Chapter 1373 A group of licking dogs

However, Chun Xiaotao Hun’s expression revealed a bitter taste: "I didn’t lie! I have been in the same exam room with Chi Jiao for the two days of exams. She takes less than half an hour to take the exam each time. I have handed in the papers, what good results can I have?"

"That is, I am also in the same examination room as Chi Jiao. She is arrogant. Every time someone else hasn't handed in the paper, she will pass the test paper first. The teacher persuaded her to check it twice, but she would not listen. "At this moment, another male student with glasses raised his hand and pushed the glasses and said.

The word    stirred up waves. After the male student finished speaking, many students present at the scene agreed without exception.

   "I am also in that examination room, and Chi Jiao is the first to hand in the test papers every time."

   "Wow, why is she so confident? Isn't she afraid of overturning?"

   "If someone has money at home, it won’t matter if the exam fails."

   "Chi Jiao used to have too good grades, so the principal and teachers agreed that she would not come to school, but only to take the exam? This time, if she fails the exam, she probably won't have the privilege."

  However, there were also some voices standing next to Chi Jiao and helping Chi Jiao to speak: "I don't think Chi Jiao will overturn the car. After all, every time she took an exam, she was the number one in the year!"

  "I think too. Chi Jiao handed in the paper and called it quickly, which can only prove that people are studying well. You scumbags are too sour to speak, right?"

   "Same sympathy, my goddess won't count down the exam, I'm going to find my goddess' name in front!" Immediately, a few male classmates walked towards the front of the bulletin board, where the names of the top students in the school are located.

  Chun Xiaotao raised her chin with a proud face, and snorted: "A group of licking dogs, but Chi Jiao looks pretty, so they don’t have dignity to join in. Isn’t it embarrassing?"

  Chun Xiaotao's voice only fell, and she heard an exclamation from the front.

   "My God, it's really Chi Jiao!"

  It was the male student who spoke just now. He was standing on the edge of the crowd in front of the bulletin board. At this moment, it was Chi Jiao standing in front of him.

  Behind Chi Jiao stood Xu Ye, Yi Lanlan, Dang Nan, and Bai Weiyu. The five of them came to check their results.

  Everyone did not expect that the master they had been discussing just now would suddenly appear in front of them. And each of them was more like taking dumb medicine, all looking at Chi Jiao, no one dared to talk about her in front of Chi Jiao.

   "Huh, didn't you just say that we are Jiaojiao? Why now we Jiaojiao is standing in front of you, you dare not say any more?" Yi Lanlan looked at the students displeasedly, and asked sharply.

  Just now they walked all the way and heard a lot of students' comments.

  Although Chi Jiao has a calm and calm face, she doesn't care about everyone's comments. But Xu Ye and the others are different. They all have an angry expression, and they can't wait to drag out all the people who said ill of Chi Jiao just now.

"We are not wrong again, Chi Jiao, you are so difficult that you are the first to turn in your papers in every exam?" Chun Xiaotao mustered up the courage, stood up, looked at Chi Jiao mockingly, and said in a sour tone. "Oh, you deserve to be a tyrant, we can't learn this skill."

  Chi Jiao said with a smile instead of a smile: "If you know you can't learn, don't make noise, or you will hit you in the face after you get your grades."

  Chi Jiao's voice was very sweet, but what she said was like a sharp blade, especially heart-wrenching, making everyone present fell silent without exception, and no one dared to speak again and Chi Jiao raised the bar.

   Ah, the new book will be opened after the end of the new year~ hee



  (End of this chapter)

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