As soon as these words came out, everyone in the venue was shocked and stopped doing anything.

"This is obviously a trick on us, don't be fooled, let's go!"

"Go, go, go, good will be rewarded with good, evil will be rewarded with evil!"

"Just feed the dog a gold coin, let's go!"

This time no one believed Shopkeeper Wang. They all stamped their feet angrily and walked out of the door after finishing speaking.

Su Changge also smiled and walked out the door calmly.

After everyone had left, Shopkeeper Wang stroked his beard and said with a smile, "Haha, a bunch of poor guys can easily fall for any trick."

In his mind, just one gold coin is enough to buy him such a big house. What the hell do you want to do?

A servant next to him boldly asked: "Master, is it not appropriate for you to do this? What if it damages your moral character..."

"You damn Yin De, why do you care so much? You just need to have enough food and clothing in this life. How can you care about the next life? Why, are you still afraid of being reincarnated as a dog in the next life?" Shopkeeper Wang sneered and said indifferently.

"That's not the case, but I'm afraid that I really pissed off these country bumpkins. What if they do something drastic? After all, these people are not educated. Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. What if they do something drastic? ..." The servant said worriedly.

"You don't need to worry about this. I'm afraid they don't have the guts. In addition, quickly pack up the furniture, luggage, carriage, wives and family, etc., and make them all ready for departure. Also, are the torches I asked you to prepare ready?" Wang Zhang said. .

"We're ready, but it's a pity that such a big house burned down like this..." The servant frowned, feeling a little bleeding in his heart. The shopkeeper was a little unkind, but he thought it was his own. He naturally had the right to deal with the house. If it wasn't his turn, he kept his mouth shut.

"Humph, I won't give it to them even if I burn it. I just want to make the last profit before leaving. Anyway, I won't come back, so what can I do if I keep it? It's better to burn it. Just listen to me." Shopkeeper Wang said with a evil smile. .

The two of them started to take action without talking much.

Most of the time, in front of the palace's beautifully decorated mansion, a large team packed up and prepared to set off.

After they left, three or five servants rushed in with torches and lit the dry firewood prepared in the east, west, north and south corners of the mansion. Suddenly there was a loud rumbling and flames.

But it had nothing to do with them. Shopkeeper Wang led the people away.

"My God, why is there a fire at Shopkeeper Wang's house?"

"Go, go, that's not a fire. I heard the news. Shopkeeper Wang has a plan for a long time. Since he wants to leave Zu, it's better to defraud him of a lot of money. Then no one can get his hands on his house. He can't take it away anyway. It’s better to set it on fire.”

"So that's it, damn, this person is so vicious!"


Many people in the neighborhood suddenly discovered that there was a fire in Shopkeeper Wang's house. They immediately looked at each other and started talking.

After a while, what Shopkeeper Wang did made a big fuss and everyone knew about it.

The news spread quickly, and before long, everyone in the city was gnashing their teeth with hatred, especially those who had participated in the lottery, and they hated Shopkeeper Wang to the core.

It’s really annoying that I don’t want to leave this house to them even if it burns down. In that case, don’t lie to people before you leave. Burn it if you like. After all, this is your family property, but why should you lie? us?

For a moment, everyone was filled with anger and wanted to tear Shopkeeper Wang into pieces.

It was a coincidence that Su Changge was walking on the street and soon heard the news, with a complicated expression on his face.

I didn't expect that Shopkeeper Wang was such a good person. He was really decent. Such a person was worse than a pig or a dog. It would be his fault to be reincarnated as a pig in his next life.

"Hey, son, get out of the way!" Suddenly, a man from the front rushed over, holding a scimitar used for killing pigs. It was still stained with blood. At first glance, he could tell that he had just killed the pig.

"Why, Hu Butcher is trying to kill Shopkeeper Wang, but I advise you not to do this. You can't defeat so many of them by yourself. I have a better way." Su Changge said.

This man's name was Hu Er. He was an extremely upright man and had been killing pigs all his life.

Hu Er was stunned when he heard Su Changge's words, and then he quickly raised his hands and said, "I wonder what your plans are?"

"It's very simple..." Su Changge whispered to this person.

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