Bijo to Kenja to Majin no Ken
FE1 To New Morning 10
Kay felt her body pulling into her arms still tense.
But Celestia shows no resistance like she did earlier.
When Kay tried to hug her even harder, there she showed her first moves like trying to pull away.
"Kay -.
My body must smell like sweat. "
Hearing such a weak dialogue of rejection, Kay laughs small.
"Do you care?
- Then you just have to make sure it doesn't bother you. "
"-!! What!?
Kay is forced to pull her hand and stand up, luring Celestia to the river at the border.
She had a rather bewildered look on her face, as she was forcefully taken out to advance her legs to the riverside.
- Celestia thinks that there will be no situation where the word resistance (...) vain (...) applies so much.
Just saying resistance, how much resistance would you have shown at your own volition that made you weak?
In fact, Celestia had been stripped of her armor and the armor she wore underneath it in a manner that was almost as close as she could exchange it.
I followed Kay's words into the river water - but now I'm just covering my chest with nothing to hide, like I managed to hug myself while dipping my hips down into the water field.
I looked up and found the moonlight illuminating me in the dark at night.
I can see myself on the water shaking every bit.
Huh Celestia noticed a water noise coming from the front.
Kay was taking off his clothes a little further away, or he pushes through the basha basha and the waterfront and approaches her.
Seeing him coming straight at himself, Celestia raised her voice in a hurry.
"Ke, kay -!
Don't look at me...
Because my body is not going to satisfy you. "
I don't know why I've been in this situation, or why I'm running these embarrassing words...
Celestia desperately tries to think with an upbeat head, but she doesn't think well.
Because of that, I just wish I could get out of there - her legs didn't try to listen to me at all.
Celestia's mind is violently swirling with conflicting thoughts about not wanting Kay to see herself like this and on the other hand wanting to lean on him quickly.
When Kay caught the confusing Celestia's body, she told her small as she moved her face closer.
"That's not true"
When it is so asserted nearby, everything spreads like peace of mind.
I sensed the force of my arms subtly wrapping around my chest loosening unconsciously.
Celestia finds herself in a hurry to change, but she manages to escape the scene by connecting worthless words.
"Around you are Grace and Sylvia.
When I think about their charm, I... "
It was no longer a word that we should be talking about.
Celestia herself understood that best.
Since Kay and I left Port Town, she couldn't help but lean on him.
"Ceres -!"
"Ah -!?"
Kay blocks Celestia's lips, which are strongly drawn to her.
The cuffed, plump chest touched Kay's skin and changed shape cramped.
That's how I feel the body temperature coming through...
For the first time then, Celestia realized that she had the means to communicate her mind beyond words.
Celestia was somewhere in the dark.
Intuitively, that's when - it leads to the thought.
After joining the Western Knights, Celestia had visited the King's Tomb in Harland with Redmond stationed at the Knight Commander and Deputy Commander.
The King's Tomb is literally meant to honor Harland's past royalty.
Celestia, who visited the King's Tomb that day with special permission, was to have an odd experience there.
What a strange blessing we received when we entered some dark Clancy God's temple (here) in the King's tomb.
It is a definite blessing by Clancy God (...) -.
Even now we still do not know for what purpose it was granted.
But with Clancy's protection, Celestia will grow higher than ever.
Redmond was just a lone knight at the scene of the blessing.
He said words of joy on the spot to the sheltered Celestia.
But Celestia, who had not lived up to one of his wishes, at least gave Redmond the amulet of good fortune she had because of her sinful consciousness.
It was passed down to Celestia's parents' house, imitating a four-leaf clover with blue jewels.
"Thank you very much," Redmond, who received it, said with a full grin.
And he kept holding the amulet.
Since that day, Celestia's amulet (amulet) to Redmond has become a symbol of Celestia's groove of thought (...), which contemplates Redmond and sin, who honestly delighted with the gift from her.
Well - since this time my heart has been a chigu?
Celestia recognises it now.
I was afraid that I would be jealous of myself for being a nobleman, appreciated young and additionally protected by Clancy. Celestia, who has been hit with ugly jealousy by many, wanted Redmond alone to be unrelated from it.
But that's just Celestia's ultimate hope.
Actually, I was just afraid I'd lose my side.
That's how I wanted to protect myself.
Now that Redmond's gone, I don't have the means to beg him for forgiveness.
