In front, Fairy Ziyao quickly caught the butterfly, played with it in her palm for a while, raised her hand again, and whispered: "Go."

The butterfly flew up into the wind and gradually flew away.

Fairy Ziyao had never been so leisurely before. It was good to be in the Holy Ruins of Samsara. She didn't have to worry about so many fights and intrigues, especially now that time was flowing very slowly. It was like being an ordinary person, with fewer troubles. This made her feel very calm and her Tao heart was also fulfilled.

Suddenly, her beautiful eyes moved, and she sensed that there seemed to be some fighting outside the Holy Ruins of Samsara, and there was also the sound of a woman crying, which was very urgent.

Fairy Ziyao's expression was stern, and she immediately turned into a beam of light and headed towards the outside world.

Not long after, she was out of a range, and sure enough, she saw dozens of demons chasing a female cultivator.


When Su Changge arrived at the cluster, he happened to see a beam of light rising up, heading east and west, at an incredibly fast speed, and eventually disappeared.

"Tsk tsk, Fairy Ziyao runs pretty fast, forget it, I won't chase her." Su Changge shook his head and smiled, not discouraged, it doesn't matter, not seeing her is not his loss, but her loss.

However, Su Changge also thought that when he looked into her eyes last time, he didn't know whether she recognized him or not, or whether there was any telepathy, but the appearance was different every time during reincarnation, and she might not recognize him at that time.

Shaking his head, Su Changge stopped thinking about it and walked straight ahead.

Let's just do our own thing, there is no shortage of women.

Looking far away, about hundreds of miles away, a magnificent city came into view, with a huge plaque on the city gate, which read: Yulong City.

This is a big city, and it is rumored that there are warriors, but they are just ordinary people, not real cultivators.

Only when a warrior becomes immortal can he fly with a sword and eventually become a cultivator.

It's not that Su Changge hasn't met a warrior in the past few years. The other party wanted to take him to practice, but after taking his pulse, he found that he didn't even have the most basic meridians. How could the spiritual energy flow? So after a moment of surprise, he had to persuade him to live an ordinary life.

Su Changge didn't say much and accepted this suggestion calmly.

Now, Su Changge is walking on a muddy road, and the top of the road is Yulong City.

About a few days later, Su Changge came to the gate of Yulong City. Coincidentally, Yulong City seems to be holding some major festive event today. Outsiders can be exempted from inspection and all entry fees. You must know that because it is a big city, ordinary people have to pay to enter the city, otherwise they won't let you in. It's not much, just 20 gold coins, but today it's all free.

Unfortunately, Su Changge was stopped by a woman in a golden dress and a cold face as soon as he arrived at the gate of the city.

"You are...?" Su Changge looked at the other person, feeling a little suspicious.

The woman was sitting in the carriage, but suddenly she opened the curtains, glanced at him, and immediately got off the car to stop him. He didn't know what was going on.

"Is this young man from out of town? He doesn't look like a person from Yulong City. What a coincidence. I'm in a good mood today. I'll give you some gold coins to buy food. What do you think?" The woman looked Su Changge up and down, touched her chin and smiled.

"Oh, so that's the case. Since you want to give me some money, I have no reason to refuse. Then please give me the money." Su Changge was overjoyed when he heard it. Wouldn't it be a fool not to return the money if it was delivered to his door? Then he just followed the other person's words.

"You..." The woman was stunned.

Her original intention was just to tease the foreigner in white clothes. After all, looking at the coarse linen clothes he was wearing, it was obvious that he was not from a good family and was very likely to be extremely poor. But he looked good, with a noble temperament and a free and easy manner. She wanted to tease him, but he took it seriously.

This was also the reason why she only wanted to take no money.

"Hey, go away. I'm just playing with you. Do you really want money? Go away." A bloated middle-aged woman came out from the side of the woman and said in a deep voice.

This person was obviously the servant of the woman in the golden skirt.

"Do you have the right to interrupt me when I'm talking to your sister?" Su Changge glanced at this person and his face suddenly darkened.

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