Chapter 1356 is exposed?

  Quan Jue's words, Chi Jiao heard this for the first time today. She glanced at Quan Jue suspiciously, and instantly understood what Quan Jue meant.

Chi Jiao blinked at him and said with a smile: "Okay. Xu Ye, you study so hard these days, so you should relax. Let's go out to play for a day today, and I will help you when we come back in the evening. For review, we combine work and rest, and we may be able to perform better in the exam tomorrow."

  Bai Wanxi was also happy, she hurriedly pretended to be what Xu Ye should be, clenched her fists with a relieved expression, and said joyfully: "Okay, we'll leave after dinner!"

  Lu Xian on the dining table silently listened to the conversation of the three of them, and never spoke, as if he didn't care.

  Chi Jiao and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately left together after eating.

After getting into Quan Jue’s car, Bai Wanxi was relieved and completely relaxed: "It’s me who is really nervous! I have always been worried about what auntie might find out! However, it seems that I think too much, auntie. I didn't say much, I should not doubt us anymore."

Quan Jue sat between Chi Jiao and Bai Wanxi, and shook his head disapprovingly after hearing these words: "I don't think so. My mother had clearly realized something before and had already begun to doubt. It stands to reason, she She should continue to doubt. Unless there is really any substantive evidence that can deny that her suspicion is not true, she may give up. But this is obviously not the case now. There must be some other reason. She will not be held accountable for the time being."

   After hearing this, Bai Wanxi raised a heart to his throat, and became nervous again: "So, I am still exposed?"

"This is not the time to struggle with such small things. The most important thing is that we must find a way to wake Xu Ye." Chi Jiao raised her hand and rubbed her eyebrows anxiously. "Xu Ye has been sleeping more recently. I am worried that continuing like this will be harmful and not beneficial to his health. We must find a way to wake Xu Ye."

   "What do you want to do?" Quan Jue asked.

Chi Jiao shook her phone and showed the two of them the WeChat that Pei Yao had sent her: "Sister Yaoyao told me this morning that she had caught Tong Yan. He has already tortured Tong Yan and is still there. On Tong Yan's body, some fragrant powder formulated by Qiao Liuli was found."

"Does Qiao Liuli's fragrance powder have any effect? ​​I smelled the fragrance powder she made, but for a long time, I couldn't return my body to Xu Ye." Bai Wanxi was worried as he spoke. Frowned.

Last time, when Bai Wanxi was taken away by Snake Qi, he smelled a lot of incense made by Qiao Liuli, but also after that, Xu Ye's physical condition changed under the sun, not only would Bai Wanxi be caught by Bai Wanxi for a long time. Occupying the right to use the body, his chances of awakening himself are much less, and the support time after awakening is not long.

  This also caused Bai Wanxi's heart to tremble every time he thought of the fragrance powder formulated by Qiao Liuli, always feeling that it was not a good thing.

Chi Jiao smiled and comforted Bai Wanxi: "Sister Wanxi, whether it is spices or medicines, they are actually the same in nature. The spices formulated by Qiao Liuli can keep you awake, so in turn, I might be able to learn by analogy. Her spices, blending new spices to keep Xu Ye awake."

   Chi Jiao’s words brightened Bai Wanxi’s eyes: "Is it really possible?"

  (End of this chapter)

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