Big Shot Little Jiaojiao Breaks Her Persona Again

Chapter 1425: What did you mess up

  Chapter 1425 What happened to you again

  The older maid sighed. She is an old man of the Sheng family. She has been taking care of Sheng Qian since he was a child. Even if she knows that Sheng Qian is not an upright person, she can't bear him being hungry.

   "Does the master know about this?" the elderly maid asked.

   "I see. The master is because the young master is cooperating with the Quan Group. He said that regardless of the young master, he does not want to eat or not, as long as the safety of the young master is confirmed every day." The little maid replied.

  The older maid heard this and sighed helplessly, but did not notice a ghostly figure running past the window.

  Qiao Liuli dragged her tired body and ran forward staggeringly.

  She struggled along the wall to the second floor, followed the open window of the snake, and entered the room embarrassedly.

  The room was dim, and Snake Qichi was sitting on the big bed with his body.

  He has been cultivating here for two days and two nights, his injuries are mostly healed, and he is planning to leave after tonight.

  At this time, it was the top priority for Snake Qi. He clearly ordered anyone not to come and disturb him until he saw Qiao Liuli enter the room embarrassedly.

  Shen Qiben was dissatisfied. He saw Qiao Liuli who was all over his body, and his eyes had already risen: "What did you do again?"

Qiao Liuli heard Snake Qi’s bad tone, and hurriedly lowered her head and said, "Master Snake, it’s not that I made a mistake, but that Professor Liu we were looking for was too stupid. It exposed us and attracted Chi Jiao and Quan. Jue, hurt his subordinate."

  "Professor Liu you were looking for. The person you were looking for made a mistake, and you should have taken the responsibility. What else can you say?" Snake Qi coldly snorted and said with an unhappy expression.

  Qiao Liuli's expression changed, and she lowered her head and dared not say anything.

  Obviously, She Qi said at the beginning that she asked her to find someone who has no opinion and control, but now it is not easy to find someone who dislikes her.

   However, Qiao Liuli did not dare to say no amount of dissatisfaction in her heart, and could only continue to apologize: "Please forgive Master She Qi."

   "Since the person in the research room has been exposed, we can see that we can't continue to cooperate with the Quan Group in the future." She Qi narrowed his eyes and said indifferently.

  Qiao Liuli observed Snake Qi's expression: "But, Master Snake Qi needs to use those drugs to achieve your goals? If no one takes this drug again, will our plan fail?"

She Qi looked indifferent and said disapprovingly: "My plan is not so easy to fail. So far, the total amount of drugs sold has exceeded my original expectations, and the effect I want will soon appear. Let's Then just wait quietly for the result."

  Qiao Liuli nodded, and immediately said anxiously: "The subordinate feels that once things are exposed, Quan Jingzhou will definitely confess to the master."

"Anyway, Sheng Qian is just a fake identity. It doesn't matter if you expose it. As long as you can give Chi Jiao a serious injury and sacrifice a fake identity, what is it?" She Qi sneered and curled his lips. Prepare a helicopter for me. After I leave the customs, I will go abroad for a few days and wait until the limelight in Quan Jingzhou has passed before returning."

   "Yes." Qiao Liuli nodded and quickly turned and left.

Early in the morning of the next day, the news that the anti-cancer drugs sold by the Kwon Group had a great impact on the spirit spread to the major media platforms at the fastest speed, occupying the headlines of various newspapers, and in just a short period of time. It rushed to the top search in dozens of minutes, and the popularity is still increasing.

  (End of this chapter)

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