Big Shot Little Jiaojiao Breaks Her Persona Again

Chapter 1504: The biggest sacrifice this time is Miss Wan Xi and

  Chapter 1504 The biggest sacrifices this time are Miss Wan Xi and Xu Ye

  The two murmured silently in their hearts.

  Bing cube face is not good, so they don’t know what Quan Jue is thinking!

"This thing you are doing is too risky." Quan Jue spoke slowly. After saying this, he turned his head and looked at Xu Ye. "Fortunately, this is back. Otherwise, once Xu Ye is caught, we will Many of his efforts were in vain."

  Pei Yao and Bei Tanglie both look guilty. They are like children who have done wrong. They all dare not look up at Quan Jue. At the same time, they said silently: "We were wrong..."

Quan Jue saw the two drooping their heads, and said: "However, you have good intentions. Knowing how to take out the heart of time, we have indeed saved a lot of trouble. Thank you for thinking about my mother and not hesitating to commit crimes. risk,"

  Quan Jue earnestly thanked him, and Bei Tanglie and Pei Yao were a little embarrassed.

"Actually, we didn’t do anything. The biggest sacrifices this time were Miss Wan Xi and Xu Ye. They deceived the truth from She Qi’s mouth by committing a personal risk. Mr. Quan, She Qi was deceived so badly by Miss Wan Xi this time. According to his character, he will definitely find ways to retaliate. We will strengthen our defense next." Bei Tanglie said solemnly.

Quan Jue nodded and agreed with Bei Tanglie's proposal: "Well, I will take care of this matter. You have been working hard these days. Let's take a rest first, and wait until Jiaojiao has prepared the antidote. The second thing can be over."

After Bei Tanglie and Pei Yao heard this, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and left Xu Ye's room.

  It took Chi Jiao and all the research institutes in the research room for a day to make a large number of antidote. First, all registered patients were given the medicine.

  After taking the medicine, all the genes belonging to the snake will be destroyed in the patient's body. In the same way, as they regain their sanity, the effects of anti-cancer drugs in their bodies will be offset, and their cancer will reappear.

  With the onset of drug effects, patients will return to the state before taking the drug within three days, and even these days of indulgence will bring side effects and make their bodies weaker.

  All of this is inevitable. Chi Jiao had already told the patient's family of all the hazards before the patient took the medicine.

  All the family members of the patients were in desperation after they learned the truth. They thought that their family members had found hope of living, but they never thought that it was a waste of water in the bamboo basket.

However, the family members and Chen Xuejun and his wife thought the same thing. After seeing their family members turned into bloodthirsty monsters, they would rather choose to watch their family members accept the facts. As the condition progressed, they would not die. Willing to see them go crazy again.

However, taking the antidote to these patients is not enough to understand these things. After obtaining the consent of the family members, Chi Jiao left a few patients who were not taking the antidote and were still out of control, and some took the drugs. But the patients who have not lost their minds and their family members handed them over to the research institute together to show them real examples.

  These patients who had just taken the drug, and their family members saw the living examples in front of them, and couldn't help feeling fear, and had to cooperate with Chi Jiao for treatment.

  In the past few days when Chi Jiao and Quan Jue were busy dealing with the incident, Xu Ye has been sleeping.

  Although Xu Ye was sleeping, his head was extremely clear, and he could clearly feel everything happening around him.

  And perhaps because of this sobriety, he entered a very strange state.

  (End of this chapter)

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