a low voice. Their voices were very low, and Quan Jingzhou could not hear clearly, but they felt that these discussions were even harsher.

  So, he frowned irritably, raised his head and drank the drink in the glass, stumbled to his feet, and walked towards the bathroom.

  Quan Jingzhou entered the bathroom, only to feel that the sky was spinning, his stomach tumbling, he rushed into a compartment, pointed at the toilet, and began to vomit.

  Almost felt that his internal organs were about to be thrown out, Quan Jingzhou fell in the compartment, reflecting that he could not stand up for a long time.

   "Sir, are you okay?" At this moment, a young man's voice suddenly rang in Quan Jingzhou's ears.

It's a pity that Quan Jingzhou was confused under the influence of alcohol, and he didn't know who was talking to him.

  Snake Qi was wearing Sheng Qian's skin and staring coldly at Quan Jingzhou, who fell into a compartment and looked embarrassed.

  He unhurriedly stepped forward, helped Quan Jingzhou up, and took him to the washstand to wash his face.

After washing his face, Quan Jingzhou's consciousness recovered some clarity. He thanked him, looked at the person beside him, and said unexpectedly: "Are you... Xiao Qian of the Sheng family?"

Snake Qi smiled, and said with a gentle attitude: "Uncle, you still know me. I remember that the last time I met my uncle, it was at the banquet held by Quan's house. At that time, I only followed my father. I said hello to you. I never thought I would have such a fate to meet my uncle here."

  Snake Qi’s respectful attitude has improved Quan Jingzhou’s originally lost mood a lot: “Xiao Qian, thank you very much. I’m really embarrassed to see your uncle looking embarrassed.”

"Uncle, don't say that. Actually, I have been secretly thinking of you as my idol. At this moment, seeing Uncle you so desperate makes me feel uncomfortable. Uncle, why don't I invite you to have a drink? Tea bar, so sober up." She Qi suggested.

  Quan Jingzhou has been very unwelcome these days. Those who were passionate about him before have become indifferent because of his downfall.

  Quan Jingzhou didn't say it, but he was very unhappy. At this time, he had met a humble and polite junior like Sheng Qian for a long time, and it was inevitable that he wanted to say a few more words with the other party, so he agreed to his request.

  The two left Jingba and went to the VIP room to drink tea.

  Snake Qi's attitude is very gentle, really like a younger generation who admires the elders, and personally makes tea for Quan Jingzhou. His attitude was respectful without appearing deliberately, and getting along with Snake Qi made Quan Jingzhou feel very comfortable and face-saving. He drank three or four cups of Snake Qi's tea.

  (End of this chapter)

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