Big Shot Little Jiaojiao Breaks Her Persona Again

Chapter 1477: Don't come close to me, i'm afraid i can't help it

   Chapter 1477 Don't get close to me, I'm afraid I can't help it

Xuan Yajun’s concern made Chi Jiao feel warm after listening: "Sister Yajun, let me go. I am a supernatural person, and my physical strength is better than ordinary people. I don’t need as much sleep time. Just when you wake up, it’s better to just Come with me, first send the new medicine to Chen Li to try."

  Xuanya Jun saw that Chi Jiao was so desperate and wanted to help Chi Jiao as much as possible, so she nodded and agreed to her: "Okay, let's go."

  The two of them stood shoulder to shoulder, holding the new medicine together to find Chen Li.

Outside Chen Li’s ward, Dr. Gao was looking through the glass, persuading Chen Li: "Chen Li, what we give you is animal meat, not human. You can also temporarily relieve your pain after you eat it. Don't hold on to it, or eat some?"

After Chi Jiao came over, she saw this scene. She had a little suspicion in her heart. She looked at Doctor Gao and asked, "Doctor Gao, is Chen Li still not cooperating?"

Doctor Gao heard Chi Jiao’s voice and turned his head to meet Chi Jiao’s eyes. He sighed in worry, "Boss, you just came here. You don’t know how stubborn Chen Li is. No matter what we say, He doesn't want to be born with meat, but his current body can't eat the food that a normal person should eat. In just two days, he has lost a lot of weight. If this continues, he will starve to death without waiting for the antidote to be studied. "

  Xuanya Jun persuaded: "Doctor Gao, you have to understand him a lot, he is also very pitiful, maybe you want to prove that he is not a monster by this method."

  Doctor Gao couldn't bear it, and said helplessly: "Boss, do you want to persuade Chen Li?"

Chi Jiao smiled and walked to the intercom, and said to Chen Li through the window: "Chen Li, I don’t advise you, but I have a new medicine here. If the experiment is successful, you can eat normal people’s food tonight. Do you want to try it."

   Chen Li became interested after hearing this, he suddenly raised his head, looking at Chi Jiao with full expectation.

   Chi Jiao saw Chen Li, only to solve his thin, non-human appearance, and his dim eyes finally recovered some brilliance after listening to her, and they looked extremely miserable.

  Chi Jiao ordered someone to open the door of the ward and walk towards Chen Li.

Chen Li resisted Chi Jiao's approach. He gritted his teeth and restrained his bloodthirsty desire. He gasped and looked at Chi Jiao and said, "You, don't come near me. I'm afraid I can't help it. On the table, I drink it myself."

Seeing Chen Li's bloodthirsty instinct struggle in his body, Chi Jiao couldn't help but sigh Chen Li's superhuman willpower.

  Although Chen Li took a lot of the antidote she developed, his body became resistant to Snake Qi's genes, but even so, it was still very difficult for him to completely resist the bloodthirsty instinct.

  Thinking about it, he must rely on extraordinary willpower to do it.

  Chi Jiao did not force Chen Li, but listened to Chen Li's words and put the antidote on the table.

  After Chi Jiao's hind legs kept a distance from Chen Li, Chen Li finally tremblingly picked up the table to learn about the medicine.

  The antidote showed a vibrant light green liquid. Chen Li opened the cap of the bottle and smelled a moving floral scent.

  This kind of floral scent is very special, which Chen Li has never smelled before. And this fresh and good smell was like a gust of wind, which immediately made his hazy mind awake.

  Chen Li did not hesitate, raised his head and drank the medicine.

  (End of this chapter)

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