And he also couldn't ask Celestia for forgiveness for betrayal.
But Celestia wanted to make it clear to Redmond, who lives in her memory, even if it was self-satisfying and one-way.
Redo, I was wrong. I'm so sorry...
In a dark world, Celestia said to Redmond, apologizing.
And the moment I state that word, the light shines in her heart.
That ray of light gradually shaped something like a single arm.
The arms are forcefully powerful and lift Celestia's body out of the dark.
Celestia felt like she saw a familiar man's face at the end of her arm.
But that's for a moment.
Her vision fills her with soft light as she sees it.
With that light all over her body, Celestia thought.
Yeah, I can't stay here.
I must step out, for the sake of those who seek me, and those who deserve protection.
- Shine the light, to the new morning.
It seems to me that the light reflected on the surface of the water gives another color to the brightly colored sky.
A little water noise called Pasha is strangely creepy in a crisp morning.
Kay washed her face and smiled loosely, somehow remembering what she had done last night.
- Though I have no regrets, honestly, thoughts close to self-loathing come to my mind.
Usually a strong Celestia shows a different side to herself -.
There was no doubt that such a fact had excited me.
However, I don't think it would have been a good idea to let someone who is new to being hugged work as if they were abusive (too much).
As a result, at the end of the day, I even made him say words asking for forgiveness. The word - still somehow, it's still in my ear.
Last night, they fell asleep side by side at the edge of the river.
Kay goes back to where Celestia falls asleep when she checks her sobriety and discipline. But there was no sign of Celestia.
Going back to where Kay connected the horse, there's Celestia, who's already done her homework.
Dressed in Saint Maiden armor (Armor of Line), she looked back and said "Good morning" when she noticed Kay.
The morning light illuminates Celestia's blonde hair and what a divine look she smiled at.
"Morning, Ceres."
"Kay, I'm sorry about yesterday."
"- Hmm?"
Kay somehow remembered the words he asked for forgiveness he heard last night when he heard the most apologetic words.
"There was a lot to think about, but I think Redmond's mind was sorted out.
No, it's not just about Redmond.
I think I was able to recognize what I had to do. "
"Oh, oh, you mean that way."
The moment Kay answered that, Celestia must have remembered last night, too.
When I suddenly opened my eyes, I blushed clearly as soon as I could tell.
"Kee, about last night..."
Seeing her lean down as she did, Kay smiles unexpectedly.
"Anyway, if you're ready, let's get back to Ferim early.
But before I do, I have to go and get my horse back. "
When Kay said so, Celestia looked back toward the horse to hide her reddish face.
However, she does not always have the mood to cross over to the horse.
"-? What's wrong?
Kay can't ride a horse without Celestia's support. That's why I waited for her to cross over to the horse as usual. But Celestia doesn't even try to hang her hands on the saddle just by holding the reins.
As Kay gazes at Celestia, she whines in a small voice in a leaning down mood.
"I'm sorry, the horse..."
For a moment Kay couldn't understand the words Celestia swallowed and tried to re-ask why.
But look at her blushing away - instantly understand what that means.
"Uh - aha, haha. Yeah, that's true.
What do we do? The magic of healing and cure. "
On second thought, Celestia can use high level recovery magic. Therefore, I can use the magic of curing the wound myself.
Though the reason for not doing so seems to be due to the complicated mood of being a woman - Kay decided that it would be better not to dig too deep into the topic. It can't be in a situation, such as treating the affected area (...) with your hands from now on.
However, unfortunately, the size of the door (gate) that Kay now opens prevented him from transferring the horse.
When Kay had no choice but to go out onto the street, she asked an adventurer on the way to deliver her horse to Ceilia's official building.
This request is a formal one after checking their adventurer registration card. If not, the report will go to the guild, and if the request is fulfilled, the reward will come out. Of course, Kay pays the compensation...
"Kay, is it okay for Ceilia, not Farica, to have the horse delivered?
Celestia asks. If you're going to ask for it anyway, maybe you should deliver it to Farica, who borrowed the horse.
"That's true, but if you're going to get it delivered to Farica, you won't reach it in a day unless you can get on the horse. Being an adventurer who can ride a horse has the possibility of choosing people, and don't let more than one adventurer keep you in one way or another.
If it takes more than two days to deliver, the chances of fulfilling the request are reduced and the horse is weak.
Even from a distance, Ceilia is much closer from here. So it's cheaper to pay for it.
