Big Shot Little Jiaojiao Breaks Her Persona Again

Chapter 1501: Everyone ate a mouthful of dog food

   Chapter 1501 Everyone ate a mouthful of dog food

   "Jiaojiao?" Quan Jue also heard the movement. At this moment, he saw Chi Jiao at a glance, and ran towards Chi Jiao's place with a smile.

The heart that Chi Jiao had been hanging on was finally let go at the moment she saw Quan Jue. She rushed to Quan Jue and hugged him hard: "Brother Quan! Are you okay? You have suffered these days. We will go back now!"

  Quan Jue hugged Chi Jiao tightly, and asked puzzledly: "Why did you come here? Don't you know how dangerous it is?"

   "I don't care, anyway, I want to come to you!" Chi Jiao didn't forget to hug Quan Jue tightly as she spoke, as if she was afraid that she would lose him again.

   Quan Jue hugged Chi Jiao helplessly, but the corners of his lips evoked a smile uncontrollably.

  Yin Yong and others stood silently, and everyone took a mouthful of dog food.

  However, fortunately, Quan Jue is safe and sound. For everyone, this is already a blessing in misfortune.

   "I, I have helped you find someone, can you let me go?" Peng Xuecheng asked weakly, looking at everyone.

  Chi Jiao turned her head, looked up and down Peng Xuecheng with her eyes, and said coldly: "You want to be beautiful."

  Peng Xuecheng wanted to cry without tears. He cried and said with a sad face: "I just believed Snake Qi's nonsense for a while. I don't really want to oppose you. You won't kill them all!"

   "I still want you to do something for me, as long as you do it well, I will let you go. At least, I can make you no longer bloodthirsty." Chi Jiao said.

  Peng Xuecheng saw that everyone was staring at him, as if he was about to beat him if he didn't agree, she had to shrink her neck silently and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"Help me go to the ice cave on the left just now. If there are flowers growing there, help me pick some out." Chi Jiao took out a bag from her waist when she was talking, and opened it with a folding basket inside. Just be able to carry it behind you, "The kind of flowers are blue-gold. You have to pick them from the roots when you pick them, but you can't damage the roots of the flowers hidden in the ice. Picking them until the folding basket is full is enough."

  Peng Xuecheng originally worried that Chi Jiao would embarrass him, but when she heard Chi Jiao’s small request, she thought it was something wrong with her ears: "It's that simple?"

  Chi Jiao nodded: "I will give you an hour at most, now hurry up and go back."

   "Okay!" Peng Xuecheng had no other choice, nodded and agreed to Chi Jiao.

  The group of people returned along the same route and returned to the fork just now.

  Chill came from the fork, and everyone present shivered involuntarily.

   "The temperature here is indeed very low, can you do it?" Yin Yong looked at Peng Xuecheng and asked.

  Peng Xuecheng did a lot of bad things, but fortunately, Quan Jue did not worry about his life, and Yin Yong did not want Peng Xuecheng to be frozen to death.

  Peng Xuecheng raised her chin proudly after hearing this question and smiled and said, “It’s okay, I have ice powers, and my body is far more resistant to freezing than ordinary people. It’s okay to hold on for an hour without talking about others.”

  Peng Xuecheng came to realize that after talking about it, Chi Jiao had seen through his system and understood that he could hold on for at least an hour, so he asked him to pick flowers.

  However, Peng Xuecheng had some doubts. What flowers can there be in such a cold place? I don't know if what Chi Jiao said is true or false.

   "I'm going." Peng Xuecheng didn't dare to say what he was thinking. After carrying the folding basket on his back, he strode towards the cave.

  (End of this chapter)

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