Of course, I'll apologize and thank Lenz later. "
Hearing that, Celestia laughed huffy.
Always is. When I ask something a word, I get all sorts of reasons back.
I support him and protect him from trying to do what he thinks.
I don't know how useful the power I have is, but at least Kay thinks of me.
If so - I want to believe that.
- Yes, when Celestia thought about it.
"- What the fuck!?
Keane, you can hear Keane poking his ears out of the magical ear decorations (earrings).
Then, the earrings changed their color red as I looked at them.
"Return at the gate. Let's go armed."
Celestia agrees with Kay's words and takes the Saint Maiden's Sword (Jacqueline) and the Saint Maiden's Shield (Shield of Line) out of her assets (Inventory).
Kay also quickly activated the magic of the gate when he equipped his right hand with the ruler's Demon Sword (Rollinzer).
As Kay and Celestia returned to Ferim, the settlement always had a quiet morning as usual.
There seems to be no landscape that has changed in two days of absence to see how things are going.
As Celestia tried to approach her home on guard, the door to her home inadvertently opened itself.
- Kay, Ceres, welcome home.
It was Grace and Sylvia with a smile that came out of it.
Though I came back in a hurry with ear decorations (earrings), apparently it's not that serious.
"Did something happen?
"No, the metastasis gate is fine.
I didn't get back here last night, but Sylvia said she was really worried, worried and unbearable, so I did something to call her back. "
"Hey!! Did I say that!?
Kay and Celestia laugh at the rush.
"So - did you achieve your purpose?
Hearing Grace's query, Kay glanced at Celestia's expression.
Celestia takes his gaze and answers with a smile.
"- Oh.
I'm done for now. I said I was sorry. "
Grace smiled at the words.
I guess what Celestia was after Redmond is telling Sylvia as well. She also has a tender smile that she doesn't usually show.
Sylvia observed Celestia, however, pointing out the changes that only she could see.
"- Is that it? Ceres, isn't your face a little red?
Celestia is in a hurry for that word. Kay also just made a giddy look.
"Hey, what are you talking about -?"
Celestia steps back from the scene as she falls in love.
"What? I can't get enough of a move -?
- You, no way!?
On the way, Sylvia turned her suspended eyes to Kay.
Kay feels himself in danger and gradually retreats with his hands up.
"Hey, hey, wait!! I've done nothing wrong."
"Shut up!!
I'll cut it off and turn it off for you!!
"HI, HI NO!!
When Sylvia raised her anger, she chased Kay around desperately fleeing -.
"Huhuhuhuhu -"
Grace looks at the bustle and laughs quietly out loud.
Celestia asked her softly as she glanced at the expression.
You're not angry that this happened?
It was a terrible question to ask.
But Grace answers Celestia with a smile.
Though, honestly, I also feel angry about Kay -.
I've felt like this ever since I dropped you off here. "
"Grace -"
Celestia wanted to thank Grace for her generosity.
And I felt like I was saved by her words.
It's not just the charm of appearance. The way you hold your heart, you're no match for the woman in front of you.
The moment Celestia hung on to that, then Grace's words revived her.
"But, Ceres.
- I'm a loser (...) let (...)?
Hearing what Grace said, Celestia unwittingly opens her eyes.
There was an innocent Grace smile in front of Celestia like she'd seen for the first time.
It's no longer the same as in the past when you avoided realizing that you were a woman.
This is me being a woman but the late - struggle (...).
Celestia, who received Grace's declaration of war, grinned and opened her mouth.
The fiery spirit of struggle brings an unprecedented light of will to its eyes.
First, I had to go say thank you to Renz.
And I must apologize to Olga, who admired me like my mother, for not being able to return as a knight.
Celestia's mind now had a clear definition of where she should fight.
And from here on out, it's not just a struggle to protect him and his people.
You have to fight to win.
Celestia glanced at Kay fleeing and firmly recognised the emotions in her.
Maybe I can't say I'm sure of warm thoughts yet.
But I'm sure it will become more and more certain in the future.
Convinced of that, Celestia declared herself forcefully toward Grace by consolidating her own will.
"Yeah, even I...
Even I - can't beat it!!
What was there wasn't what she looked like with the troubles of a few days ago.
He was a beautiful swordsman filled with confidence, who laid down his own place of struggle.
(Fragmentary Episode 1: To the New Morning)
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